13 Main Difference between Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Electrical and Electronics Engineering feature image

Have you ever confused between electrical and electronics engineering?

What exactly is the difference between Electrical and Electronics engineering?

After my schooling, when it was time to take the engineering admission, I asked the same question to myself.

Now, I have completed my master’s graduation in electrical engineering. I think I’m very much eligible to answer your query.

I will explain electrical and electronic circuits, devices, and their functionalities.

Let’s see the detail description, differences, and similarities in electrical and electronics.

Difference between Electrical and Electronics

Let’s study electrical and electronics by comparing with one with another.


Electrical technology deals with the generation, distribution, storage, and conversion of electrical energy/power, etc.
Electronic technology deals with designing, amplifying,  and switching electrical energy with the help of different electronics equipment.

Fundamental Role
In the electrical circuit, electrical energy consists of the flow of electron.
In the electronic circuit, the energy consists of the flow of electron and hole.

Device Principle (Voltage




The electrical devices produce the voltage and current.
Electronic devices control the voltage and current.

Current Function(AC & DC)
It works on Alternating Current (AC). The AC power may be a single-phase or three phases (220V/440V) in the ‘V’ to ‘kV’ range.
Only the Direct Current (DC) work on it. The range of the voltage is ‘mV’ to ‘V’. The general rating of the voltage is 5V,12V,24V, etc.

Conducting Material
In the electrical environment, the conductor is used.
Copper (Cu) and Aluminum(Al) are the best conductors.
Only the semiconductor is used in the electronic circuit.
Example: Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), etc.

Specification of Component
It consists of passive components.
Example: Resistor, capacitor, and inductor.
It consists of active components.
Diode, transistor, oscillator are the best example of active components.

They cannot manipulate data.
It manipulates the data to assign.

Electrical Power
In the electrical circuit, the role is to monitor or control the high electrical power.
An electronic circuit monitors or controls low power.

Decision-Making Device
This electrical device cannot make a decision.
Example: The electrical bulb cannot make a decision.
This device easily can make a decision.
The best example of an electronic device is Mobile. It can get a quick decision.

Energy Conversation
Electrical energy converts into other forms of energy i.e heat, motion, or light.
It does not convert into other forms.

Electrical devices occupy a large size and required more space.
Electronic devices occurred in small sizes. You can easily transport the electronic circuit/pieces of equipment.

Transformer, Alternator Motor and Generator, Fuse, Circuit breaker and etc. are the example of electrical devices.
Diode, Transistor, Thyristor, Microcontroller, etc. are the example of electronic devices.

13. Electrical and Electronic System

Electrical System:

In the electrical system network, electrical power is transmitting from generation to distribution system with their different types of equipment.

You can see the following network of an electrical system.

Electrical System

Electrical System

Electronic System:

In this below picture, we are looking at the different kinds of electronic equipment.

Electronic Circuit system

Electronic System

I hope the difference between electrical and electronic is clear with those 13 points. I have explained the different kinds of functions, aspects, working role, device energy/power role, etc in detail.

What is the Difference Between Electrical and Electronics devices?

The most dominant difference between both is, electrical devices convert electrical energy into another form of energy like heat, light, sound, etc.

An electronic device performs control/switching operation of electrical energy for the particular task.

Similarity between Electrical and Electronics Circuits

  1. Technically, the electrical and electronic devices both require a flow of electrons for the circuit operation.
  2. In both, electrical and electronic circuits, the transformer is used for transmitting the voltage.

What’s Next?

Read more differences for a deeper understanding.

This is all about the difference between electrical and electronics engineering.

If you are looking for admission in electrical or electronics engineering, or if you are looking for a job, understand the difference between the two engineering fields. Find out what holds your interest more and choose wisely.

If you have any points to discuss or queries to ask, you can share in the comment.

Thanks for Reading!

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Dipali Chaudhari

I have completed master in Electrical Power System. I work and write technical tutorials on the PLC, MATLAB programming, and Electrical on DipsLab.com portal.

Sharing my knowledge on this blog makes me happy.  And sometimes I delve in Python programming.