125 Top Product Review Blogs (By Category) – Tekli – Digital Marketing


Top Review Blogs - Technology Blogs

These top technology blogs are perfect for finding your next gadget. Tech blogs have some of the largest reader bases due to the technical nature of the products they review.

Here is our selection of the top 25:


Top Review Blogs - Cosmetics Blogs

Cosmetics blogs pertain to makeup and skincare products. Their readership is dominated by women between the ages of 14-29 looking for health and beauty tips.

Here is our selection of the top 25:

Parenting Related

Top Review Blogs - Parenting Blogs

Parenting blogs cater to both the new mom and the deeply involved parent. The most active viewers come here seeking the type community effective bloggers do well to cultivate.

Here is our selection of the top 25:


Top Review Blogs - Fitness Blogs

From dieting, to exercise routines, to lifestyle fitness blogs provide a community to the active individual.

Here is our selection of the top 25:

Crafts and DIY

Top Review Blogs - DIY Blogs

Crafty blogs tend to be highly visual and include step-by-step tutorials as primary content delivery method. Most focus on crafts that are used in the home. With that said, if your product relates to home décor or the crafty processes it should play well with these blogs.

Here is our selection of the top 25:

Interested in starting a blog for your own site? Check out our blog posts on the basics of content marketing and content marketing to the buyer’s journey.

To contact me directly you can reach me at [email protected].