20 Free Business Introduction Letters (Word, PDF) – Best Collections

A business introduction letter is the best tool to expand business in its initial stage. It is used to create a business arrangement with other businesses. It can be a formal letter or you can inject some informal or friendly tones.

Basic things to consider for writing a business introduction letter:

Below are some basic considerations to keep in mind for writing a business introduction letter;

Basics of business introduction letter:

You should write the letter in a formal tone. It must follow business letter protocols. Don’t use pushy language or technical jargon. You should maintain a professional tone. It is recommended to use off-white or white-colored high-quality paper. Avoid using too many colors and graphics.

Moreover, you must use the company letterhead or logo and never use any graphics that may distract the reader’s attention. A handwritten signature at the end of the letter for an additional personal touch is highly recommended.

Think about your audience:

During writing a letter to new and prospective client, you have to make a professional relationship with them and you have to target their interests, needs, and desires. Check an audience profile and explain the types of persons who will most likely buy your products or services.

Catch the attention of the reader:

Keep in mind that you are not alone in writing such letters. Every day, prospects receive many marketing messages. You have to write an eye-catching letter that grabs the attention of your prospect and tickle their interest.

Describe what you can do or provide:

Most of the readers go through your company introduction letters to see how they might benefit the company. It is essential that you write convincing letters about your merchandise or services. This way, the people who read your letter can become your customers.

Extend an invitation to your readers:

At the closing of the letter, you can include an invitation to your reader. This allows them to learn more about your business. By coming into your shop or by visiting your business website, they can do this. You can also offer them to try your products free of cost.

Furthermore, some businesses can also offer discounts or some special deal when they come visiting at specified dates. You should also check Business Case Templates & Examples.

Elements of a business introduction letter:

You should include the following important elements in your letter;


At first, write a sentence that make a lasting impact on the reader. It encourages your readers to learn more information about your product. A question will usually get the reader’s attention that should be on the writer’s favor. The line should include the solution a problem or a need that the reader will feel determined. The opening line should be straightforward; limited to one or two sentences but should not provide answers. The letter should be about the purpose and not about you.


After grabbing your reader’s attention by explaining there is a problem, it’s time to provide concrete solutions. According to the reader’s predicament, make the solution as specific as possible. Keep this part short. You just have to provide enough information on how to solve the issue but there is no need to go into details yet. Here, the main purpose of the letter is to make sales response where you can give a presentation with more details.

Call to action:

Next, there should be a call to action statement. Let the reader know that you want to speak to him further. State that you would be calling his aide to schedule a meeting. Include your website address or your telephone number so that the client contacts you in case he wants to ask for more information.

It is not a good idea to leave the decision to the client for a meeting. In addition, never include a phrase such as “contact me if interested.” By reading this, they may not respond at all. Make it clear so that the recipient should ask for more information.


Finish each letter with a postscript is highly recommended. Before going through the rest of the letter, a lot of readers are even inclined to read this. Instead of using throwaway lines use a piece of information that would leave a good impression.

How to write your business introduction letter?

Follow the below tips to write an effective business introduction letter;

  • You should include the several special features of your business. This may attract the attention of the reader.
  • With an aim to increase your business, you should address your letter to potential clients or companies.
  • Search online formal business introduction letter formats if you are composing the letter first time. This will remove any doubts in writing a well-crafted one. This would make the task of writing the letter easier for you.
  • Don’t be too rigid while writing the letter. But, you have to remain slightly informal. Don’t keep the tone of your letter too short or concise. It is always suggested to make the reader feel good and comfortable about the business. Make the sound of your letter like a friendly one and include both the formal and informal tones.
  • You should mention your details as clear as possible. The reader wouldn’t ask you up at a later time just to clarify such details.
  • Your letter should include a gist of whatever deal you’re thinking of to start the ball rolling. Don’t leave the reader guessing what exactly you are going to do.


In conclusion, a well-written business introduction letter should include the basic details of your business whether it deals with products or services. Before writing the letter, you should decide how or in what order you will present the information. Bear in mind that the letter is about your client’s interest and not yours. Also, familiarize yourself with the desires and needs of your audience.

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