15 Best Practices For Your New Company Blog

By now, most brands know that content marketing is an essential part of a company’s overall strategy. A company blog presents a huge opportunity to establish your industry expertise and extend your audience reach through social sharing. You might even see some ROI on your blog posts if you do it right.

While it can seem daunting to maintain a content calendar and a regular publishing schedule on top of your regular day-to-day activities, you’ll be able to do it with ease once you have the proper strategies in place. If you’re about to launch a company blog, follow these 15 best practices recommended by members of the Forbes Agency Council.

Images courtesy of FAC members.

1. Focus On Quality Over Quantity 

For the longest time, we would tell people to blog as much as they can — two, three, four times per week. But there is no evidence that producing more frequent articles that are less in-depth translates to more traffic, and ultimately more sales. Instead, focus on producing the very best in-depth articles that are better than anything else out on the internet in that vertical. – Chris Dreyer, Rankings.io

2. Define Your ROI Measurements 

When launching a new blog, it’s critical to define how you will measure success and ROI, or you risk investing a mountain of time without the right business returns. What is your new blog intended to achieve? Greater organic search traffic? Social shares? Audience feedback? Inbound links? New opt-ins? New leads? New revenue? Then, look to continually optimize based on these metrics over time. – Tom Shapiro, Stratabeat

3. Organize Your Content Calendar 

Managing a blog is a full-time job. Content must be meaningful for the reader to keep coming back. One of the biggest mistakes companies make is not creating an organized content calendar and sticking to it. Post at least three times a week and weave in real-time topics or current events to make content fresh. – Ashley Walters, Empower MediaMarketing

4. Write Purposefully And Naturally 

Most brands strive to write with targeted keywords and often delay because it’s not perfect. Our advice is to write naturally, with frequency. Contextual keywords will flow as a part of that process. The key to blogging is to write consistently because the goal is to increase (with Google) the total volume of contextual information for which your brand is known. So keep writing. – Michael Stratta, Arcalea

5. Think Beyond A Written Blog 

Start by thinking of what you have to say and then all the ways you can say it. Today, social platforms from Facebook to LinkedIn are prioritizing video. Can you share your thoughts in a short, compelling video? If so, it will be easy to write a blog post based on what you’ve said. You can embed the video on the blog and share it natively to social, plus put it on YouTube for maximum SEO benefit. – Jim Tobin, Carusele

6. Stay Consistent With A Posting Frequency That Works For You 

To make your blog successful, consistency is king. Choose a frequency that you know you can deliver on and stick with it. Blogs fail when the author writes a few blogs, doesn’t stick with the frequency and closes it down. If your goal is to have a successful blog that highlights your thought leadership, consistency will help you build a reader base. – Mario Carrasco, ThinkNow

7. Establish Expertise, Not Self-Promotion 

Think beyond self-promotion. The purpose of a blog is to add value for customers, not to hard sell. Think of yourself as a subject matter expert and use the space to establish expertise in your industry. We use our blog to showcase clients, provide insight into industry trends, report on new technology and occasionally illustrate new and innovative ways people use our products. – Jessica Gonzalez, InCharged

8. Choose A Few Key Categories To Write About 

One of the most overlooked but helpful tips I can offer for launching a new blog is to plan out the categories you’re going to use. I recommend starting with no more than five so that you can effectively manage and optimize each one of those individually. Not only will this step help with SEO, but it will also force you to think about and plan the content you’re going to be publishing. – Vinny La Barbera, imFORZA

9. Look At The Volume, Quality, Value And Cost Of Each Post 

Use volume, quality, value and cost as your primary KPIs to understand the unique visitors you are receiving. Assess whether they are converting, understand what they are worth (cost per lead, cost per visit) and measure the ROI in your campaigns. Never hesitate to start, and always look to improve. – Martha Madero Gonzalez, GROU Crecimiento Digital

10. Go In-Depth 

Long-form blog posts have greater value compared to several shorter posts. After you identify the primary topics your business wants to be known for, you should outline a long-form blog post (likely greater than 2,000 words) that comprehensively covers the topic. You’ll get more incoming links and social shares and climb the search rankings faster. – Todd Earwood, MoneyPath Marketing

11. Promote What You Write Outside Of The Blog Itself 

As a company that started with just a blog for family and friends, and morphed into a social media entertainment destination, I can affirmatively state that it could not have grown to be as successful as it is without some level of promotion. You’ve got to get people to know it’s there, whether through your social media channels or creating a subscriber-based newsletter. – Daniel Lazarz, Life of Dad Agency / Life of Dad, LLC

12. Consider A Copy Editor 

Yes, blog posts typically consist of one person’s thoughts. But if writing isn’t your strength, run your words by a skilled copy editor before publishing. The blog is an extension of your brand, and you don’t want potential customers disregarding your product or service because of what muddy content and careless mistakes can say about your company’s focus and attention to detail. – Scott Greggory, MadAveGroup

13. Update Your Top-Performing Content 

Once you’ve launched your blog, the job’s not over. Continually update and fluff up the content for your top-performing blogs. Someone may visit your oldest blog post and see that it’s completely outdated which is never good. If it’s a good blog, whether its old or new, you want to ensure that it’s generating traffic and not going to waste. This is a vital SEO tactic that businesses can’t ignore. – Solomon Thimothy, OneIMS

14. Time It Well 

Your followers are more likely to engage with your blog if it’s fresh and relevant. Understanding your customers doesn’t only help you create valuable content. It also means that you understand and schedule your posts around the events that matter to them, during the days of the week that they are more likely to engage, and during the times of the day that they’re free. – Ahmad Kareh, Twistlab Marketing

15. Write About What Matters To Ideal Clients 

Most blogs, especially in professional services, focus on what matters to the firm, not to clients. We try to produce timeless content on behalf of our clients — content that has a long shelf-life and that pulls ideal prospects along the journey. Our clients who speak to the top goals, opportunities and challenges of their ideal clients are seen as trusted, insightful and caring. – Randy Shattuck, The Shattuck Group