24 Best Travel Websites Ideas – Web Design Inspirations

About our Travel Web Design Inspirations

You might be looking at our modern and elegant travel website designs for a variety of reasons. You might be looking to highlight your passion for travel and all the magical locations you’ve visited around the world. You might want to promote certain locations as an affiliate. You might even have a bed & breakfast or hotel that you want to attract visitors to without relying on third party websites to raise awareness of your offer.

While most travel websites rely on visuals to make it obvious the type of website they are, beyond attractive imagery you will usually also need to provide some information about your photos. Promoting trips to Australia with amazing photos is all well and good, but without written recommendations your website readers might struggle to take value away from your site.

Choose one of our unique travel website designs to ensure your website has everything it needs.

Why choose a ready-built travel website design?

When you choose a ready-built website design, you can take advantage of using a website specifically set up to be successful in the travel space; and one that follows the latest trends. Sure, you can make your own adjustments and ensure the website design you choose 100% reflects your blog voice or brand, but you’ll have the foundations to create a highly engaging, high converting website.

Bottom line, it’s going to be easier and cheaper to highlight your travel blog or sell travel packages on a website designed for that specific purpose, rather that opting for a general design or paying for expensive design projects to try and come up with something else.

Whatever the specific objectives of your travel website, choosing an existing design will make it easier for you to get your site up and running and start attracting visitors and potential customers.

Do I really need to use a travel website design?

You don’t necessarily need to use a travel website design. You can potentially take any type of website design and adapt it to fit the travel niche and your specific needs. However, you might then encounter design issues and barriers that prevent you from presenting your travel blog or adding photos of a specific destination in the way you want. All these things will have been considered when creating an existing travel website design, so why make things harder for yourself when you can take advantage of a design that’s ready to go?

What can I do with my travel website design?

Anything you want, which is the exciting part of choosing a prime travel website design! We recommend you take the time to check out existing websites that do specifically what you need your website to do. For example, taking a design for a brilliant looking blog and trying to convert it into an online brochure and booking system for a hotel probably isn’t going to work. Nor does a travel blog that relies heavily on photography need a design that caters for making online bookings!

What you do with your website design is up to you, but make sure you’re choosing a design that fits your objectives!