28 Best Tech Blogs You Must Follow in 2021

Today I want to share 29 of the most interesting, informative, and successful technology blogs with you. Blogging in the technology blog niche is not for the faint-hearted! You have to know your stuff. But I guess that goes for all types of blogs if you don’t have the interest levels, or the passion, for what you write about it makes the job a lot more challenging.

Today technology is taken for granted. Most people don’t give a thought to how deeply technology is ingrained in our daily lives. Sure, the folks in the countryside probably have an awareness that technology is a foreign entity pervading our lives. But for city dwellers, living with technology is the natural state of being. Being a tech geek is cool these days. And has been ever since the inception of Silicon Valley. Technology has made our lives so much easier.

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Some of the highest-earning best blogs are found in the technology blogging niche. And we’re talking some serious greenbacks here. Engadget, a tech blog founded by Pete Rojas, in 2005, and sold to AOL in 2010, rakes in over $5,500,000 per month! Per Month! They make most of their revenue from advertising.

What is a Technology Blog?

Tech blogs are an interesting blend of topics. Often they will include news, politics, and finance. Many tech blogs can be seen as the “male version” of a lifestyle blog. And although lifestyle blogs (both male and female) are known for covering things like fashion (see the best fashion blogs), grooming, travel (read more about best travel blogs), decor (see the best interior design blogs), and other lifestyle trends, they share the common denominator of being blogs that appeal to a broad range of people, from all walks of life.

Blogging about technology means you get to choose a niche within this niche and focus on a specific type of tech. Tech blogs are all about gadgets, accessories, electronics (consumer and otherwise), Nanotech, information technology, innovation, and breakthroughs in research and science.

You could write about tech and supercars, tech and security, tech and entertainment, tech and education, tech and agriculture. There is technology in the food industry, in the sports world (from personal health and fitness to professional sports), in the world of computing, and in the world of arts and culture, the list goes on. There is not one industry left that is untouched by technology in one form or the other.

Tech blogs also cover business opportunities, emerging trends, computer science, mobile technology, cloud computing, robotics, hacking, AI (artificial intelligence), and my favorite design. A common topic featured in tech blogs is CRM (customer relationship management). CRM focuses on automating online businesses. CRM is the development and utilization of data-driven integration and software solutions.

Tech blogs are also where science fiction turns into reality. Their appeal is just as much the curiosity of what is to come as it is on what has just arrived and is ready to be consumed by eager hands and minds.

Do Technology Blogs Have a Specific Target Audience?

I reckon the answer to this question is both yes and no. It is a niche that illustrates perfectly how a macro blogging niche (tech blogs in general), can have a wide target audience, made up of people from all over the world, of all genders, and all ages, but then it gets narrowed down to appeal to smaller niche audiences.

Micro tech blogging niches will be less general and perhaps focus on specific categories within the tech industry, like mobile phones and apps. And tech blogs that could be considered nano niches would possibly concentrate on a particular area, like drones, for instance.

I’ve tried to find tech blogs with these types of core differences to illustrate how vast this blogging niche is. Some are very commercial, like wired.com, and are aimed at consumers who will possibly be looking for products. Others, like TweakTown, are aimed at tech-heads and would not appeal to the general public. See 21 Best Personal Blogs for 2020.

And others are like newspapers, filled with the latest news in business, politics, tech, and gaming. The blogs don’t appear in any particular order. And just for good measure, I’ve added some random tech blogs that I came across from places like Tanzania, Nigeria, and Indonesia!

So let’s jump right in!

28 Tech Blogs (and why they rock!)

Founded by: Michael Arrington and Keith Tiere
Started in: 2005. Sold to AOL in 2010 for $25,000,000.

TechCrunch specializes in reporting on business technology, start-ups, Silicon Valley, and venture capital funding. TechCrunch Disrupt is a series of events organized by TechCrunch. This online publication covers everything tech, from gadgets, AI, algorithms, recording equipment both visual and audio, and newsworthy tech-orientated articles, like SpaceX’s new launch into space and the future of college towns in America. TechCrunch has a venture capital podcast called Equity that features the stories behind the money in Silicon Valley.

You may also like: Best Male Blogs to Follow.

2. Gizmodo – Tech Blog

Founded by: Gawker Media, edited by Pete Rojas and run by Nick Denton.
It started in: 2002. Now owned by a private equity firm, Great Hill Partners, and part of G/O Media. They also own many sites, including Lifehacker and The Onion.

Gizmodo focuses on science, technology, and design. They also have a science fiction section titled paleofuture.

Read more about: All The Best Design Blogs.

3. Engadget

Founded by: Peter Rojas (of Gizmodo)
Engadget started in 2004. Purchased by AOL in 2005.

Engadget is all about consumer electronics and, as the name implies, gadgets. It features articles on entertainment, gaming, gear, futuristic products in the pipeline, and reviews.

4. Wirecutter – Tech Blog

Founded by: Brian Lam
Started in: 2011. Purchased by New York Times Company in 2016 for $30,000,000. Between 2011 and 2016 it generated $150,000,000 in revenue.

Wirecutter (originally The Wirecutter) is a product review site featuring gear and gadgets across the spectrum from home and garden to sports and leisure. It also has a finance section that reviews the best credit cards and a travel section that reviews and sells travel gear and gadgets.

5. Microsiervos

Founded by: Three Amigos. Alvy, Nacho, and Wicho (The result of merging two existing blogs.)
It started in 2007.

This Spanish blog is thematic and focuses on science and technology, but it also covers a vast range of topics that are current and on-trend. Expect articles on art and design, technology, gadgets, ecology, economy, robots, computers, news, and more.

6. GigaOm – Technology Blogs

Founded by: Om Malik from San Francisco
Started in 2006. Originally it was Om’s personal blog but in 2006 he changed it to a business blog. It was acquired in 2015 by Knowingly Corp.

It covers analytics, DevOps, cloud infrastructure, emerging technologies, and start-ups, organizes tech conferences, holds webinars, and has a podcast. GigaOm does research and also includes AI, security, and reports on numerous news events in the technology industry.

7. Mashable – Tech Blog

Founded by: Pete Cashmore
Started in 2005

From Mashable’s own blurb: “ Mashable is a global, multi-platform, media and entertainment company, powered by its own proprietary technology. It is the go-to source for tech, digital culture, and entertainment content.”

8. Wired – Tech Blog

Founded by: Louis Rossetto, Jane Metcalfe, and Ian Charles Stewart.
Started in: Late 1992 and launched in early 1993. It has gone through many name changes and evolutions since. And is currently owned by Condé Nast.

The history of Wired.com is quite an interesting one. At one stage the companion site (HotWired) and Wired News were split. But in 2006 they joined and both the print and the digital editions are housed under one roof as wired.com.

Wired has won many awards and been a trailblazer in many ways. Both as an online magazine publication and as a technology news site with a lifestyle slant.

It was Wired that came up with the term “crowdsourcing.” (Bit of trivia for you.) And they gained some notoriety in their first year of publication when one of their articles resulted in the issue being banned in Singapore.

They cover business, gear, pure celebrity entertainment news, the latest in mobile technology, science, everything tech, security, and transportation, ideas, digital culture.

Wired.com has been paywalled since 2018 so users that don’t subscribe can only read 4 articles a month for free.

9. Arstechnica

Founded by: Ken Fisher and Jon Stokes
Arstechnica started in 1998. It was sold to Condé Nast Digital in 2008. It is now part of the Wired Digital Group.

Arstechnica means the Art of Technology. This “magazine” blog covers business, IT, science, policy, cars, gaming and culture. It covers stories in technology, science, and society and is known as a news and opinions site. They have an Ars Technica open forum which is home to some in-depth and technical discussions covering topics on all things computing. The forum also has a “lounge” where the discussions between peers veer off into politics, science, and religion. Certain sections of the forum are only open to subscribers.

10. Basic Thinking – Technology Blog

Basic Thinking is a quality tech, sports, and travel blog. It has 5 main topics, technology, business, health, social media, and travel. And the blog posts in each category are well-written and exciting.

Under the social media heading, you’ll find blog titles like:

  • Why Twitter Doesn’t Delete Trump’s Insults
  • Why WhatsApp is so unpopular in the USA
  • Pinterest: How to Make the Best of “Content Queen”

Or you might be interested in tech and travel. Here you’ll find articles like this:

  • Planetary Resources: This company wants to mine raw materials in Space
  • Stopover: 28 Hours in Doha
  • Hyperloop for dummies (and non-engineers)

Business news reads with titles like:

  • Online Dating: How the Tinder Algorithm Works
  • After 23 Years: Adobe retires its security risk Flash

Read more about: 36 Sports Blogs That Will Inspire and Motivate.

11. Smashing Magazine

Founded by: Vitaly Friedman and Sven Lannartz.
It started in 2006.

Smashing Magazine is a tech blog from Germany. Their target audience are web developers and designers. This tech blog covers topics from animation, e-commerce, coding, user experience, feature comparison tables, and responsive web design to design systems, pattern libraries, plugins, WordPress, workflow, and graphics. Here are 4 titles you’re likely to come across on the Smashing Magazine blog site:

  • How to Design a Brand Logo (with ease)
  • Or how to Create a Mobile App in Expo and Firebase (For iOS and Android)
  • How to Create a Particle Trail Animation in Javascript
  • Challenge Yourself More Often By Creating Artwork Every Day

Smashing Magazine also offers guides, tutorials, books, and events. They organize conferences and workshops online and at venues around the world. All with the focus on web designers and developers.

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12. TweakTown – Tech Blog

Founded in 1999. Tweaktown.com is an established and trusted tech and gaming site. And a good review site.

They cover news, conduct reviews, write articles, and offer guides. In addition they also focus a lot on gaming, gadgets and gizmos, hardware, and software. They have a forum, and like all forums, you need to register before you can post. Tweak Town also have an Ask the Expert section, where you leave your details and ask any technical questions you may have. It’s a good way to get people to give you their email addresses and grow traffic and subscribers.

Their review section is thorough. They have 20 categories on their review channel and have over 7000 products reviewed!

13. Labnol.org – Tech Blogs

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Founded by: Amit Agarwal in 2004. Amit’s claim to fame is as India’s first professional blogger! Amil left his job of 5 years (at ADP) and started Digital Inspirations. He is a Google Developer Expert on GSuite and Google Apps Script.

His technology blog has posts with titles like:

  • Essential tools for programmers
  • The 101 Most Useful Sites on the Internet
  • Simple URL Trick for Google Drive You Should Know

This is an excellent example of a niche blog as his core audience will be anyone interested in GSuite, App Script, and Google Cloud. It does not feature news or trends or gadgets.

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14. Venture Beat

Founded by Matt Marshall, in 2006.

Venture Beat is known for transformative tech news and is considered an authority on AI and machine learning. They also cover the gaming industry and keep users up to date with advancements in that field too.

Venture Beat gets 12 million monthly page views and 6 million monthly uniques.

15. Computerworld

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Computerworld is a UK based technology blog with the latest in innovation and technology. Like many other technology blogs, they also organize tech-oriented events. The blog includes analysis, careers, tutorials, white papers, and a list of resources available for download.

16. TechNewsWorld

TechNewsWorld is part of the ECT Network, a large e-commerce and tech news publication. They report on e-business and technology. TechNewsWorld blog focuses on computing, internet, IT, mobile tech, reviews, and security. Also, they focus on video/audio, emerging trends, gaming, photography, and home tech.

Read more about: 36 Photography Blogs to Inspire.

17. Lifehacker – Technology Blogs

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Lifehacker is owned by G/O Media, the same group that owns the Root, the Onion, the Inventory, Gizmodo, and Jalopnik, among others. Lifehacker covers everything from recipes to parenting tips to financial advice. They have a tech section titled Tech 911.

18. Ubergizmo

Founded by: Eliane Fiolet, a web designer and CEO of Ubergizmo, and Hubert Nguyen, a retired engineer, and editor of Ubergizmo. Nguyen also has an impressive resume in graphics, coding, and programming 3D graphics.

Phones, events, gaming, tutorials, gadgets, reviews, design/concepts, audio, web, photo/video. This popular tech blog covers it all. Distributed in 6 languages and read in over 200 countries.

19. HuffPost Tech – Technology Blog

Originally Huffington Post, and now HuffPost, HuffPost Tech is just one part of the internet’s most successful blog across all platforms. The HuffPost, founded by Arianna Huffington, revolutionized blogging and was a serious influence on monetizing blogs.

Huffpost - tech blogsHuffPost Tech

HuffPost Tech has many articles but often they are aimed at selling and reviewing items from affiliate links. Compared to other tech blogs it seems a bit watered down.

20. Tech blog – ZDNet

ZDNet aims to attract professionals wanting to research technology-driven issues and business-related technology solutions.
ZDNet has published well over 150,000 articles on topics like:

  • Robotics
  • CXO
  • IoT
  • Tech and Work
  • Hardware
  • E-commerce
  • Laptops
  • Security
  • Productivity
  • Innovation
  • AI

21. The Next Web – Tech Blogs

Founded in 2006, by Patrick and Boris.

When these guys couldn’t find a good tech event to showcase their start-up from, they organized their own conference. The Next Web was launched to promote the conference. Today, it’s not only a successful tech blog, but TNW expanded to include TNW News, TNW Deals, and TNW Conferences and Events. They also have a new tech hub called TQ and Index, a market intelligence platform.

22. Techspot

Techspot stands out because it has a black background, as opposed to white, the colors compliment the topic and the niche so as soon as you land you feel like you’ve found a tech blog that is going to offer something useful. It doesn’t disappoint.

It’s aimed at tech enthusiasts, power users, and gamers. The channels are named:

  • Features
  • Trending
  • The Best
  • Product Finder
  • Reviews
  • Downloads
  • Forums

23. The Verge – Tech Blog

Founded in 2011 in collaboration with Vox Media.

The Verge is another American news and technology website. It includes Casey Newton’s newsletter, The Interface, which you can get when you subscribe to the Verge. The Verge is a high-earning site, and just like its counterparts wired.com, mashable.com, gizmodo.com, and engadget.com, it rakes in the moolah from advertising and affiliate marketing.

It consists of the standard tech blog sections:

  • News
  • Features
  • Guides
  • Podcasts
  • Product Reviews

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It started in 2002 by DesignTechnica Corp. Digital Trends touts itself as one of the largest, premium, independent technology publishers. Award-winning multi-media brand. It reaches 100 million people monthly.

Its target audience is millennials, and the focus is on people, news, entertainment, innovation, and world-changing tech. Its suite of marketing services caters to some of the largest companies in the world, bringing brands to consumers through content.

They market themselves as having these values:

  • Authentic
  • Driven
  • Passionate
  • Connected
  • Approachable
  • Fun

25. Tech Tricks World (TTW)

This is a very cool tech blog from India. Started in 2010, by Atish Ranjan and Zainil Dedhia, on blogspot.com, by 2011 they had moved to self-hosting with WordPress. They are famous for their Software Giveaways. And software reviews.

They want to help people across India and the world to learn about:

  • SEO
  • Blogging
  • Social Media
  • Making money online
  • Gadgets
  • Software and apps

Their blog has around 44 How-to articles. And a Tips & Tricks section.

26. Budiputra.com – Technology Blog

Founded in 2007 by Indonesian blogger, Budi Putra. Excellent articles, his blog covers technology, the creative industry, media, and digital life.

He is a legit authority on all things tech. BudiPutra is a blog that, once you read a couple of articles, you share it. It has a good mix of informative tech-orientated posts, as well as advice, hacks, and reliable product reviews.

27. Towards No.1 – Tech Blogs

Towardsno1.dk is a Danish tech blog, powered by Digital Hub Denmark, a public-private initiative. The editor is Rasmus Lindersgaard. This is a tech blog that stands out from the slew of American tech blogs that are very geared towards selling as much as possible. They are driven by technology, innovation, and growth.

There is a crisp, clean feel to the design and layout. Towards No.1 focuses on:

  • Agri/Food Tech
  • Govtech
  • Healthtech
  • AI
  • Createch
  • Fintech
  • New Business Models
  • Robotics
  • Strategy and Leadership
  • Women in Tech
  • Digital Frontrunners

28. Low Key Tech

This small blog was started by a vibrant, young Nigerian man, Larious. He is passionate about tech and his posts cover reviews, How-To posts, and How to Make Money Online. He sells mobile phones, new and used.

It’s a Wrap

This brings us to the end of my tech blog review. I hope you have found some great ideas.

The world of tech is an exciting, innovative playground for everyone, tech geek or not!

Or maybe you want to start a podcast? If so, see where to start.