15 Minutes With Dr Harold Lancer – Mankind

Dr Harold Lancer is a renowned Beverly Hills dermatologist, so it’s understandable that having a high-quality skincare range was at the forefront of his mind. Many big celebrities rely on Dr Lancer to help maintain their radiant complexions and to reverse any signs of ageing.

After he launched the Lancer Clinic on Rodeo Drive, he launched Lancer Skincare to make his treatments easily accessible. With the introduction of The Lancer Method, great skin hasn’t been easier to achieve. It’s a straightforward process to ensure great skin, involving polishing, cleansing and nourishing.

Dr Lancer knows skin, and has spent years researching and developing unique formulas and products to ensure that your skin stays hydrated, replenished and younger looking. This is why we called on him, to answer a couple of questions to help push our skincare routines further.


Tell us more about Lancer Skincare. How it all began and what it stands for as a brand.


I have devoted the last 30 years to helping my patients make the most of their looks by dramatically improving their skin. I am a physician and surgeon with special training and certification in dermatology. Since beginning my solo practice in 1983, I have treated all of my patients from beginning to end.  Daily, I care for a roster of thirty thousand patients from around the world, an eclectic mix of all ethnicities from all walks of life. Lancer Dermatology offers the most up-to-date medical, surgical, alternative, and cosmetics care at my Beverly Hills office.

My philosophy of skin care is neither theoretical nor lab-based. Rather, direct experience in daily patient care for the past three decades has allowed me phenomenal opportunities for observation and creative solutions. I have been dedicated to developing effective treatments for the many skin conditions that keep people from feeling and look their best, and that includes the effects of aging. Twenty years ago, I had an epiphany that become the vision for how I practice dermatology today – my focus is on restoration, not alteration.


Describe Lancer in 3 words.


Creating “believable beauty”. This implies seamless appeal without being able to understand from a viewers’ perspective, how that person looks as good as they do.

I believe that cosmetic and aesthetic maintenance is important – but that there can be too much of a good thing. Any procedure, whether invasive or not, should be approached with caution. As we age, we want to look like our best selves, not an unnatural version of ourselves. This emphasis on natural beauty is why I have put so much time and effort in to developing my products. Topical skin care should always be your first line of defence; not surgery, not injections but high quality self-care.


What’s your personal background and how did it help to build the brand identity as it stands today?


I had an interest in skin in general because I had a terrible burn when I was 7 years old. My family physician was slowly healing the burn and I was fascinated with the way he was getting my skin to heal itself. Watching my own skin recover from injury helped me develop an incredible sense of what makes skin interesting and amazing, and inspired me to specialise in repair and healing. So I developed an interest in dermatology from a very young age.


What skincare routine do you follow on a daily basis?


I use my Lancer Method, which is a three part system that harnesses essential dermatological science coupled with my own experience working with patients at my private practice that provides an effective skin care regimen. The set includes the Polish, the Cleanse, and the Nourish.

Some days I use Advanced C Radiance Treatment, alternating with Retexturizing Treatment Cream – they contains some of my favourite therapeutic ingredients – Vitamin A, C, and E and Glycolic Acid.

I developed my own eye cream formula, Eye Contour Lifting Cream, to be the answer to the perfect eye cream for all ages and concerns so I use this everyday as well.

Finally, SPF. I always recommend my patients wear an SPF of at least 30 as it provides enough sun protection for basic daily tasks like driving to and from work etc.  If you’re going to be on the beach or doing an outdoor activity, I recommend finding shade whenever possible, investing in a good hat, and making sure to re-apply SPF often.