12 Awesome Advantages of Learning a Foreign Language | FluentU Language Learning

12 Awesome Advantages of Learning a Foreign Language

In today’s hyper-connected, fast-paced world, it’s clear there are many reasons to learn another language.

Perhaps you’re one of the lucky ones who grew up speaking two languages as a native bilingual. If so, you have some unique advantages compared to the rest of us.

However, if you’re looking to become bilingual, you’ve got good things going for you too.

Below are just a few of the many positive side effects of becoming bilingual (or multilingual!).


Benefits of Learning a Second Language

1. You meet lots of new people.

Learning another language gives you uncountable opportunities to meet and connect with others due to the simple fact that you can talk to more people.

This doesn’t just happen after you’re fluent, either. A great way to expand your social circle while studying is to connect with fellow language learners. You already know you have at least one thing in common!

Of course, learning another language allows you to meet people who already speak that language. A common way to do this is to find a language exchange partner.

Communicating in someone’s native language does two things. It shows respect, and it allows you to connect on a deeper level. You might be surprised how open people are when you speak their mother tongue.

For instance, you may feel more at ease when communicating with your Russian-speaking friend in English. They’ll feel the same way when you’re speaking Russian together!

2. It’s a major advantage in the workforce.

Adding a second (or third, or fourth) language to your CV gives you an unparalleled advantage in today’s global economy.

More and more employers are looking for people who speak multiple languages. This is especially true for fields like customer service, hospitality, health care, information technology and administrative work.

Multilingual people can communicate and interact with diverse communities. This is a valuable asset in an employee’s skill set. You definitely up your professional value if you can negotiate with manufacturers in another country or communicate with customers who don’t speak your native language.

Plus, your ability to speak another language conveys that you’re motivated and driven to learn new skills!

It’s possible (at least in the US military) that you may be compensated for maintaining your language skills through foreign proficiency bonus pay.

What’s more, some studies show that there aren’t enough people learning languages to meet the rising demand among employers.

Try learning Spanish, Arabic or Mandarin Chinese to give yourself an edge!

3. Traveling is easier and more fulfilling.

Traveling—whether for business, vacation or visiting family or friends—is much easier if you speak the language of your destination.

Fluency isn’t required. Locals will appreciate that you’ve made an attempt to learn and communicate in their tongue.

This will also help you discover more about the place you’re in. Locals know the hidden gems of their city better than any tourists. If you speak the language, they can tell you about the best coffee, the most amazing viewpoint or the least crowded beaches.

In fact, speaking the local language might save you money too. You can rely on yourself instead of an overpriced tour company and avoid the tourist traps.

You may get better prices on accommodation or shopping, either because you can ask or because the vendors appreciate your language skills!

Perhaps most importantly, you’ll be better prepared in the case of an emergency. If you get lost, fall ill or get mugged, knowing some of the local language might literally be a life-saver.

4. You gain cultural knowledge and perspective.

Language helps you understand the world.

Learning another language isn’t just about words and grammar. Knowledge of the society and culture behind that language is necessary to achieve any degree of fluency. The history and culture of a country are reflected in the language, and vice versa.

It’s important to remember that languages aren’t simply different sets of words to express the same ideas—they’re entirely different outlooks on the world.

Linguistic relativity is the concept that language dramatically shapes the way we think, perceive and interact with the world around us. Most people who speak multiple languages will tell you there’s a profound spiritual and emotional element to it.

Allow this to open you up to the world, broaden your horizons and bring you closer to people of all races and nationalities.

You may develop a deep appreciation for another culture, fall in love with a native speaker or become unlikely friends with someone totally different from you.

5. You have access to more information and entertainment.

Perhaps the most fun perk to learning another language is consuming native media.

You’ll have access to a whole new selection of music, movies, TV shows, books, news programs, podcasts, websites and more.

Of course, it takes time and effort to reach a level where this is comfortable. But there’s plenty of multilingual content to get you started!

For example, people who speak Spanish and English can understand every word of the songs of Enrique Iglesias, Shakira, Pitbull and other internationally-successful Latin pop stars.

Japanese and English speakers hold claim to some mind-blowing “Kill Bill” scenes and the cultural miscommunication in “Lost in Translation.”

It may take a while, but try not to get frustrated on your path to understanding. Consistency is key.

One day you’ll be reading or listening to something in your target language and suddenly realize that you understood it with no extra effort at all.

6. It improves your communication skills.

Of course, a second language improves your listening and speaking skills.

You’ll learn to listen more effectively and be as clear as possible when you’re talking. The ability to clarify intended meanings will benefit you in any situation and any tongue.

You’ll likely gain reading and writing skills as well. But you’ll get much more than just the obvious communication boosts.

You’ll think more carefully about the words you use and the meaning you’re expressing in your non-native language. In fact, your acquired language literally helps you think more logically, process information and speak more evenly.

Learning another language will also make you more adept at piecing together information and interpreting context, whether it’s an unclear situation or cross-cultural communication.

The ability to look at things from various angles and understand someone else’s perspective means you’ll be able to communicate more respectfully and more effectively in any language.

7. It makes other languages easier too.

Studying another language can improve your understanding of your native language.

Learning your first language happens naturally through observation, so many people don’t explicitly know the underlying rules or logic of it.

To learn a second language, though, you learn the rules. Often, these correlate with rules in your native tongue, giving you a deeper understanding of its structure and functionality.

What’s more, the acquisition techniques you use to learn your second language can be applied to subsequent languages too.

Learning to speak a second language trains your brain to analyze and process various linguistic structures. Your brain learns to identify language-learning techniques and break them into steps—and will do the same with other foreign languages!

So, studying your second language increases your ability to replicate this “metalinguistic awareness” process later. Your brain’s increased knowledge of syntax, grammar and sentence structure will give you a head start on learning your third language.

8. You can help more people.

Studying a foreign language doesn’t have to be all about you.

Perhaps it’s obvious, but speaking another language allows you to help more people.

For example, if you’re a certified teacher with multilingual abilities, consider using your unique language skills to teach others. You could help out refugees in your home country, tutor students while living abroad or simply teach your friends and family the language(s) you speak.

If you can’t or don’t want to teach, there’s volunteer programs around the world where multilingual speakers are a particularly valuable asset to the team. Medical assistance programs, educational consultancies or cultural events are good places to find volunteer opportunities.

Being the bridge of communication between cultures is a great feeling, and the joy you’ll get from helping someone in need will make all the hard work of learning the language worth it.

9. It makes you smarter.

Learning another language makes you smarter, and not just because you know more words and grammar structures.

Acquiring a second language improves memory, increases attention span and strengthens both problem-solving abilities and concentration.

Multilingual people have also been shown to be more logical, have stronger decision-making skills and be more perceptive and aware of their surroundings.

Of course, the younger you are when you begin learning a second language, the easier it will be. Particularly for children, learning another language can help build social, cognitive and emotional intelligence.

Learning a foreign language may also teach children to be more culturally accepting—just as it helps adults broaden their perspective and cultural knowledge.

It’s thought that all this is because learning languages helps your brain exercise, sort of like how bodybuilders grow and tone their muscles. 

10. It delays the effects of aging.

If picking up a language as an adult looks good, doing it as a senior is even more impressive!

Having multiple languages under your belt as you age can also have major advantages.

In particular, research has shown that knowing more than one language can potentially reduce the risk of dementia and delay Alzheimer’s Disease.

Regardless of education level, gender or occupation, multilingual subjects in this study experienced the onset of Alzheimer’s about four and a half years later than monolingual subjects.

Study results show that speaking more than one language increases the amount of neural pathways in the brain.

This allows information to be processed through a greater variety of channels and can keep your brain sharp as you age.

11. It boosts your creativity.

Anyone learning a language has experienced moments of serious linguistic problem solving.

You know what you want to say, but not in the language you’re currently speaking. You can’t move forward without the word, so you have to get creative.

Using your second language requires you to learn how to give clues, context, explanations and/or gestures to get your point across. It improves your skills in divergent thinking, which is the ability to identify multiple solutions to a single problem.

Because, on top of your limited language and mental roadblocks, you usually need to consider different linguistic and cultural nuances too.

But all of this helps you think outside the box.

As a matter of fact, researchers are also concluding that multilingual speakers are more creative than monolingual speakers. This is likely because learning a foreign language gives you leeway to experiment with new words and phrases.

Every time you stumble over words or phrasing, remember that you’re training your brain and developing skills that benefit every aspect of your life.

12. Your self-confidence will soar.

Confidence increases as you learn a new skill—like speaking a foreign language!

Some of this may come from learning something you enjoy, but language instruction also relies heavily on social interaction. Conversations with native speakers are essential to mastering your target language.

At first, speaking in this foreign tongue can definitely cause some anxiety. But don’t be afraid to let your conversation partners know that you want to practice. It’s a great way to break the ice and start making new friends.

Remember that practice itself can be a confidence builder. As you learn and get better at the language, you’ll find that you have increased self-awareness and more confidence wielding your foreign tongue.

What’s more, people will respect the fact that you’re learning another language. Native speakers will be impressed with your dedication, friends and family will be proud of your motivation and strangers will be interested in your story.

So get learning and build up that confidence!

Which Language Should I Learn?

While there’s advantages for learning any language, some are inevitably more useful than others. But if you’re really not sure where to start, check out the benefits of the languages below to see if any strike your fancy.


Because it’s a global language, learning English will connect you to people all over the world. It’s also great for media, academia and business.


As one of the most widely-spoken languages in the world, learning Spanish comes with obvious benefits—and plenty of economic ones too!


Learning French has many pros—like becoming fluent in the language of romance.


If you’re interested in central Europe, learning German is a great way to get familiar with the area and culture. 


Learning Japanese is likely an opportunity to discover a completely different culture and way of thinking.

How Do I Get Started?

Gone are the days when the only way to learn a second language was becoming stranded in a foreign country or going back to high school language classes.

These days, there are many lessons and tutorials available online to help you become proficient in the language of your choice.

For example, maybe you plan to study on your own. Set yourself up for success by setting goals, being consistent and making sure you get lots of language input.

Depending on the language you choose, you may need to learn a new alphabet system. You’ll definitely need to learn a lot of vocab.

Just because you have to learn grammar doesn’t mean you can’t have fun though! You can absolutely make your studying as enjoyable as possible—try watching movies, for example!

If you don’t feel ready to watch full-length movies in your target language, though, don’t worry. Try shorter ones first, like Disney movies dubbed in your preferred language.

You can also prepare with FluentU, a language immersion program designed to help you learn in context. FluentU uses authentic content like movie clips, commercials, music videos and more in your target language.

Videos on the FluentU app or website are accompanied by interactive dual-language subtitles. Clicking on a word will show you how it’s used in similar contexts. Quizzes and flashcards make sure you retain the new knowledge you learn.


Obviously, there’s many benefits of learning a second language. So no matter which tools you use to learn it, you won’t regret doing it!