17 Examples of Electronic Business

Electronic business is business activity over the internet. The following are illustrative examples.

is business activity over the internet. The following are illustrative examples.

Allowing employees to work from home and other remote locations by connecting to shared resources over the internet.

Allowing employees to work from home and other remote locations by connecting to shared resources over the internet.

Customer Service


Providing customer service through digital channels such as messaging or video chat.


Selling things through digital locations.

Selling things through digital locations.

The end-to-end marketing process including product development, promotion, pricing, distribution and customer service can be conducted with digital tools such as communication platforms.

The end-to-end marketing process including product development, promotion, pricing, distribution and customer service can be conducted with digital tools such as communication platforms.

Digital Advertising

Reaching customers with a message in digital environments for a fee.

Reaching customers with a message in digital environments for a fee.

Digital Products

Producing and selling products that have no tangible form. For example, a downloadable video game.

Producing and selling products that have no tangible form. For example, a downloadable video game.

Digital Services

Services that are provided electronically such as an brokerage account that allows customers to buy and sell investments.

Services that are provided electronically such as an brokerage account that allows customers to buy and sell investments.

Digital Markets

Electronic markets such as a stock market.

Electronic markets such as a stock market.

Electronic Billing

Sending electronic invoices and bills to customers over networks.

Sending electronic invoices and bills to customers over networks.

Electronic Payments

Paying employees, vendors, suppliers, partners and others with electronic payments.

Paying employees, vendors, suppliers, partners and others with electronic payments.

Competitive Intelligence

Developing knowledge of competitors and competitive situations. For example, a service that publishes lists of customers that are currently in the market for IT infrastructure including estimates of their budget and requirements.

Developing knowledge of competitors and competitive situations. For example, a service that publishes lists of customers that are currently in the market for IT infrastructure including estimates of their budget and requirements.

Market Research

Connecting with customers to understand their needs, perceptions and preferences using digital tools such as an online survey or interview over video chat.

Connecting with customers to understand their needs, perceptions and preferences using digital tools such as an online survey or interview over video chat.

Electronic Procurement

Procuring goods and managing suppliers with digital tools.

Procuring goods and managing suppliers with digital tools.

Obtaining data and events from external systems. For example, a train company that integrates with an earthquake early warning system so that they can shutdown infrastructure automatically in the event of an earthquake.

Obtaining data and events from external systems. For example, a train company that integrates with an earthquake early warning system so that they can shutdown infrastructure automatically in the event of an earthquake.

Using business software that is operated and managed by vendors on cloud infrastructure. This can be contrasted with the older model of installing business software on your own machines and maintaining your own data centers.

Using business software that is operated and managed by vendors on cloud infrastructure. This can be contrasted with the older model of installing business software on your own machines and maintaining your own data centers.


Building your own systems, applications, products and services on computing and software platforms managed by vendors.

Building your own systems, applications, products and services on computing and software platforms managed by vendors.

Business Process Outsourcing

Outsourcing entire business processes such as customer service or manufacturing. This typically involves integrating with these services over the internet.

Outsourcing entire business processes such as customer service or manufacturing. This typically involves integrating with these services over the internet.