11 Business Introduction Email Templates for 2023

Jess served on the founding team of a successful B2B startup and has used a wide range of sales and marketing tools over the course of her 15-year career. She uses her industry knowledge to deliver the best answers to your questions about sales tools and sales management.

Business introduction emails are an effective way to start conversations with potential leads, referral partners, and customers. They offer a solid channel for generating sales pipeline opportunities and developing business relationships. When reaching out to a contact, you should use a proven introduction email template that grabs their attention and maximizes engagement. We’ve created 11 email templates to quickly and easily target prospects.

Download these introduction email templates and customize them for your sales outreach. You can also import your templates into many customer relationship management (CRM) systems to use in sales emails.

Email Introduction Templates for Sales Leads

These email introduction example templates are specifically for targeting potential customers directly. They can be used for creating brand awareness, generating leads, or qualifying prospects after they’ve been submitted to you via a referral, website form, or digital ad submission. During these types of email introductions, you can employ various tactics within the messaging to grasp the contact’s attention (such as identifying their pain points) and place them in the sales funnel.

Use for: Sending sales emails to prospects by introducing the challenge your business solves, the solution for it, and the benefits you can provide

While the challenge-solution-benefit format is commonly used for writing e-books, whitepapers, and case studies, it’s also effective for making business introduction emails to prospects—specifically in business-to-business (B2B) sales. You introduce a challenge your targeted customer profile likely encounters within their business, then present the solution for that challenge—which ultimately ends up being the product or service you offer.

Subject Line: Helping [company name] [solve/scale/fix/reduce/etc.] [area of their business]

Subject Line: Helping [company name] [solve/scale/fix/reduce/etc.] [area of their business]

Hi [lead first name],

Hope all is well with you and [company name] in the [industry] world.

I notice [something specific to the lead/company {ex: “you haven’t posted a blog article since 2021”}], so I wanted to see if this scenario sounds like you:

  • [Introduce challenge the lead might face {ex: “You want to provide quality content for your blog to generate leads but don’t have the time or knowledge on cybersecurity to develop it in-house”}]

If it does, I have a great solution. [introduce your solution/product/service offering {ex: “Outsource your content writing to a writing agency that specializes in cybersecurity”}].

I’d love to schedule a call to see if we can help with your [business area] goals. Let me know your availability to speak over the next few days.

Thank you,

[Your name], [title]


[Email address]

[Phone number]

[Company website]

[Calendar Schedule Button]

Pro tip: Automate your appointment scheduling tasks with a tool like Calendly. Calendly is a low-cost calendar tool where you can embed the portal as a link in an email signature button or within a message. By clicking and entering the portal, the recipient can find a time and channel that works best for them, and it will automatically be added to everyone’s calendar.

Finding an open time in Calendly.Finding an open time in Calendly.

Use for: Reaching out to a new lead after they’ve submitted their information in a website, social media ad, or digital ad form

When you run effective marketing campaigns, you can put lead generation on autopilot and let the prospects come to you. However, this now means that you need to make that initial introduction to the contact to determine if they meet your lead qualification criteria to undergo the remaining sales process steps. Here’s how to introduce yourself in an email to an inbound lead.

Subject Line: Hi [lead first name], thanks for your inquiry.

Subject Line: Hi [lead first name], thanks for your inquiry.

Hi [lead first name],

Thanks for expressing interest in our [product/service]. I look forward to helping craft a solution that meets your needs.

My name is [first name], [job position] for [company name]. To get started, I’d like to schedule a time to chat to learn more about you and your [solution {ex: “accounting,” “cybersecurity,” “content development”}] needs.

Please let me know your availability over the next few days—or you can use the Schedule Appointment button in my signature to find a time that works for you.

Talk soon,

[Your name], [title]


[Email address]

[Phone number]

[Company website]

[Calendar Schedule Button]

Use for: Responding to a referral email introduction made by a customer or referral partner

Referral marketing offers higher pipeline conversion rates since the lead already has confidence in your brand because of a trusted recommendation through a mutual connection. The referral itself, however, is only the start of the process. Make that first email to introduce yourself and thank the person who made the connection. Be sure to include both the prospect and the person who made the referral.

Subject Line: [Subject name made by referrer]

Subject Line: [Subject name made by referrer]

Hi [referrer contact first name],

Thanks for the introduction–I appreciate you being a champion for my small business.

Hi [lead name]. Great to meet you.

As mentioned by [referrer name], my name is [first name], and I’m (a/the) [job position] for [company name]. I’d love to schedule a call and learn more about you and your [product/service] needs.

Please let me know your availability over the next few days, or you can use the Schedule Appointment button in my signature to find a time that works for you.

Thank you,

[Your name], [title]


[Email address]

[Phone number]

[Company website]

[Calendar Schedule Button]

Pro tip: Did you know certain business verticals are better suited to send you referrals than others? This is due to the complimentary products or services that mesh well with your offerings or simply the high volume of customers a center of influence manage. Check out our guide on the best referral lead generation sources to see which industries you should be connecting with.

Use for: Making a cold email introduction to a lead by citing a recent event or development they may be interested in

Another tactic for cold email outreach is referencing a recent event. For instance, you could cite a scientific study, legislative or regulatory update, or news story the contact person could relate to either because it is relevant to their industry or because of a customer persona trait. This introduction email sample template is designed to help build a relationship through personalization. You’ve indicated a sense of care for the prospect by sending them something that would pique their unique interest.

Subject Line: Hi [lead name], Did You Hear About [event/development]?

Subject Line: Hi [lead name], Did You Hear About [event/development]?

Hi [lead first name],

Hope all is well with you and [their company name] in the [industry] world. My name is [first name], [job position] for [company name].

I wanted to reach out regarding [event/development name]. In case you haven’t heard, [briefly summarize the event or development]. This could [explain how it could affect the lead directly {ex: “add new compliance requirements for your business”/”lead to new innovative opportunities for your company”}].

All that said, I wanted to introduce myself and [company name] as [how your products/services can help the lead in relation to the event/development {ex: “we can help you navigate these new regulations”}].

I’d love to schedule a call to learn more about you and see where we can assist.

Please let me know your availability over the next few days, or you can use the Schedule Appointment button in my signature to find a time that works for you.

Thanks and best regards

[Your name], [title]


[Email address]

[Phone number]

[Company website]

Use for: Following up with someone who you met at a business event that could fit your customer profile.

Leadshare groups, trade shows, expos, seminars, and networking events are all great places to meet leads and business partners. If you connect with a person with characteristics that fit your target market or have indicated a need for your product or service, use this introductory email example as a template to cite the event you met at in the opening line.

Subject Line: Great Meeting You at [event name]

Subject Line: Great Meeting You at [event name]

Hi [lead first name],

It was a pleasure meeting you at the [event name] [time increment that’s past {ex: “last week.”}]. I particularly enjoyed the [something you like about the event {ex: “speaker who discussed the tax bracket changes”/”networking aspect of the event.”}]

I wanted to continue our conversation about [previous conversation regarding product/service needs {ex: “your insurance needs.”}]. Like I said when we met, [something you indicated at the event regarding your selling proposition {ex: “we have appointments with all the major carriers which lets us get the best possible market value”}], so I’d love to get on a call to discuss further.

Please let me know your availability over the next few days, or you can use the Schedule Appointment button in my signature to find a time that works for you.

Talk soon,

[Your name], [title]


[Email address]

[Phone number]

[Company website]

[Calendar Schedule Button]

Pro tip: Sales managers have a lot on their plate. They need to build their team, strategize a plan for success, and monitor progress along the way. They also must ensure their team has the resources, including technology, knowledge, sales materials, and templates, to hit their revenue goals. With all those responsibilities, managers can look to our ultimate guide to sales management for assistance in all aspects of their role.

Business Introduction Email Templates for Partners

You aren’t always sending cold emails to potential customers. Often, sales reps and business owners look to make introductions to other businesses that could serve as valuable partners. They could be either solid centers of influence for referral opportunities or be helpful to add value to a customer. For example, IT management companies often partner with cybersecurity consultants to offer more services to their clients. Regardless of the purpose, here are some email templates for partner introductions.

Use for: Introducing yourself to members of a networking group or organization you’ve recently joined

Many professionals join organizations, such as trade associations, leadshare groups, or chambers of commerce, for networking and professional development opportunities. As new members or sponsors of those groups, it’s an excellent idea to make initial connections with the other members through email. Instead of sending a message directly to each person, users can use this template to mass-send to all the recipients.

Subject Line: Introduction to Members of [organization name]

Subject Line: Introduction to Members of [organization name]

Hi everyone,

Hope all of you are doing well. I wanted to make a brief introduction as I’ve recently joined [organization name]. My name is [your name], and I’m (a/the) [job position] for [company name]. I’m excited to get the opportunity to [indicate your relationship with members {ex: “work with”/”network with”/”get to know”/grow with”}] all of you.

[Include a brief description of your past experience, former employment, or context as to why you joined the organization].

I’d love to get a chance to have some one-on-one calls to learn more about each of you and see if I can be of value to you.

Please let me know your availability over the next few days or you can use the Schedule Appointment button in my signature to find a time that works for you.

Thank you,

[Your name], [title]


[Email address]

[Phone number]

[Company website]
[Calendar Schedule Button]

Use for: Making an introduction to a subject matter expert (SME) or insights or advice

There are a few reasons why you’d reach out to an SME. It could be for their subject knowledge on a topic you’re about to write or produce a video about. You might need advice regarding some areas in your business, such as lead development, customer service, or human resources management. Or, perhaps you’re curious about an SME’s insights on something. Regardless, use this template to submit a request for expertise to an SME.

Subject Line: Requesting Expertise from [SME name]

Subject Line: Requesting Expertise from [SME name]

Hi [SME first name],

My name is [your name], and I’m (a/the) [job position] for [company name]. I’m reaching out because [reason you’re reaching out {ex: “I need cybersecurity insights for an article I’m writing”/”I’ve been struggling with closing sales”}], and I see you’ve made a name for yourself in this field.

[Contextual paragraph describing your circumstances {ex: “The topic is specifically on the Zero Trust Model for network security. It will be published in Korich Magazine this fall.”/”I’ve been doing a great job in my lead generation efforts, but can’t seem to properly get those leads through the pipeline and finalize the deal.”}].

Do you have time for a brief call to discuss this further?

Thank you,

[Your name], [title]


[Email address]

[Phone number]

[Company website]

[Calendar Schedule Button]

Use for: Following up with someone who you met at a business event who may be a good center of influence or service partner

Similar to sending a sales email to a prospect following an event, you can use this template to send a follow-up to a potential business partner. Like a long sales process, nothing will be finalized just by email. However, you can use this template with the email introduction examples to initiate the conversation and get a calendar meeting.

Subject Line: Pleasure Meeting You at [event name]

Subject Line: Pleasure Meeting You at [event name]

Hi [potential partner first name],

It was a pleasure connecting with you at the [event name] [time increment that’s past {ex: “last week.”}]. I particularly enjoyed the [something you like about the event {ex: “speaker who discussed the tax bracket changes”/”networking aspect of the event.”}]

I wanted to discuss potential partnership opportunities with you. [Describe why partnership would be valuable {ex: “As you are in the search engine optimization (SEO) business and I’m in the content writing business, we could be solid referral sources to help our clients boost their content marketing campaigns.”/”My managed-service provider (MSP) has been looking to add a supplemental system automation service to offer our customers, but we’d need to subcontract it out to a specialist like yourself.”}].

I’d love to get on a call to discuss this further. Please let me know your availability over the next few days, or you can use the Schedule Appointment button in my signature to find a time that works for you.

Thank you,

[Your name], [title]


[Email address]

[Phone number]

[Company website]

[Calendar Schedule Button]

Email Introduction Templates for Customers & Accounts

As we’ve covered templates for writing cold emails to prospects and business partners, let’s now explore circumstances for sending an introduction email to clients. Though it’s assumed a customer would already be familiar with their account manager, customer service rep, or client success manager, there are a few scenarios where you still need to send an email either to introduce yourself, another person, or a new product or service.

Use for: Making an introduction to a client after they’ve been assigned to you

An agent or representative could get an account assigned to them either because they are a new customer, there were territory structure changes, or because the previous account manager left. There are also situations where a customer isn’t happy with their service rep and wants a new one. These circumstances require an introduction by the new agent to the client.

Subject Line: Introducing Your [New or leave blank] [job position]

Subject Line: Introducing Your [New or leave blank] [job position]

Hi [client name],

[Introduce circumstances {ex: “As you may know, Cameron Eck is no longer with the firm, so I wanted to make an introduction.”/”Now that you are officially a client of PK Cyber Solutions, I want to introduce myself as your account manager.”/”As there have been a few structure changes throughout our company, I am your new account manager and would like to introduce myself.”}].

My name is [your name]. I will be your point of contact for all things [indicate support services {ex: “billing, product issues, technical assistance, solution recommendations, etc.”}].

If you ever need assistance, you can contact me with the information below or use the Schedule Appointment button in my signature to find an appointment time that works for you.

I look forward to working with you.

Talk soon,

[Your name], [title]


[Email address]

[Phone number]

[Company website]

[Calendar Schedule Button]

Use for: Presenting a new product or service line to a client.

The final introduction email template will help you facilitate cross-selling or upselling campaigns to your customers. Start with your current client base when you’ve developed a new product or service and wish to bring it to market. Providing new or upgraded solutions allows you to maximize customer retention rates by continuously finding ways to add value to your clients.

Subject Line: Introducing [new product or service name] to [customer name]

Subject Line: Introducing [new product or service name] to [customer name]

Hi [customer first name],

I wanted to reach out about a new [product/service] we are offering that could be beneficial to you. [Briefly describe new product or service {ex: “We are now offering payroll processing services in addition to our bookkeeping, tax preparation, and employment benefits management solutions.”}].

[Explain the value of the new product or service {ex: “This new solution will allow our clients to centralize all of their financial management activities to one provider.”}].

If you’re interested in learning more, I’d love to get on a call to discuss this new [product/service] line. Please let me know your availability over the next few days or you can use the Schedule Appointment button in my signature to find a time that works for you.

Thank you,

[Your name], [title]


[Email address]

[Phone number]

[Company website]

[Calendar Schedule Button]

How to Get More Value From Introduction Email Templates

Our introduction email templates are designed to facilitate conversations with leads, business partners, and customers to ultimately produce more revenue. In addition to using these outlines for sending cold emails, here are some other ways you can boost conversions for your introductory emails:

When you send an email to someone where you’re initiating a call to action (CTA), such as “schedule a call” or “let me know your availability,” make it as easy as possible for the recipient. One way to do this is through automated CTAs. Rather than back-and-forth replies trying to agree on a time to chat, you can link automated scheduling tools in your message or signature.

Tools like Calendly, for example, let users sync their calendars and set scheduling preferences to their availability. Then, by linking the scheduling portal in the email message or signature, the recipient can click to enter the system. From there, they can search for a time, date, and communication channel that works best for them. Once the call is scheduled, all participants receive a notification and have the event synced to their calendars automatically.

Viewing the calendar portal in Calendly.Viewing the calendar portal in Calendly.

As you develop and rework your email templates, you’ll find some will be more effective than others. Store those “winning” templates for future use and share them with other reps. It not only helps maintain quality messaging but also lets you increase the volume of sends as you only need to plug in contact and contextual information instead of writing a whole email from scratch.

Customer relationship management (CRM) systems like Pipedrive let teams create, save, and share email templates in the platform. Users can integrate their email system to easily craft emails from a contact record. There, they can save email templates in the CRM that will auto-populate the message using stored contact data.

Writing a message using an email template in Pipedrive.Writing a message using an email template in Pipedrive.

Personalization is huge for cold email success. It shows you took the time to learn about your lead or contact before crafting the email. Recipients can tell if an email is directly sent or mass-produced based on personalized parts in the introduction email subject line or message. You can cite items like their name, company, industry, or contextual information like where they went to college or how long they’ve been at a firm to help pique interest early on in the message.

As you collect personal information on leads, partners, and customers, store those insights in a CRM platform for you and other reps to use. Many products, like Freshsales, are robust information and business intelligence systems. In addition to basic contact data organization, Freshsales allows users to draft notes and tag CRM records. Tags give you information applicable to more than one record to filter out contact lists. If you met a group of leads at a webinar, for instance, tag them as “webinar” to provide those contextual details.

Adding contact tags in Freshsales.Adding contact tags in Freshsales.

One of the goals of using introduction email templates is to save time with a message that’s partially crafted for you. Another time-saver is purchasing email lists rather than manually doing online research. Services like UpLead, for example, let you automate the prospect research step by generating email lists for you. Users can simply go to the platform and search for contacts based on details like industry, job title, and company size to have a list created.

Searching contacts in UpLead.Searching contacts in UpLead.

Bottom Line

Email is a popular communication channel for developing sales opportunities and professional relationships. Using business introduction email templates helps improve messaging quality and save time through a proven outline already created for you. In addition to utilizing introductory templates, teams can improve production and conversions by using CTA automation, template storage systems, personalized messaging, and premade email lists.