13 Main Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Networks

There are several advantages and disadvantages of computer networks. Before we have a look at them, let us remind ourselves what a computer network is. A network is an interconnection of computers that use a set of similar communication protocols so that they can share provided resources. A network provides its users with unique capabilities beyond what an individual computer and its software applications can give.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer NetworksThe Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer NetworksThe Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer NetworksA Computer Network

Most of the advantages and disadvantages of computer networks can be divided into two generic categories. These are connectivity and sharing. Networks interconnect computers and their users together. They also allow for smooth sharing of information and resources available within the network.

These are some of the specific advantages generally associated with computer networks.

  • Entrepreneurs Can Make Money: There are numerous ways people are making money online. Such methods include blogging, online surveys, paid for searching the web, online market trading, YouTube videos, selling products, review websites and apps for cash among others. All these methods rely on computer networks to give opportunities to those using them.
  • For Learning Purpose: Computer networks have made it possible for people to learn online. There are many online courses available for anyone who wishes to learn. You can nowadays complete a course online and get certified without entering a classroom.
  • Connectivity and Communication: Networks connect computers and their users. People within a building can be connected into Local Area Networks (LANs). LANs in distant locations are connected into larger wide area networks (WANs). Once connected, the network users can communicate with each other using various technologies such as electronic mail, chatting, among others. This makes transmission of data easier, more efficient and less expensive than it would be without the network.

A shared network printerA shared network printerA shared network printerA network printer

  • Data Sharing: Networks allow sharing of data easily and fast. This helps in saving money, time and effort that would have been used if there were no networks. Some applications give many people the ability to access and share the same data, such as databases, group software development, and much more. Intranets and extranets can be used to distribute corporate information between sites and to business partners.
  • Hardware Sharing: Networks facilitate the sharing of hardware devices. For instance, a department with ten or more employees can have one shared printer available. This is as opposed to giving each of them a printer. Other devices that can be shared in a network include DVD Drives, scanners, hard disk drives, faxes, photocopiers among others.
  • Electronic Mail: A network provides a powerful communication tool known as email. Electronic mails enable people to communicate across the internal network and into the entire world through the internet.

Advantages of Computer Networks Continued

  • Internet Access: The Internet is itself an enormous network, and whenever you access the Internet, you are using a network. With internet access, you can be able to achieve a lot. For instance, the internet is widely used for research work, learning purposes, entertainment, communication, doing businesses among others.
  • Internet Access Sharing: A computer network allows multiple users to share a single Internet connection. Thus an organization will purchase one high-speed connection instead of many slower ones. This reduces the cost that could have been incurred.
  • Data Security and Management: In a business environment, a network makes it possible for administrators to manage the company’s critical data. This is by centralizing the data on shared servers and making sure it is secured. This is by implementing security measures to control persons who can access or change various pieces of critical information. The users will be able to access the data whenever needed. The system administrators will be able to ensure that the data is regularly backed up.

A hackerA hackerA hackerCritical data must be protected from unauthorized access

  • Remote Login: Remote login makes use of simple desktop sharing software to give the user a “remote control” for accessing ones computer and all of its software and hard drive files. One can access it from any Internet-connected device anywhere in the world. Remote login only works when the host computer is powered on, connected to the Internet and running the desktop sharing software. Some versions of Windows come with built-in remote desktop software. However, there are plenty of third-party tools available.
  • Performance Enhancement and Balancing: This is a situation where the overall performance of some applications is enhanced. This can be done by distributing the computation tasks to various computers within the network.
  • Entertainment: There are many ways you can entertain yourself within a network. For instance, one of the ways is through games.
  • Reliability: A network environment can be set up to be reliable. This can be done by implementing UPS and fault-tolerant RAID systems. These will help overcome power failure and disk errors problems.


Fault-Tolerant: – This describes a computer system that is designed in such a way that in the event a component fails, a backup component or procedure can immediately take its place with no loss of service.

RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks) is a way of storing the same data in different places (but redundantly) on multiple hard disks.

UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply – is an electrical device that provides emergency power to load (device consuming power) when the mains power fails. It provides immediate protection from power loss by supplying energy stored in batteries.

Connecting network components into a fault-tolerant configuration make sure that one hardware failure will not affect the entire network. Fault-tolerant networks are created by providing redundant data paths, redundant hubs, and other such features.

Uninterruptible Power SupplyUninterruptible Power SupplyUninterruptible Power SupplyUninterruptible Power Supply

The Disadvantages of Computer Networks

In the beginning, I promised to have a look at the advantages and disadvantages of computer networks. As we have seen, there are a lot of benefits of computer networks.  Let us have a look at some of the disadvantages.

  1. Expensive to Setup: – It quite true that setting up a network will require a lot of money. This is because of the network hardware, software and setup costs involved. Setting up the network requires quite an investment in hardware and software, as well as funds for planning, designing and implementing the network.
  2. Hardware and Software Management and Administration Costs: Once the network is set up, it requires regular maintenance and management. Thus qualified IT professionals and system administrators must be hired.
  3. They Create More Presence of Computer Viruses and Malware: Computer viruses and malware spread very fast within an insecure network. They can cause a lot of havoc especially when the integrity of data is threatened. An extra cost is incurred to secure the network.
  4. Illegal or Undesirable Behavior: A lot of undesirable activities take place within a computer network. Such activities are downloading illegal materials, software piracy, hacking networks, among others. These issues are controlled through more management costs.
  5. Data Security Concerns: A poorly-secured network puts critical data at high risk and exposes it to the potential problems associated with hackers, unauthorized access and even sabotage. This is a major challenge in the modern world where evil people thrive in abundance.
  6. Breakdowns: It is common knowledge that if a shared server goes down, all people connected to it will not be able to access the shared resources. Extra costs have to be incurred to ensure that such breakdowns are avoided.


I hope you have enjoyed learning about the advantages and disadvantages of computer networks. Note that these are just a few as they are many others.

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