20 top UK based technology blogs | Workspace ®

No matter what type of enterprise you are building or what industry you’re based in, if it has not already, technology is likely to affect your business at some point or another. However, as it continues to advance at a staggering rate keeping your finger on the pulse of the technology world is proving to be ever more difficult. We’ve selected 20 of the best UK technology blogs to help you stay one step ahead.

The ‘guardian.co.uk’ technology blog

The Guardian’s blog is filled with in-depth analysis covering the very latest developments taking place in the world of technology and is regularly updated by the Guardian’s team of technology correspondents.


Zath is updated by Simon Baker who is currently completing a PhD in electrical and electronic engineering. Its primary aim is to review the latest technology products, software applications, websites and hi-tech gadgets as well as providing ‘how to’ guides.

V3 – the frontline blog

Like Computing V3, another member of the Incisive Media publishing family has been designed to provide 24/7 technology news and analysis. Consequently, this makes its ‘frontline’ blog an incredibly useful resource for technology professionals as it offers in-depth analysis across a range of technology related topics. 

ZD Net

ZD Net is a blog specifically targeted at IT professionals and brings together news, analysis and reviews from across the industry. It is a user friendly blog which contains a number of links to the individual blogs of members of its editorial team. 

Econsultancy.com UK blog

Econsultancy is an online community for digital marketing and ecommerce professionals to discuss strategy and share ideas. The Econsultancy blog is updated throughout the working day with news and commentary from the world of digital marketing.

The ‘telegraph.co.uk’ blog

The Telegraph’s blog largely contains posts from guest writers in the form of industry experts. Posts are published along with a short summary meaning that users can glance over the blog feed and be provided with a snapshot of the latest industry news, or click on the posts to access more in-depth analysis. 

The Financial Times Tech Hub

The Financial Times’ ‘Tech Hub’ blog covers the latest finanace-orientated technological developments and news and serves as a great resource for keeping informed about how technology is affecting the financial world more generally.

Fasthosts blog

The Fasthosts blog focuses on providing information and advice to industry professionals covering everything from cloud computing to digital marketing. The site is visually attractive with images accompanying, detailed posts from guest writers and contains plenty of links to news stories displayed on other blogs.

David Rowan’s blog – wired.co.uk

David Rowan is the editor of Wired magazine. His blog offers well-presented content that discusses some of the industry’s most topical issues.  


Tubblog is maintained by Richard Tubb, the Microsoft Small Business Specialist Partner Area Lead for FY12 and independent business consultant. His blog offers opinion, news and information for IT companies.

Computerworld UK

Computerworld UK describs itself as ‘‘the voice of IT management’;’ its blog is clearly laid out with posts grouped by different sections including open source, public sector, security, applications, Windows and Apple. It is updated by Computerworld’s own editorial team as well as guest writers.  

Real Point Blog

Real Point Blog is a space to share tips as well as industry news and opinion from sectors including technology and IT, digital marketing as well as business more generally. There is a vast amount of information contained within the blog, fortunately the search function makes it easy to find posts on a particular subject.


Crave is the gadget blog from CNET UK and provides all the latest gadget news and advice as well as product reviews and ‘how to guides’. It is a useful resource for any business wanting to find out more about the latest gadgets in the market.

Sage Blog

Sage develops software for the UK market that helps businesses to better manage their finances, staff, customers and suppliers. The Sage blog provides advice from experts within the company regarding how technology can help to refine existing business processes and drive efficiencies.

Which? Tech Daily

The Which? technology blog aims to put the hype that surrounds the launch of new technology products into perspective by carrying out objective and thorough product reviews. It is a particularly useful blog to visit if you are considering in investing in new technology for your business.

Mighty Gadget

The Mighty Gadget blog contains posts regarding the latest technology news and reviews relating specifically to the UK. Posts are separated by sections, making the blog easy to navigate.