106 Online business ideas you can start today – EH

In today’s tech-driven society, there’s no reason you can’t start a profitable business from the comfort of your living room. There’s no shortage of perks of remote working: fulltime parents can choose flexible hours; avid travellers can take their work on the go. Running an online business yourself requires all the hard work of setting up a physical business, but once set up, provides ample freedom.

In terms of the business itself, choosing a digital business idea offers multiple benefits. Launching a company from your own home eliminates the huge overheads associated with investing in a brick-and-mortar office and physical supplies Minimal capital investment means less risk, allowing you to spend more money on advertising to grow your client base. Operating online also throws your business open to customers from all corners of the world, giving you scope for considerable growth.

The only barrier to starting an online money-maker is finding the right idea. We’ve compiled a list of over 100 online business ideas suited for all sorts of skillsets that you can get up and running straight away. Whether you’re looking for something to generate a passive income on the side or a million-pound enterprise, find your ideal earner, today.

1. Set up an eCommerce store

An eCommerce store allows consumers to buy goods and services online via their phone, tablet or computer through digital transactions.

The accessibility of eCommerce stores means the achievable global market reach has grown rapidly. Driving traffic to your site is your best chance at making big money: once the shop’s up and running, your focus needs to be on advertising and marketing. If you want to quick start, BigCommerce and Shopify are popular hosting platforms for eCommerce businesses and typically easy ways to get started.

A top tip is to offer fewer products but to aim for items with a significant markup. The success of an eCommerce store relies heavily on branding – focus on creating a strong brand with a niche target market.

2. Buy and sell websites

Buying and selling sites is the online equivalent to property. The concept is much the same: buying undervalued websites, improving them marginally and selling them on for a profit. Not only can you make money on the sale itself, but you can also make a monthly profit on top of that, making it one of the most lucrative online business options, if you get it right.

You can find websites to purchase either directly from buyers, or website brokers and marketplaces, such as FEinternational.com, Wesellyoursite.com, Flippa.com and WebsiteBroker.com, to name a few. Once you’ve bought your website, you can get to work building traffic and monetising your purchases to increase the monthly profit on them. Once you’ve maximised traffic, you can sell it – either yourself directly, or through one of the brokers mentioned.

There’s a lot of money to be made buying and selling websites. Learn to spot the pitfalls of a website to filter out the money drains – look for proof of revenue and traffic. If you’re unsure, many brokers offer a service to help you vet your potential purchases.

On the other hand, you can create websites with the intention of selling them. This is a more time-consuming option, but can be very profitable. Start by researching website flipping – look at recent sales of similar sites to see what they went for and what made them successful.

3. Write and publish an eBook

Getting published is notoriously tricky, and even the best authors have experienced countless rejections. But the digital book market has made becoming a published author and making money a far easier venture. Anyone can self-publish an eBook and sell them on websites as big as Amazon. The best part? It’s completely free.

The most significant investment for writing and selling an eBook is the time you spend writing it. The monetary startup costs, however, are minimal. Find your niche – the smaller the niche, the better as you’ll limit your competition.

The best thing you can do to boost your sales is to invest in making your book as professional as possible. Get a professional editor, or at the very least a professional proofreader, to check your work. Finding a professional to create good covering art and to format your book can also go a long way to boosting sales.

4. Start an online SaaS business

SaaS stands for software as a service. It’s a business model where customers purchase software solutions online on a subscription basis. The software is centrally hosted, meaning it is all stored and accessed on the cloud.

An online SaaS business is a fantastic option for those with knowledge of coding and building software. Similarly to membership sites, it’s a good idea to offer something for free. Usually, this is a free trial with an expiry date, or a limited version of the end product and serves as a taste or advertisement for your full, paid product. To make money from selling software, your service must run smoothly. In the beginning, you’ll dedicate a lot of your time to fixing bugs and troubleshooting. Once you’ve got a streamlined product, the business is relatively automated; the system will automatically push updates to purchasers.

SaaS is a great business model as customers are usually loyal. Once they rely on your software to run their business, they’re hooked in. A must-have for this business to succeed is a real in-depth knowledge of the industry.

5. Make money by affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketers work with brands to increase their sales. You can do this at home by generating traffic to a merchant’s website through an affiliate link: you’ll then receive a commission on all the sales generated through your link. Commission usually sits between 5% and 20%, to be negotiated per client.

It can be a risky trade as payment depends entirely on your marketing performance: how many sales you generate and how much resulting commission you make. On the positive side, however, the startup costs are next to none – you can post your affiliate link anywhere to generate sales. If your budget allows, you can reach more people by using paid advertising.

You can use networks such as Amway and Amazon Associates to generate traffic to your merchants as an affiliate. Amazon, in particular, has a massive audience. One of the most popular affiliate network sites is Clickbank, which specialises in digital products. These items offer much higher commission rates, sometimes up to 75%.

6. Offer a 3D printing service

Starting a 3D printing business is another example of a hobby-turned-profit-maker. If you already own and have mastered a 3D printer, it’s easy to turn this into a profitable business. Prospective clients contact you with a 3D model; you print the model and post it out to them and make a mean profit.

If you already own the 3D printer, then this model isn’t too expensive. You do need to factor in marketing – you’ll need a good ad campaign to reach customers. Marketing can be done cheaply, however, on Facebook, LinkedIn and by word of mouth. Targeting relevant tech companies is also an excellent place to start. Next, you need to factor in the storage of the product and posting. Alternatively, if you want to do less of the business side of things, websites like Treatstock match customers with printers, meaning you can avoid some of the negotiations and focus on the printing.

Make sure you’ve got insurance – you’ll be responsible for how these parts turn out, and you’ll also need to cover yourself if your machinery breaks down.

7. Create and sell handmade items

If you are the creative or artistic type, you can easily monetise your skills online. With sites such as Etsy or Not on the Highstreet, selling hand-made products has become considerably more accessible, even for absolute beginners. Other marketplaces worth considering are Artfire and Zazzle. Another option is to create a page on a social media platform and drive sales using various channels such as a Facebook group.

Start-up costs vary depending on the product you’re making. Making your products to order is slower, but prevents waste products and cuts down on initial costs.

8. Create a digital product store

What better way to profit from our technology-dependent society, than by starting a digital product store. This business runs entirely online, and the physical resources required are next to none. The biggest investment at the start will be your time.

Digital products are anything which you can download online. The lack of physical presence means minimal resources, no production costs, no storage costs. The most time-efficient and cost-efficient products you can sell are PDFs in various formats – templates, for example, offer lots of possibilities: templates for emails, CVs, cover letters, business cards, calendars. You can produce a template for almost anything and with very little information. A bit of creative flare here goes a long way – people will pay a lot of money for a professional look.

The advantage of digital products is that they can be sold relatively cheaply and are free to produce. Other examples include eBooks (recipes and ‘How to’ books are the most popular) as well as selling research and online papers. You can even sell audio files, music and videos on your store as well as fonts, logos, backgrounds. If you can download it, you can sell it!

This business model is one of the most varied and cost-effective options for making money online. Marketing needs to be your main expense – to make money your customers need to find you. After that, your products will sell themselves.

9. Create a killer app

Are you a tech wizard or coding expert? If you’ve got an extensive knowledge of coding, experience in app development and an innovative concept, you can make millions as an app developer. A quarter of iOS App developers earn over approx £3,000 a day.

An app developer’s biggest challenge is coming up with an innovative idea. There are more than two million apps available on Apple’s app store. To make big money on an app, you need to attract serious download volume. It needs to be eye-catching, peak consumer interest and be an ingenious concept. But downloads don’t always equate to money – you’ll then need to retain your customers by producing consistent content or regularly adding new features. Next, you’ll need to add paid features or subscription options, to generate money on top of the download amount.

Serious money in app development is reserved for viral apps. Market your app everywhere you can – social media is a great place to start. Make sure your users will want to share your content with others – funny or informative content is most popular. The more reposts and shares your content gets, the bigger your chances of going viral.

10. Work as a freelancer online

Working as a freelancer is one of the most flexible jobs you can have, made even more accessible with the internet. Freelancers work on a contractual basis or per hour or project, most work from home and for the hours and times they choose. If you’ve got the skills and the equipment, it’s an almost immediate way to start making money.

It’s a simple concept: capitalise on any specialist skill you may have and turn it into a commercial service. It can be anything from web design to business consultancy or translation. You can monetise almost any skill. Finding customers is also more accessible than ever with websites like Upwork, Experfy and PeoplePerHour, where freelancers can advertise their services and their prices.

One downside is that work can be irregular, and your income might fluctuate from month to month. Build as big a network as possible – reach out to everyone you can. To boost your credibility, consider joining an association in your industry.

11. Start a YouTube channel

Popular YouTubers make massive amounts of money in ad revenue from viral videos. All you need is a camera and an idea – it’s entirely free to create an account and publish videos.

Although there’s serious money to be made on YouTube, for most vloggers, achieving YouTube fame takes years of hard work. Five hundred hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every single minute. The best way to earn money is in ad revenue or paid partnerships with brands, which you’ll only secure by having a big following. Building a subscriber base requires consistent, regular and above all, innovative content.

The key to success on YouTube is to find your niche. With so many people doing it, you need to offer something different. Lifestyle, health, fitness and beauty are already very saturated markets – try and find something a little different to stand out.

12. Start a blog

For creatives, writers or anybody with a keen interest in a particular field, building a blog is for you. It’s a place where you can share valuable or entertaining information to attract a loyal readership.

Building a profitable blog requires the creation of regular, high-quality content to keep readers coming back. You’ll also need to decide on a niche – millions of blogs exist on the internet and to grow your reader-base you’ll need to narrow down your target audience. Choosing a niche is also critical for attracting advertising, which is where you can make good money from your blog. Creating a readership in a particular area will encourage relevant businesses to pay to advertise on your site.

The most commonly used free content management platforms for blogging are WordPress, Blogger and Tumblr. Once you’ve built a loyal readership, you can consider adding extra content for subscribers and charging a small monthly subscription fee as an effective way to increase your blog’s revenue.

13. Create and sell stock photos

Creating stock photography consists of producing images that you can sell through a stock agency to individuals or businesses, who purchase the rights to use the content for their website or marketing.

This business is an excellent option for anyone with a passion for photography or a creative eye. Once the photos are online, you’ll earn a tiny amount of money every time the images are purchased or downloaded. However, it’s not without its risks – talented photographers have been known to upload high-quality content and receive very few sales.

A top tip is to keep an eye on social and business trends and respond to market demand. Brush up on your keywording to make sure you appear in as many searches as possible.

14. Buy and sell domain names

Buying and selling domain names can be a very lucrative online business. A domain name is a website’s address, for example, entrepreneurhandbook.co.uk. Companies are willing to pay considerable amounts of money for the domain they want.

The concept is simple: you buy domain names at a low price, wait for them to increase in value and then sell them on for a higher price. You can purchase domain names from domain registrars, such as Godaddy and Namecheap. When selling them on, you can either advertise on the domain itself that the web address is up for sale, or you can list your domains on specialist sites that potential buyers use to find web addresses, such as Sedo and Namejet.

Buying and selling domain names can be a lucrative business. The more generic the title, the better – go for geographic names, popular names and potential business names. You can buy domains for as little as a few pounds each, but if you’ve got a domain a business really wants, you can sell it on for hundreds or even thousands of pounds.

15. Create presentations

The demand for presentation creation is high. Companies use them to inform and educate their staff as well as to persuade an audience into purchasing goods and services.

Many businesses outsource presentation creation to freelance presentation designers to save time and expenditure.

To start a presentation design business, you will need knowledge in presentation design software such as Keynote, Google Slides and Canva, which are the most common formats requested by clients.

16. Market research

For any business to be successful, an understanding of their target audience, competitors and market is critical. Many companies lack the skills and resources to compile this essential market research and are happy to pay to outsource this service elsewhere. This is where you step in as a market research analyst.

Your role will be to collect and analyse data on everything to do with your client’s company. Specific projects may focus on a particular aspect of their niche market, such as customer demographics or the geographic location of interest to a client. To carry out research, you’ll need to formulate survey texts and questions in multiple formats (for example, textual, multiple choice, drop-down, Likert scale, ranking). You may have to integrate surveys into your client’s website, database or mail marketing service provider (e.g., Mail Chimp).

To start an online business as a market research analyst, you’ll need experience in market research as well as an understanding of the industry in which you want to work. Clients will also want reports on your findings, including analysis and action points.

17. Develop an online personal trainer platform

This business venture consists of providing clients with education and direction on achieving their personal fitness goals. Coaching is done entirely online through courses, one-to-one video calls or pre-built programs.

The advantage of becoming an online personal trainer is that you can take on far more clients and monitor progress far more effectively.

Many personal trainers use platforms such as Truecoach to monetise their training content because of the high potential client traffic. However, platforms like this do charge a subscription fee.

18. Give webinars

If you’re an expert in a particular field, consider starting a webinar business. These are live-streamed virtual seminars, where you’ll deliver educational or instructive content, allowing your consumers to interact with you from wherever they are. Webinars can be audio or visual communication-based. You can attract a considerable client base, as your attendees can be based anywhere in the world with just an internet connection.

Webinars are particularly popular in the fintech, technology and financial service sectors. To get going, you’ll need to decide on a specialist area and select appropriate webinar software. A good marketing strategy is essential to attract enough participants to your webinar.

You can further monetise your business by using your webinars to advertise affiliate products relevant to your field: video software, for example.

19. Become a copywriter

Copywriters create different types of marketing materials by writing sales copy to attract readers’ attention and sell brands, products or services. A copywriter’s portfolio typically includes sales brochures, web content, sales scripts, sales emails, demonstration scripts, product data sheets and white papers.

Copywriters are always in demand, and big brands will pay significant amounts of money for effective advertising campaigns. Persuasive, engaging and grammatically sound copy can earn you massive amounts of money. You can start your business at home with very few resources and enjoy all the flexibility and benefits associated with a career as a freelancer. You can use platforms such as PeoplePerHour and Fiverr to offer your services as a freelance copywriter and to find clients.

The more credible you are, the higher the rate you’ll achieve. Next to relevant background and experience, it’s important to have a sound portfolio to be able to show prospective clients. You can begin by offering your services for free or for a reduced rate to some reputable clients as a starting point.

20. Create and sell an online course

In many of these online business ideas, we’ve suggested completing an online course in the subject area to establish authority in your field. But where do these online courses come from?

If you’re a specialist in a particular area, you can produce an online course to take participants through training or education on a topic. Alongside expert knowledge on your subject matter, you’ll need to be adept at producing media that can deliver the training, in the form of videos, podcasts, websites or apps.

One main advantage of this business model is that once you’ve produced your educational content, you can sit back and relax. Your courses will generate passive income as they’ll exist on my platforms indefinitely.

As an online course provider, you may consider using platforms such as Udemy, Skillshare and Teachable to grow your sales and market your product.

21. Buy and sell on Bazaar

Openbazaar.org is a free online market place with no platform fees or selling fees. It’s decentralised, meaning that buyers and sellers can deal with each other directly. There are no restrictions, meaning you can quite literally sell anything you like on the platform. So what’s unique about it? The market deals in cryptocurrency.

Buying and selling on OpenBazaar works the same as buying and selling on any other market, and it’s easy to make money. The primary method is to buy new products cheaply and then sell them on for a higher price. There’s minimal risk with online buying and selling – you only buy what you can afford, and the startup costs are low. The only difference with Bazaar selling is that you’ll need at least a basic understanding of cryptocurrency.

To find the most profitable items you can use an app like Price Check by Amazon. You can enter the barcode and see for what price similar items are selling. The app will let you know the markup of the product – aim for anything over 50%. Price checker apps will give you an idea of how well you’ll do out of each item.

22. Offer HR consultancy online

HR consultants exist to help business clients get the best out of their employees. Responsibilities include the implementation of talent management programmes, communicating the legal aspects of employment, structuring promotion and giving advice on how to create a diverse and inclusive working environment.

If you’ve got a background in HR, there’s no reason why you can’t work for yourself and take your business digital. Experience in the industry often comes with a useful network, which forms a sound basis for seeking clients. Make sure you have a solid online presence and develop a marketing plan to advertise your services.

Determine the focus of your service – are you offering general HR consultancy, or do you specialise in a particular industry? Define your target market to advertise effectively.

23. Trade on the stock market

Stock traders buy and sell stocks frequently in time with fluctuating markets. The aim is to purchase shares at a low price, hold them for short periods and then capitalise on market changes to sell them on for considerable profit. As a stock trader, you’ll be using platforms such as Etoro, Plus500 and IG to purchase stocks.

Trading stocks online will lower your transaction costs compared to trading through a brokerage firm. That said, it’s a highly risky business venture which requires substantial research and knowledge. Before you start, it’s essential to study the market and research current trends. A good way to keep up to date with market trends is to subscribe to trading magazines, such as The Economist, Traders World and Modern Trader by FuturesMag.

For this business, a steady and stable internet connection is an absolute essential – timely trade is imperative to make money.

24. Work online as a telemarketer

Telemarketing is a type of method of direct marketing where salespeople contact potential customers by phone. It’s a way of building up a prospective client base for companies, generating leads and advertising.

The startup costs are minimal – all you need to get going is a phone, a headset, computer and internet connection. Firstly, decide whether your service will offer B2C or B2B marketing: business-to-consumer or business-to-business. The first involves selling products or services to businesses, and the second consists of calling individual customers to sell a product. Then, settle on an industry and make sure you understand it. You’ll be a lot more successful if you know what you’re talking about and can handle any relevant questions. Now all is left is to find clients. Market your services via a website, social media and the phone – convincing customers by phone sells your service simultaneously. Once you’ve found your clients, you’ll have to compile appropriate call lists. Be aware of GDPR – you mustn’t call people who have opted out of receiving sales calls.

You can also think about taking the business automatic – you can use interactive voice response as a way to increase call volume hugely, and it is relatively inexpensive.

25. Become a technical writer

Technical writing is a skill. It’s transposing highly technical, informational content into digestible information. Technical writers are more in-demand than ever before – companies will outsource the writing of their business plan, product specification or financial proposals to technical writers.

First off, you’ll need outstanding writing skills, complete with flawless grammar. If you’re specialising, you’ll need experience in your relevant field – whether this is a background in finance for financial writing or extensive knowledge in engineering. Technical writing can, however, extend to projects as simple as writing an instruction manual for a microwave – there are countless project types you can encounter as a technical writer.

Be sure to define your target audience and your service. Once you’ve decided what type of technical writing to do, make sure you familiarise yourself with industry jargon so you can offer an even better service, and charge more for it. In essence, technical writing can be far more lucrative than other types of writing, so it is well worth exploring.

If you’ve got a significant online presence on the internet, you can almost certainly monetise it. The same goes for Facebook. If you’re the admin of a popular Facebook group (around 5,000 members or more), you can quickly turn your page into a profitable business.

First of all, make sure you get email addresses of all your group members straight away. Extensions such as Group Funnels can do this for you – when people request membership to your Facebook group, they’ll have to complete a few ‘approval’ questions, including their email address.

Setting up approval questions is also an excellent way to curate the membership of your group to ensure you have a narrow target audience. A clearly defined audience makes your group significantly more attractive to brand sponsors and advertising partners. Currently, brands have no way of posting in private Facebook groups without expressly striking a deal with the administrator – which is how you make money.

Don’t forget the legal stuff! If you’re posting an affiliate link, always make clear that it’s an ad or a sponsored post.

27. Buy and sell on eBay

Selling on eBay has become a very profitable business model. Anyone can do it, starting today. The concept is simple: buy products cheaply and sell them on with a profitable mark-up.

The trick lies in finding profitable products. Some of the most lucrative ideas include antique selling, books selling, and selling small accessories, such as mobile phone or hair accessories. Selling on eBay is fast, cheap and reaches millions and millions of potential customers.

A top tip is always to leave your buyers positive feedback. Positive reviews encourage them to leave you good feedback in return, which will boost your credibility and your sales. Another tip, take time in photographing your product: the more photos, the better, and the better chance of a quicker, higher sale.

28. Produce a podcast

The podcast industry has taken off since 2018. Podcasts are a solution to the fast-pace, commuter life as they can be consumed on the go. Podcasts are hugely variable, offering entertainment, information or a combination of both. Podcast providers produce digital, audio-based files. Listeners have greater access to podcasts than ever before, via Spotify, Apple Podcasts, BuzzSprout, Podbean, Simplecast and Captivate, to name a few.

Becoming a podcaster is a hugely flexible job. You can choose to podcast in any field, on any subject and from almost anywhere. Decent podcasting software and equipment can cost as little as £50. Reputable recording software includes Logic Pro for Mac or Audacity for Windows.

With over 800,000 podcasts in existence, it’s crucial to find a unique concept to attract listeners.

29. Social shopping marketplace

On this type of platform, consumers are not exposed to individual products but rather to offers. Such offers consist of multiple items sold by different independent sellers. The offers are comparable to a shop window where items are arranged in a creative, visually attractive way to maximise their appeal to customers.

It’s no surprise that this innovative way of selling is popular with sellers of fashion and beauty products. Social shopping marketplaces provide tools to connect buyers with sellers, encourage feedback and at the same time, function as an e-commerce facilitator for sellers and a shopping search engine for buyers. Popular sites in this category include Storenvy, Polyvore or Shopcade.

30. Remote project management consultant

A project management consultant’s role is to advise, plan and lead a team through a project for a client. Responsibilities include organising and holding appropriate meetings, gathering and updating industry knowledge and delivering projects.

Common software that consultants use to improve their trade includes MS Project, SharePoint and Project Server. As project management is mostly about planning, many consultants use software such as Odoo, OpenProject and OrangeScrum to keep organised. To make money as a remote project management consultant, you’ll need some relevant industry experience as well as some relevant contacts.

Understanding your client is crucial to success as a remote project management consultant. Make sure you understand their vision for the project and create open channels for communication.

31. Freelance as a financial adviser

As a financial adviser, your role is to help individuals and businesses reach a solution that’ll allow them to meet their financial targets and goals. Demand is increasing, with more clients seeking advice for investing wisely and saving effectively. Typical services offered by financial advisers include retirement planning, university funding, estate planning and general investment analysis.

If you’ve got a financial background or experience in financial services, it’s easy to start a business from home. If you’ve got relevant experience, you’ll likely have a lot of contacts in the industry, which is a great place to start when looking for clients. Create a webpage and consider investing in paid advertisement or purchasing mailing lists for email campaigns.

32. Start dropshipping

Dropshipping is a supply chain management technique which involves selling and delivering products without ever having physical contact with them. Instead of stocking the products you have available on your store yourself, you only order products from a supplier when you receive orders, and have them delivered straight to your customer.

The primary benefit of dropshipping is you do not have to invest upfront in purchasing and storing large quantities of stock as typical retail businesses would. You do, however, have to make sure your dropshipping suppliers have a fast delivery time, are reliable and can provide excellent customer service.

You can find many dropship product suppliers on platforms such as Aliexpress and Doba. Alternatively, you can also contact small business owners and ask if they’d be interested in this type of cooperation.

33. Start a lead generation business

As a lead generation business, your task is to source potential clients for other firms. Companies are willing to pay for good leads to prospective customers who have a genuine interest in their products or services.

One of the main advantages of having a lead generation business is that once set up, it’s entirely automated. It’s all about collecting data of people interested in certain products, to pass on to your business clients. The best way to collect data is to place an ad for a product online that redirects the consumer to your landing site. Here, the customer fills out their details in the hope of getting more information on what they’re looking for. Once they’ve given their contact information, you’ve generated a lead, which gets sent automatically to your lead buyer through your lead software.

Facebook is a brilliant way to generate leads as it can reach huge volumes of people and knows how to tailor ads to likely consumers. Finding clients is easy, too – you can do this via email campaigns or online advertising. Make sure you pick an industry that’s in high demand.

34. Build a Chrome Extension

Tech-savvy individuals can monetise their skills by producing a Chrome extension. Chrome extensions customise a user’s browser and serve as add-ons allowing users to tailor their browsers to perform specific functions. They’re there to enhance user-experience by extending Chrome’s capabilities.

One example that may people are familiar with is an Adblocker – you download it, and it sits on your taskbar in Google Chrome, preventing ads from popping up all over the place. Once you’ve made an extension, you can sell it on the Google Chrome store. Chrome is such a reputable interface that they get significant site traffic, meaning high exposure.

The key to making money from a Chrome Extension is coming up with an innovative idea – it needs to be general enough to appeal to the majority of users, offering a universal function.

35. Fashion designer

The fashion industry brings in huge revenue every year, and more and more designers are selling online. As a fashion designer, you can sell your designers for products such as shoes, clothing and accessories.

Starting by selling t-shirts is a smart option to minimise overheads and startup costs. Selecting a few simple designs keeps the concept simple and profitable. Once you’ve acquired some site traffic or a loyal customer base, you can consider expanding to other products and accessories.

36. Design and sell on TeeSpring

TeeSpring is a fantastic website for creatives who want to minimise the business side of things. TeeSpring allows you to create and sell apparel and takes care of production and distribution. It’s completely free to use – TeeSpring sets the base price of an item which it’ll keep, you set the sale price and keep the profits.

The t-shirt market is one of the biggest in the world. Using TeeSpring is an accessible way to start designing and selling clothes. The best way to market your tees is to invest in paid marketing. Although you don’t need to purchase ads, if you’re hoping to make your TeeSpring business a sustainable, long-term project, ads are the best way to grow.

Don’t charge too high – setting a modest price initially will generate the most interest. If a campaign does well, consider relaunching it at a higher price.

37. Sell logo and design work

Graphic design freelancers can make a fortune selling logo and design work online. You can start with as little as a website and some design software, and you’re good to go.

To be successful, you’ll need a portfolio of work, or at least some samples on your site where potential customers can see examples of your work. Target new entrepreneurs and startups by advertising on relevant websites.

If you don’t want to procure customers yourself, you can sell your design work on a logo marketplace, which brings together companies and designers: for example Designhill or ArtWeb.

38. Set up a transcription company

A transcriber is someone who converts recorded speech into a text document, commonly working with clients in law firms, courts, meetings and trade associations. If you’re a competent typist and enjoy working solo, this is a great way to earn money.

The biggest challenge for transcribers is to make out words that are difficult to interpret for various reasons such as strong accents, fast speech or background noise. It’s an easy business to carry out at home. To start an audio-to-text transcription business, you first need transcription software such as oTranscribe, Inqscribe or Express Scribe, a good headset and a word processing programme (Word, OpenOffice, or similar). You can use platforms such as Fiverr to generate freelance work and find clients. If you have a specialist background or skillset you can charge more for your services.

39. Build custom software for freelance clients

If you’re a keen software developer, you can make significant money by producing bespoke software solutions for freelance clients. Freelancers are often not able to use the same software as larger businesses offering a similar service, as they represent a much more scaled-down version.

As many freelancers offer unique services, it is challenging to purchase readymade software to help them operate. Building custom software solutions is, therefore, a service in high demand.

Attracting clients is also hassle-free. Paid ads on freelancer websites are fantastic exposure to your specific target market.

40. Create and sell recipes

Foodies can market their kitchen creations online and make money. You can create and sell recipes through an online website or by producing an eBook and selling it on Amazon.

There are a plethora of different diets and health crazes that come in and out of fashion. Current trends include vegan diets and low-sugar recipes. Producing recipes than correspond to current eating trends will increase your sales.

People love to see beautiful images of food – consider investing in a professional photography service to take pictures of your dishes and start a social media account. Attractive food will result in lots of shares and a big Instagram following, which can generate lots of sales.

41. Produce and sell your music

Musicians can capitalise on their talent by selling their art online. There are lots of different ways to make money through your music online.

The most lucrative option is to sell your tracks directly from your own website. It’s also better in the long-run as you’ll have access to the personal data of your customers, meaning you can contact them in future via email to promote future music and concerts. However, selling on your own site can mean less exposure.

For heavier online traffic, you can sell your music through stores like iTunes, Amazon and Google Play. Customers usually already have an account and trust these stores, making them more likely to buy your tracks. However, these big sites can take a considerable cut of your sales – up to 30% – and you don’t get access to your customers’ emails.

A top tip is to use SoundCloud. It attracts a lot of online traffic and is completely free to upload music. Although you can’t sell on the platform, you can include a buyer’s link to your own website, where fans can buy your music directly. SoundCloud has the dual benefit of increased traffic and better returns.

42. Online narration or voice-over service

As a society, we are busier and more technology-dependent than ever. That’s why so many people are turning to Audiobooks – you can consume books while driving, jogging or even working in some cases. As well as narration for audiobooks, companies need voice-overs for all sorts of reasons, from marketing campaigns to online tutorials.

Producing audio content is an effortless job you can do from home. All you need is a decent microphone and some professional recording and editing software. Finding clients is trickier – figures estimate that voice-over artists spend up to a third of their time searching for customers. Increase your online presence as much as you can, in the way of a website, paid ads and email campaigns.

A top tip is to produce a demo. Clients will want to know what to expect from your service. Another tip is to take an online voice-over course which will give you advice on breath control.

43. White hat hacking

White hat hackers use hacking skills to break into protected networks, computer systems and hardware to test their security and identify any loopholes. Many companies base their entire operations on trade secrets which need to safeguarding. White hat hackers can expose vulnerable parts of the system to prevent future security breaches.

This type of business requires a very specialised skillset. It can be a high-pressure job and requires not only strong technical skills but clear communication skills to reassure clients and to ensure both parties are clear on what’s to be tested, and to what degree.

Due to the sensitive nature of the work, many clients will want proper credentials. Having a certificate from an Ethical Hacking course can help boost your credibility and attract clients. EC-Council offers a range of courses and certifications in ethical hacking.

44. Trade in cryptocurrency

The cryptocurrency market boomed in 2017 and remains one of the most popular investment options today. Trading in cryptocurrency differs from trading in traditional currencies as it cuts out the middleman: the bank. Instead, cryptocurrency is traded directly from seller to buyer.

If you want to make money trading in cryptocurrency, you must understand the market. You’ll need to study cryptocurrency trends and have a solid understanding of the stock market before you invest. The best way to make money is the buying and holding method – buy an asset, stocks, for example, at a low price and wait for interest to build up. Then cash out, making a profit.

If you’re going to trade in cryptocurrency, stick to the four leading currencies: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Ripple. These have been on the market for a while and are therefore safer options. But remember, trading in cryptocurrency is always a high-risk venture.

Facebook ads are a powerful way not only to reach millions of people but to target specific demographics or target audiences. If done right, Facebook ads can massively increase website traffic and result in increased sales and revenue. It’s tricky to get right, which is why many companies are happy to outsource to somebody who can maximise their Facebook advertising.

Successfully advertising on Facebook involves calculating the Lifetime Value of your customer, which comprises several calculations based on the average sale per customer and frequency of purchases. This figure allows you to set a budget-appropriate offer on Facebook to reach customers who are likely to respond to the ad. You’ll then need to create a target audience appropriate for the client and set up things like engagement campaigns, which encourage Facebook users to engage in the advertising.

Once you’ve learnt the process, it becomes easy to replicate for other clients and is a straightforward business to run from home. Set up a website to market your service and, of course, use Facebook too.

46. Start a medical transcription business

Becoming a medical transcriptionist, it involves transcribing recorded dictation from doctors or nurses into a written format for patients’ medical records, referral letters or other documents.

The startup costs are next to none. If you’ve got a computer, all you’ll need to invest in are some good quality headphones and some transcription software. You’ll also need a good grasp of medical terminology to be able to interpret the dictations, typing proficiency and flawless grammar.

You can also obtain a license by undergoing certified training: not all service providers require this, but it can boost your credibility and ensure that you’re able to work for anyone.

47. Become a systems integrator

The role of a systems integrator is to combine subsystems and digital components into one overarching system, where all of these former functions work together. It includes tasks such as data migration from old systems and automating previously manual operations to provide bespoke software solutions to meet individual company needs.

You can provide this service from home, provided you’ve got the necessary specialised skill set. The job requires extensive knowledge of software, hardware, programming and coding to integrate all sorts of computer systems. The complexity of the job means that if you’ve got the know-how, you can charge a high fee for your services.

Systems integrators are hugely in demand – simple marketing techniques such as a website, cold-calling and social media advertising is an effective way to bring in high-paying clients.

48. Online mailing list broker

Mailing list brokers compile lists of names and addresses of prospective consumers for business clients. They’re specialists in their field who undertake market research to define a target consumer and find leads. These kind of lists are essential for companies to expand their client base and grow their sales. Companies are therefore willing to spend huge amounts of money on appropriate mailing lists.

To get started, choose an industry you’re familiar with. You need to have a knowledge of how the sector works and ideally you should have experience in sales or advertising in this area. Part of your job will be understanding the industry and interpreting consumer research reports to determine which demographic your clients should be targeting. You should use this analysis to recommend appropriate mailing lists, which you can either sell or rent to clients. The startup costs are very low – all you need to start is a computer and an internet connection.

Be careful of GDPR – this type of industry requires up to date knowledge on data handling legislation to make sure you don’t breach any privacy laws.

49. Become an SEO consultant

SEO is vital for the success of any online business. SEO stands for search engine optimisation and involves optimising website content, with the overall aim of ensuring websites rank highly on search engines. Ranking highly generates increased website traffic and boosts sales.

SEO consultants need to know how to conduct keyword research to determine which words are optimal to use in titles, headlines, descriptions, articles or any other text that appears on a website to increase website rankings. SEO is the most critical success factor for any digital enterprise, meaning SEO consultants are in high demand and can make a considerable profit. You’ll need experience in the industry, knowledge of SEO concepts such as authority, keyword research, search engine spiders and link building as well as an analytical mind that can interpret data.

In today’s technology-driven society, your service will sell itself – finding customers is your only barrier to success. Make yourself a website and advertise on social media and LinkedIn. You can also advertise your services on freelance sites such as PeoplePerHour and Fiverr. To make more money, consider completing an online course in coding or digital marketing to give your business more authority.

50. Become a business plan writer

All successful businesses need a solid business plan. It’s the first and most crucial step for any budding entrepreneur to secure investment and start trading. Many entrepreneurs don’t know where to begin, making them willing to outsource to an external writer to do the bulk of the work for them.

To become a business plan writer, you’ll ideally have some experience in business. You need to understand all aspects of a business plan to be able to produce one for somebody else. You’ll also need impeccable grammar skills and a professional writing style. To find customers, you can advertise on entrepreneur websites or contact businesses directly.

Writing business plans can be extremely profitable. Big companies will pay thousands for a thorough plan, so make sure you’ve got expertise on all the necessary components of a business plan.

51. Freelance as a database consultant

More and more data handling and information are stored online as businesses increasingly become paperless. Most of this data goes into online databases, hosted by servers to which all computers in a given network are connected. These databases can be complicated, and smaller companies in particular often don’t have the resources or expertise to manage such databases.

That’s where you step in, as a freelance consultant. If you’ve got specialised knowledge of IT and critically, databases, you can earn a lot of money from home by providing consultancy services to companies to help them deal with their databases. Consider taking some training to further your knowledge and expand the service you can offer.

52. Create an online counselling business

If you’re an accredited counsellor, there’s no reason you can’t turn this into an online business. You can get started quickly by registering your business name and setting up a website. E-counselling services range from Skype sessions, web meeting programs, emails and instant messenger facilities. Online counselling services cover a wide range of services, including anger management and grief counselling.

Be careful that you’ve got the right licenses you need for the job. In the UK, you need to have completed and graduated from a course accredited by BACP (the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy). If you’re accepting clients online, make sure you know what country they’re in and check you meet the licensing requirements.

Top tip: don’t forget to get business insurance, and make sure that this extends to online counselling before you start.

53. Become a video editor

If you’re camera-savvy and good at editing, there’s a lot of money to be made in video editing. There are countless events and businesses that want videos produced, whether its as part of an ad campaign or for internal use. In addition, the existence of simple to use video editing platforms like InVideo among others is making a lot easier to get into the video editing space and become a pro.

The first thing to do is to find your niche. Do you want to edit corporate videos, produce wedding videos or create advertising campaigns? Deciding on a target client will help you market your services. Next, you need to build a relevant portfolio. Most new video editors begin by offering their services for free to their ideal client, or first few clients. This deal is a win-win for clients and is a fantastic way to build a credible portfolio and can also lead to referrals. Having a portfolio enables you to charge more and attract better clients. LinkedIn or Youtube are perfect places to showcase your past work and attract clients.

Growth is key here: once your business gets going, consider hiring in assistants or outsourcing parts of the production, allowing you to focus on the bits you enjoy.

54. Sell your notes

Most students clock up a fair amount of absence at college or university. Turning off that 8 am alarm can seem like a great idea at the time, but leading up to exams, a lack of revision notes can be a big problem. This is where selling study notes has excellent potential.

Selling study notes is a fantastic option for current or former students, as you can make money off of work you’ve already done. The most marketable notes are digital notes, clearly presented and well-structured. Getting started selling notes is easily done through websites such as Stuvia, where you can upload your notes and start selling straight away.

The best way to become a successful online notes seller is by offering your first set for free! Once people realise your notes are clear, concise and helpful, they’re more likely to buy more. Another tip is to remember your audience: if students are your target market, keep your prices student-friendly to become a top-seller.

55. Become a web developer

Having a website has become a prerequisite for almost all successful businesses, but most people still lack the skills they need to produce one themselves. As a web developer, you’re offering an essential service to most companies, and you’ll never be short of clients.

Being a service in such high demand, however, means there are tonnes of web developers out there. The best possible way to make money as a web developer is to choose a niche. Either focus on a specific industry or a particular type of website design: eCommerce, for example.

Promote your business far and wide – start by creating social media channels for your business, reach out to family and friends and past colleagues, attract leads through an email list, promote yourself on LinkedIn and even Twitter. Web developers’ biggest faux-pas is waiting until business runs dry before turning back to their ad campaigns – advertising always needs to be a top priority.

Finally, make sure your website is flawless. Customers will base their purchase on the quality of your website – this is your portfolio, and it needs to be the best example of your work.

56. Virtual assistant

As a VA (virtual assistant), you will provide support by completing a range of administrative services for individuals and businesses remotely.

Demand for virtual assistants is growing as businesses are increasingly outsourcing tasks such as bookkeeping, scheduling and email management to freelancers instead of completing the tasks themselves or taking on new, permanent staff.

A perk of being a VA is that you decide as and when you work. You can also choose which tasks you would like to perform and perform well. You can base your service around what you enjoy doing.

Many virtual assistants use software such as Buffer, a social media management tool, Doodle, a scheduling tool, and Float, a client tracker, to help with their day to day tasks.

57. Become a social media influencer

The popularity of sites such as YouTube and the exponential growth of Instagram has given rise to one of the most lucrative and attractive new careers: being a social media influencer. Companies create partnerships or run ad campaigns through these “influencers” – individuals with huge followings on their media accounts – as a marketing technique, a method used in almost every industry.

Your best bet for success is to find your niche and hone your brand. Pick something where you know you can consistently create content. There are so many young people trying to become influencers that it’s become a very saturated market in certain areas, particularly in the areas of fashion, lifestyle and exercise. Be prepared to hustle: it’s a common misconception that the life of an Instagrammer is an easy one – but expect hugely varied income month on month and a lot of hard graft at the start.

Having a lot of followers will be your biggest asset when trying to get paid advertisement deals with brands. Generating a large following is best done by posting regular content, consistently updating all your social media channels and engagement with your audience. Try tagging and mentioning brands to attract them to your profile.

Finally, use hashtags! It may seem outdated for Instagram users with personal accounts, but it’s a great way to play the algorithm on social media and make sure new people can find your account.

58. Become a cryptocurrency miner

The popularity of cryptocurrency has soared in recent years. Many cryptocurrencies are uncovered through a mining process, which introduces new coins to the market. Cryptocurrency miners ensure that transactions between users are authentic and are then responsible for adding each sale to the blockchain.

Cryptocurrency mining is complicated and highly skilled work. Not only that, but it’s incredibly competitive – to earn money, you are working in constant competition with other miners. The first to crack the code gets to verify the transaction and add it to a block, which is how they earn money themselves. The speed and urgency of the job mean you need a constant internet connection and can never take your eye off the ball.

Make sure you do your research – not all cryptocurrencies can be mined, for example. The better-known currencies, such a Bitcoin, are also the most competitive, and you may not be able to compete with enterprises in the industry mining in such popular currencies.

59. Offer a CV & cover letter writing service

Writing effective and grammatically correct CVs and cover letters is a struggle for many professionals. These type of writing services includes an analysis where clients are given guidance to determine their objectives, and define the skill set needed to achieve them.

As a CV writer, your next step is to select an appropriate format and choose vocabulary which will appeal to potential employers, without making the applicant sound arrogant and “too good to be true”. A good resume or cover letter needs to highlight an individual’s skills, be relevant to the position applied for and have a positive tone.

CV writing is a really easy career to get off the ground and can be lucrative. All you need to get going is a computer, the internet and some clients. Marketing, too, can be reasonably cheap: advertising on sites such as LinkedIn is useful to attract customers searching for jobs. It’s a good idea to have a portfolio of example CVs and cover letters for different industries to show prospective customers before they purchase your service.

60. Email marketing consultant

The role of an email marketing consultant is to work with businesses to improve their email communication and step up their marketing campaigns.

In this job, consultants help clients to assess and improve their email communication as a marketing technique. They may also be engaged in creating and setting up email campaigns. In practical terms, it can mean advising the client on what words to use to increase the response rate, and words to avoid so that emails and email newsletters are not perceived as spam.

You can also advise on how to write an active subject line and structure the email in the best way to encourage engagement. The startup costs are low with marketing your services being your only expense. The more background experience you have in marketing and advertising, the more you can charge.

Legal writing is a type of technical writing used by lawyers, legislators, judges and other legal professionals to formulate legal analysis, legal rights and obligations. This type of text requires references or citations from a legal authority, and must often follow a prescribed format and include technical terms.

The most common types of legal documents are employment contracts, company bylaws, meeting minutes, operating agreements, non-disclosure agreements, terms of use, contractor forms, leases, claims and complaints.

It’s an accessible business to start and has minimal startup costs. Legal writing does, however, require a very specific skillset. A background in law is essential, and clients will want evidence of this in the way of a degree or previous work experience in a law firm. You’ll also need flawless writing skills and impeccable grammar.

62. Social media management

As an SM (social media) manager, you will work alongside individuals, brand and companies to build and run their social media presence. An SM manager’s daily tasks consist of monitoring, measuring and engaging the performance of their clients’ social media accounts and making appropriate changes to improve their online presence.

Many social media managers use tools such as Buffer, Hootsuite and Sprout Social to manage their clients’ account and to execute tasks such as posting content at optimal times and replying to fans appropriately. If you want to become a social media manager, create a website and use your social media pages to procure clients. You can also target high-profile individuals on their social media, or via mailing lists.

Practise what you preach – your best bet for securing clients is to have a strong social media presence yourself. Familiarise yourself with all the most popular social media platforms and build your own accounts as your portfolio.

63. Freelance graphic design

As a graphic designer, you will work with your client to produce visual content that communicates their brand message to their target audience. Commissioned projects include creating marketing materials such as posters, billboards, logos and packaging.

Graphic designers typically use software Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and Dreamweaver to create their work. The websites we’ve mentioned above for freelancers such as Upwork, Fiverr and Freelancer are great places to market your services, as well as reaching out to companies directly.

64. Become an online business consultant

As a business consultant, you will be providing clients with expert advice in areas such as management, accountancy, law, HR and marketing, to name a few. Your main tasks will be to strategise, plan and problem-solve together with your clients to help grow their business.

Working as a business consultant requires a specialist skillset. You’ll need industry experience in consulting as well as an extensive business background. The more experience you have to offer, the more you can charge for your services. Try to whittle down your service to a niche where you have a lot of relevant knowledge so you can genuinely help businesses improve their service. You’ll need to be able to evaluate the environment in which your client operates and their current position in the market, identify leading competitors, and then find opportunities that could help the client earn more money. More often than not, solutions relate to time management, distribution of resources or company structure.

Attribute most of your investment and profits to marketing to attract clients and grow your business. A top tip is to take heed from key players in the industry – study your competitor’s methods and keep up to date with industry developments by joining a trade association, such as the MCA.

65. Advertising management

All companies need to market their product or service to attract clients. The bigger and better the ad campaign, the more customers they’ll attract and the more revenue they’ll bring in. Many companies opt to outsource the management of their ad campaigns to select companies. This is where you step in.

To start an advertising management company, you ideally need some experience in either marketing, advertising or sales. Next to this, there are few startup costs – you can start a small online advertising agency at home. It becomes even cheaper if you outsource graphic design and production elsewhere. Before you start, you’ll need to compile media kits, which provide advertising rates, target demographics and specs. Make as many contacts as you can – get in touch with the media outlets you plan to use for your campaigns.

Trends in the advertising industry are constantly involving. Keep as up to date as you can with the industry by joining trade associations – this is also useful for keeping an eye on the competition.

66. Become an online dating guru

Online dating has boomed in the last ten years. In February 2019, an estimated 50 million people worldwide were using Tinder, just one of the hundreds of dating sites and apps now available. Love and relationships appear to be a universal interest, affecting people regardless of age, nationality or gender. It’s no wonder that it’s become a moneymaking industry, bringing in worldwide revenue of over £1.4 billion every year.

With such a broad target audience, becoming an online dating consultant has the potential to be a very lucrative trade. Even better, you don’t need a qualification to give dating advice. That said, having a background in psychology or some counselling training gives you more credibility. It’s also a business you can run entirely online. You can choose to offer phone consultations, e-mail consultations or even sessions on an instant chat. To sell your services, create a website and try advertising on social media.

It can take a while to build a customer base – consider offering some tips or advice for free, to encourage customers to visit your site and pay for your service.

67. Develop apps

If you’ve got a specialist skillset in app design and development, you can market this skill for a significant profit. In recent years, almost every business has an app, from airlines to supermarkets to fitness influencers to online dictionaries. App developers are in-demand and won’t be going out of fashion any time soon.

With any freelance business, to start making money, you need a portfolio. The best way to do this is to offer your services for free to several reputable companies. Once you’ve built apps that they’re happy with, this will serve as a credible portfolio to attract other high paying clients. Start by deciding on a platform, for example, iOS, Android and Windows. Make sure you’ve got some qualifications. A degree in computer science or engineering is a solid starting point, but you can also complete online courses.

The next step is marketing. Try and create a network in the industry. If you can get an internship in the industry, this is a great way to make contacts. Create a website and invest in advertisement. Contact as many businesses as you can who might want an app developed. The good thing is, it’s an easy sell – almost all companies can profit from having an app.

Practise makes perfect! This is the best piece of advice that app developers should heed. To offer an outstanding service, you need to be an expert in your field. Make sure you’re a specialist at fixing bugs and troubleshooting so you’re not hit with any surprises that could cost you in revenue.

68. Become a freelance illustrator

If you’re creative, you can easily capitalise on your skill and make money online. Illustrators can sell their drawings online in a multitude of profitable formats.

Client work is the most lucrative stream of revenue for illustrators. Illustrating for advertising campaigns for companies and working with magazines are some of the biggest earners and are also most beneficial for building a credible portfolio. To find clients, you’ll need to market yourself: start with a website featuring examples of your designs and reach out to as many businesses and magazines as you can. It’s a good idea to use a mailing list to reach as many prospective customers as possible.

Another more automated way to sell your work is through an Etsy shop. Once you’ve put your products on the Etsy market, you can sit back, relax and wait for the orders to come in.

69. Website theme & plugin seller

Websites and companies will want to buy plugins to add certain features to their websites, for example adding a membership feature or a weather feature. They’ll also want a theme for their website, which is a package offering specific graphics for the appearance of a website and its navigation functions.

Becoming a web theme or plugin developer requires a very specific and technical skillset. You need to be fluent in coding and have extensive knowledge of the industry. You can either produce more general plugins off your own back and sell them on, or you can be commissioned to develop specific plugins for certain features for company websites. The same goes for producing web themes – you can either sell specific preset theme packages or create custom-made ones for individual clients.

Lead-generation is essential here to make sure your work doesn’t dry up. Work can fluctuate massively from one month to another, so consistent and effective advertising is key.

70. Create a membership site

A membership site is one that offers extra information or content that’s only available if you’re a subscriber. Not all such subscriptions cost money, but those who purchase a premium membership will get better, broader content from the site. This feature works on thousands of websites – think of all the times you’ve tried to access specific content and have been asked to sign up to “unlock” it.

Starting a membership site is an effortless way to boost your income, especially if you already have a website in place that offers some content. It’s a straightforward addition which can generate a lot more income on an existing platform. Alternatively, you can start one from scratch. You’ll need a lot of content, and you’ll have to separate the content into paid and unpaid. It’s a delicate balance to strike – you’ll need your free content to be good enough to inspire credibility but not so exhaustive that there’s no reason to pay for more.

For someone who’s already created a website, adding a membership feature isn’t too complicated. The best way is to use WordPress with an added membership plugin – options include MemberMouse, MemberPress (a little more expensive) or WooCommerce Memberships.

To profit from a membership site, try and pick a monetiseable niche. Make sure it’s something that you’re interested in, as you’ll need to be producing consistent content.

71. Tutor online

Online tutoring is a super flexible way to monetise your skills. There are several different ways to become an online tutor: you can get work through online tutoring websites, which cuts out the need to find and reach out to clients, or offer your services yourself.

Some online companies offer tutoring over Skype, while others use cameras and chat facilities to deliver sessions. If you want to go solo, you can advertise your services on social media or websites which market private tutors – just be sure to highlight that your sessions are all online.

Be aware that if you are going to work through an agency, some – but not all – will require teaching certificates and classroom experience.

72. Offer online virtual tech support

If you’re tech-savvy, this could be an easy job for you. Many individuals and companies alike require technical support, and for smaller companies, this isn’t necessarily something they can do themselves. This is where you step in.

You can offer virtual tech support and troubleshooting over the phone, over email, or on an online chat facility. You can choose your hours and your clients. The best way to make money is to procure some stable company clients – the better you know your clients, the better service you’ll be able to offer and the more you can charge. Having businesses as clients also provides a steadier income.

If you want something even more stable, many companies are now recruiting for technical support roles based at home, which is a good place to start.

73. Earn money as a software developer

Anyone with a knack for technology can become a software developer. There is a multitude of online courses you can take, which will give you some basic skills which you can monetise. For more experienced software developers, your potential client base is even broader.

Software developers can earn up to the twice that of a full-time web developer. But being freelance takes hard work, especially at the start. Finding enough work is a freelancer’s biggest challenge. Fortunately, freelance marketplaces have starting appearing, which makes it a lot easier to advertise your services. Try websites such as UpWork or Freelancer.

A tip here is always to get a signed agreement before you set to work. Having a signed contract before you start guarantees you’ll get paid at the end and prevents clients from dropping out and avoids you wasting your time.

74. Set up a ghostwriting business

Individuals, often celebrities, principally hire ghostwriters to write anything from articles and speeches to books and blog posts. People employ ghostwriters when they don’t have the time, resources or writing ability to produce the work themselves. Ghostwriters write under the name of their clients, meaning they are not credited for their work, although many ghostwriters develop an extensive network of contacts in the writing industry.

As a ghostwriter, you can charge clients a project fee based on the type and length of the text.

Tools such as Bibisco, Manuskript and oStorybook are often used by ghostwriters to improve their productivity and workflow.

A little experience in this industry goes a very long way – ghostwriters with past experience can earn up to £40,000 per book. To make even more money, consider specialising in a particular niche, for example, speech writing. Ghostwriting is also an excellent place to start if you later want to write under your name.

75. Create an online travel website

For avid travellers with experience in the tourism industry, starting an online travel business is a fun way to make money. The tourism and travel industry is one of the largest in the world and is continually growing.

Such a big industry means there’s plenty of room to start a new business, but it also means you’ve got lots of competition. Try and offer an innovative service which nobody else is delivering on the market. Perhaps specialise in travelling to a particular area, or a specific type of travelling – business travel, or backpacking, for example.

To reduce your startup costs, use a host agency. You’ll get high commissions for the sales you generate and won’t have to worry about establishing relationships with flight, accommodation and activity suppliers. It’s also a good idea to start a blog to accompany the site – here, you can share the experiences of previous customers and engage your target market.

76. Create and send press releases

Press releases inform the public about the products, services or activities of an organisation in an appealing way to attract customers. They need to be newsworthy as well as stimulating, to spike the attention of the reader.

Press releases are crucial for businesses to reach more prospective customers, increasing company exposure, potential sales and traffic. The structure of the content in a press release is usually based on the inverted pyramid metaphor – used widely in media and journalism. At the very least, a press release should answer 5Ws and 1H: Who did what, where, when, why and how? You’ll need a catchy, engaging and immaculate writing style, a computer and an internet connection. The low startup costs make it an easy and profitable venture to start from home.

Credibility, again, is key here – consider completing some online courses to gain qualifications that’ll give your service more legitimacy.

77. Write University admissions applications

Getting into university is more competitive than ever before. More and more students are opting to continue their studies after college and are desperate to live the uni lifestyle. But for some, writing an admissions statement can be a real challenge. This is where you step in.

The startup costs are next to none. You can get your business going with a laptop, the internet and a simple website to advertise your services. You can reach potential customers by word of mouth or by promoting online. You’ll need excellent written skills and grammar and preferably some knowledge of the admissions process. When selling your service, you can charge per word, per page or per hour of your time, however you see fit.

Top tip: it’s a good idea to offer a few example admissions statements (perhaps your own) for free, so that prospective clients know what to expect.

78. Document creation

Companies often require help with creating various documents. These may be contact lists, directories, checklists, inventories, emergency contact forms. To make work more manageable, you may want to opt for some kind of document creation software such as Hotdocs, Ecrion or Foxit Software.

This job requires solid design skills as well as broad business knowledge. You can market your skills through freelance websites or by making a website and contacting companies directly.

79. Create ads for small businesses

An absolute must for small businesses to grow is advertising. But the nature of small businesses means that more often than not, they don’t have the resources or the expertise to do this in-house. This is where you step in.

Starting a business in ad creation has relatively low startup costs. Previous knowledge or experience in either advertising or design is helpful. From there, all you need is design software such as Bannersnack, Canva or Photoshop. Having a few formats and price options makes it a really easy business model with massive scope for growth. Finding customers is also relatively easy – you can use a simple ad campaign of your own or a mailing list to target small businesses.

If you want an automated business and you’ve got the expertise, you can even set up a website where small businesses can create their own ads using your templates!

80. Online collections agent

One of the more challenging jobs in customer service, becoming a collections agent involves reaching out to clients who have unpaid bills, unpaid invoices, loan instalments or any other outstanding payments.

Collections agents are responsible for creating lists of debtors and organising them based on how severe the debt is. The next step is getting in touch with customers and discussing how the debts may be collected, locate unresponsive customers using credit bureau information and performing background checks. Software used for debt collection includes Collect One, Collect, or Collection Words.

If you’ve got experience in debt collection, it’s a straightforward business to set up online. Use your industry contacts and advertise directly to companies to procure clients.

81. Formatting documents

Formatting makes documents appear more professional and visually appealing for a reader. This task involves selecting an appropriate font for plain text (headings, subheadings paragraphs, etc.), choosing the colour of the font, dividing texts into sections, bullet points or numbering, headers and footers, writing quotations in the right way and, if need be, adding bibliographic references.

Stylish formatting can add a higher level of professionalism to marketing materials or websites, which instils greater trust into prospective customers. If you’ve got a knack for graphic design, this is a business you can quickly start at home with some design software.

Advertise your services with a website, reach potential customers via mailing lists and consider investing in paid ads to maximise your exposure.

82. Make money in data entry

In this role, you’ll input and manage information in various types of documents. Typical tasks include entering data into existing sheets, creating new data in databases, updating existing records and deleting the files that are no longer of use or no longer current.

It’s a straightforward business to start from home with nothing more than a computer. Most companies will be spoilt for choice when choosing a company to handle their data entry, so make sure your website is slick and spend time on your marketing campaign.

Some clients will require you to work with various data entry software such as EpiData or Entrypoint Data Entry, so it’s a good idea to master these.

83. Buy and sell secondhand books

Books are always in high demand, and despite the introduction of eBooks, printed books are still more popular than ever. More often than not, novels are read once and discarded or stored on a shelf. You can make decent money by buying and selling secondhand books.

You can buy all kind of secondhand books online and in charity shops. It is best to source your books from charity shops or online from individual vendors selling one-off books to find the lowest prices. Opt for books in good condition and choose a niche to narrow down the books you buy. Selecting a niche will also help you to hone your brand and attract a specific target audience. You can sell your books through an online marketplace such as Abebooks, eBay and Amazon.

Competitive pricing is crucial to success in selling secondhand books online. You want to undercut your competitors but ensure you make a worthwhile profit.

84. Become an online editor

Editing is a process of planning, revising and post-edit writing material such as books, magazines and websites.

Editing is mainly used in fields such as literature, film and video but also creative industries such as public relations, marketing and advertising. As an editor, you will work closely with the writers to help produce their stories and structure their ideas so that their message comes across clearly. You will also check for errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar. That said, the role of an editor is much more hands-on than that of a proofreader – editors make alterations to flow, structure and tone to achieve an overall effect. For this reason, it’s a much more competitive industry, and you’ll need a credible portfolio to attract customers.

There are many tools available to editors online to improve their service, such as StyleWriter, Intelligent Editing and Serenity Software.

85. Set up a daily deals site

A daily deals site, as the name suggests, is a site where consumers can find heavily discounted products and services, for one day only. You’ll have to source lots of brands and merchants to work with to make the site successful, which can be very time-consuming. However, most vendors are open to offering good discounts in exchange for the marketing opportunity, as the offers are only available for a day.

The main advantage of starting a daily deals site is that you’re just a middleman, meaning you don’t have to deal with the products themselves or delivery of the service. To get going, you’ll need to purchase a domain and web hosting, which makes it a cost-effective startup. You’ll make money on a commission basis, in turn for marketing merchants’ products.

To compete with other deals sites on the web, it’s best to choose a niche. Decide on a type of product or service to attract clients. This concept is similar to the ‘Daily deals’ sites. The difference is that daily-deal sites offer discounts on individual purchases, whereas with group-buying there is a need for several buyers to place an order to the deal. Once the deal goes live, the customers are sent discount vouchers via email.

It’s also worth noting that group-buying is usually aimed at a local market. The best-known sites in this sector are Groupon and Wowcher UK.

86. Become an internet strategy genius

In this field, you aim to help clients identify their goals, assess the strengths and weaknesses of their business and create a structured plan where you outline how to achieve the set goals. In practice, that means advising the client on selecting the correct web-based applications to increase their competitiveness in the market or improve communication among employees and with customers.

So many businesses are migrating online that you’ll be highly in demand as an internet strategist. Experience in business strategy or marketing is a bonus here, which can boost your credibility.

For this kind of business, cold-calling is an excellent way to procure clients. You may also use email campaigns and online advertising to attract customers.

87. Get paid to test digital products

Usability testing is a technique used to evaluate a digital product by letting users try its features for free and record the process while doing it. This usability exercise provides direct information on how real-life consumers use a system and shows whether its features are user-friendly or need some work. This type of testing assesses features of websites, apps or other products.

To earn money by user testing, all you need is a computer and microphone. You can find products to test through sites such as UserTesting, Webusability or TestingTime and can earn up to £50 per test. Vendors will send you a product, such as a website, app or piece of software, accompanied by some instructions. You’ll then record yourself trying out the services which will then be used by companies to hone their product.

To maximise your earnings, join as many testing sites as you can to capitalise on as many testing opportunities as possible.

88. Web research

In short, web research means looking up information that’s hard to find and time-consuming. Companies are willing to outsource internet research to save their time and resources. You can research anything from contact details, company lists (such as competitors in a given target market), market research data, product lists, statistical data, personal data or data confirming documents’ legitimacy.

Becoming a web researcher is one of the easiest businesses you can start from home with nothing more than a computer. The biggest drawback of becoming an internet researcher is the challenge of finding consistent work. You’ll need to put in some hard graft to curate an extensive network, self-promote and market your services. You’ll also need astute judgment skills to assess the authenticity and legitimacy of the information you find online.

Be careful to cite your sources and keep records of where you find information, to avoid infringing any plagiarism laws.

89. Buy and sell on online auctions

Online auctions allow vendors to sell products to competing customers, each attempting to outbid the other to purchase products. Listings can remain live for up to 30 days on some platforms, which can increase the bidding price.

Selling through auctions online is an easy way to make money as you can start with your own unwanted items. Once you’ve made a bit of money, you can invest in other products online and resell them for a profit. Online auction places attract huge audiences which is fantastic exposure for your products. The leading players, eBay, Bonanza and Lista, attract millions of users every day – with over 182 million people using eBay in 2019.

Top tip: electronics and accessories was eBay’s top-selling product category, closely followed by clothing. Selling these products is a sensible place to start to profit from the online auction market.

90. Freelance as a proofreader

As a proofreader, your task will be to examine your clients’ text material for any spelling, punctuation, formatting, typographical or grammatical errors and to correct them to improve the overall readability and professionalism of the document. If you’ve got a good knowledge of spelling and grammar and enjoy reading, this is a low-cost business you can set up at home.

Translation agencies often employ proofreaders with knowledge of both the source and target language to spot inconsistencies in translation and to recognise unidiomatic word order that’s come from the source language. That said, all kinds of businesses and copywriters require proofreaders to act as the final editors before documents go to print. Many professional proofreaders use software such as Hemingway, Zenpen and Grammarly to improve their overall service performance. Once you’ve started attracting customers, you can expand your business by also offering copywriting services.

91. Become an online translator

Tourism, recruitment and journalism are a few of the many industries that have a high demand for translation services. If you’re bilingual, translation is a sought-after and readily marketable skill.

As a translator, clients will commission you to translate a range of materials and texts, such as marketing materials for businesses, the novel of an author looking to sell their work in another country or the personal documents of an individual, including foreign job applications and passports.

Translation requires some research and close attention to detail. One of the biggest challenges of translation is setting the right tone in the target language for each text type. Translators utilise software tools which specialise in translation, such as Babylon, Ginger and Trados.

If you’ve got a background in a particular area, you can become a translation specialist and charge more for your services. Medical translators, for example, are familiar with medical jargon and can achieve much higher rates. The same goes for translators with training in engineering or technology. Translators typically charge a fee per word, though you can also set prices per project, per page or per hour.

92. Earn money as a freelance ad designer

If you’ve got skills in graphic design and some experience in advertising, you can make good money at home by designing ads for companies’ marketing campaigns.

You’ll need some good graphic design or video software and a website to market your services. Paid ads are also a good idea for this type of business, as it showcases the skills you’re offering. It’s also a good idea to build a portfolio to show potential customers for an idea of what service they’ll receive.

To be a successful ad designer, make sure you listen to your clients. You need to truly understand their vision and brand message to bring it to life.

93. Produce and sell a diet plan

The health and fitness industry has taken the online world by storm. It’s a huge part of popular culture, particularly for young people. The number of Instagram and YouTube fitness influencers has increased exponentially in the last few years, with individuals posting workout clips and videos, recipes and lifestyle content. With increased awareness of following a healthy diet, coupled with the rise of veganism, there’s now a broad market for selling diet plans.

Selling a diet plan is one of the easiest ways to make money from the health and fitness industry. Before trading any product with a claim to boost health, you need to make sure you’ve consulted relevant professionals and have done sufficient research.

The next significant barrier to making money from a diet plan is reaching your audience. So much competition means you need to get creative. Having multiple social media channels is a great way to access these audiences. Alternatively, find a niche – if people are looking for a coeliac, vegan diet, the competition will be pretty slim. Just make sure you have the nutritional authority to support your product.

Another easy way to sell a diet plan is to self-publish an eBook and sell it on Amazon. Again, you’ll need to get creative to find a niche.

94. App tester

App testers work alongside an app development team to test the overall functionality of the app in areas such as performance and usability. App testing exposes any areas that can be streamlined or improved.

Working from home as an app tester requires no experience and no start-up costs. UserTesting, Userlystics and TestBirds are a few of the many sites that allow you to sign up and begin testing apps from home.

App-testing is a great side-hustle for students, freelancers or anyone looking to earn a bit of extra cash.

95. Statistical & data analysis

Almost every professional field requires this kind of research. Common types of data analysis include regression, time series, panel data, experimental designs, factor analysis, principal component analysis and Bayesian analysis, to name just a few.

To find work as a statistical researcher, you can advertise on the freelancer websites we’ve referred to in this post, such as PeoplePerHour and Fiverr, or simply set up your site to promote your services. Examples of the tools used to perform statistical analysis are Excel, Stata, MINITAB or Eviews. To be successful in this field, you’ll need a mathematical or statistical background, and ideally some knowledge of your target industry.

If you’ve got the skillset, statistical analysis can be a lucrative career. Businesses need data analysed for all sorts of purposes, meaning you’ll always be in high demand.

96. Sell your videos

Building a business that sells videos is relatively straightforward. You’ll produce and upload video content to stock footage platforms, such as Pond5, iStock and Shutterstock. Your content is then available on a site with high traffic of potential buyers.

Camera fanatics can make a lot of money in this industry. The video content tends to be between 15 and 30 seconds long, in resolutions of 1080p and higher – the market demand is greater for footage in formats such as 4K.

One of the perks to selling your footage is that once uploaded to a third-party platform, it can generate passive income through licensing and purchase fees.

97. Produce online training events

With more and more remote workers and large-scale, international companies, many businesses are turning to online training events to incorporate more of their workforce. You can start an online business producing training events in any subject. If you’ve got a particular skill set, you can create or hold training sessions or informative talks which can be live-streamed to clients.

It’s an attractive option for companies who want to reduce training time in their offices and also minimise cost.

If you want to develop your business, experienced online trainers use platforms such as ClickMeeting, Livestorm and GoToWebinar to host events.

98. Genealogical researcher

Popular TV programmes such as ‘Who do you think you are?’ have spiked national interest in genealogy, with more and more people becoming interested in their family tree. Working as a family historian involves finding out information about someone’s family history. Projects vary from researching an entire family tree or focusing on a particular individual.

You can quickly start a genealogical research business from home. Even hobbyists with little experience can charge for their services. Websites like Ancestry and Find My Past are fantastic resources for family tree researchers, containing vast archives of birth and death certificates which can help you piece together a person’s family tree. To set up, all you need is a computer, subscriptions to the best genealogy websites and somewhere to advertise your services.

If you want to cut out the marketing side of things, you may want to try a freelancer website like Genealogy Freelancers as an alternative to setting up an online platform yourself.

99. Design newsletters

For creatives, newsletter design is a simple business to start with as little as a laptop. All you need is some creative software to produce the drawings and a computer to get going. By only offering email newsletters, you cut out all the costly printing processes.

Putting together a newsletter can be a timely process, and many smaller businesses don’t have the resources. For some companies, it’s merely a case of wanting a more professional look. Consider offering a range of set formats and templates and charging more for bespoke designs. You’ll also need to decide whether you’re offering the design aspect only, or whether you’ll charge more for writing the content, too.

If you want a fully automated business and you’re software savvy, consider producing a website that provides an online newsletter design tool. Your customers can then create their newsletter for a small fee, which is cheaper for them as it is for you.

100. Offer a rewriting service

Convincing copy is essential for building client trust in a brand. Many businesses that want to improve the professionalism of their brand will employ rewriters to enhance the quality of copy on their site. Companies also use rewriting services when they would like similar content to existing articles on their own website.

Keen writers can start a rewriting business from home with ease. Advertise your services through a website, social media, email campaigns and by calling companies directly. The work is relatively speedy as it’s usually a case of reformulating existing content.

Beware of plagiarism – you must cite sources for specific quotes and facts and avoid direct lifts from other texts. Run your text through a free plagiarism checker online to check the authenticity of your work, such as the one offered by Small SEO Tools or Grammarly.

101. Offer a bookkeeping service

As a bookkeeper, you are responsible for keeping track of a company’s spending to ensure that the business’ financial accounts are in good order. In practice this means processing invoices, receipts and payments, completing VAT returns, identifying expenses on bank statements, repairing cash flow statements, helping to prepare financial statements and producing management accounts. Some of the most popular accounting software programmes are Sole Trader, Xero or Quickbooks.

To expand your client base and charge more for your services, consider getting certified in bookkeeping.

102. Customer service and support

Customer service is a crucial part of any business offering a product or service. A smooth customer service process can be the difference between losing and retaining customers, business and revenue. Many companies choose to outsource customer service, which is where you step in.

To work in customer service, you must have a noise-free environment so that you can listen to customers and respond appropriately. One essential requirement for this type of position is a landline phone – not VOIPs (voice over Internet phone service) or cell phones. As an independent contractor, you will be responsible for your taxes. Businesses that provide home-based customer support opportunities include Arise and LiveOps.

103. Online coaching & mentoring

Coaching focuses on helping an individual to discover answers to their problems for themselves. A typical coaching session involves a form of a conversation between a coach and a coachee where the coach asks open questions that will encourage clients to reflect on the issues on which they want to work.

Mentoring is about passing on valuable skills, knowledge and insight to a mentee to help them develop their abilities. While coaching is used in a variety of fields, mentoring is usually employed in organisations as a way of efficiently transferring valuable competencies from one person to another. Therefore the mentor and mentee tend to have different seniority levels. To provide these services online, you can set up a website or blog and conduct sessions via Skype or by using video presentation software such as Emaze, Powtoon or Slidedog.

In general, coaching and mentoring professionals usually focus on the following areas: advice for small businesses, career, executive, soft skills, parenting, marriage and relationships, personal life, spirituality, fitness and nutrition. Centre your business around one or two of these areas and make sure you have the necessary credentials and certificates to legitimise your service.

104. Sell private-label products on Amazon

If you want to get into buying and selling, a readymade option is to sell private label products on Amazon. Private label products are goods sold by a retailer with their branding and packaging but created by another company. For example, Tesco has a range of ‘Tesco Value’ products sold under its own branding but produced by a third-party.

You can create your own private label by creating a brand and buying products. You can use websites such as Alibaba to have your products manufactured. Amazon offers a Fulfillment-by-Amazon (FBA) program where you can create a buyer account on Amazon and sell your products through their platform. As part of this scheme, Amazon will take care of the picking, packing and shipping for you, which massively minimises your costs. Amazon’s vast online footfall will help you scale your business and find clients. The most profitable items are newly trending products. You can even search Amazon itself for hot products. Top tip: avoid products which come with specific seller regulations, such as electronics.

105. Multi-level marketing

In multi-level marketing programs, the sales force is rewarded not only for the sales they close but also for sales made by people they’ve recruited to the program. That said, always be aware of pyramid schemes disguised as multi-level marketing programs. Generally speaking, if recruitment and initiation fees are better paid or rewarded than sales, it’s likely a pyramid scheme.

106. Remote-manage company inboxes

Companies’ email accounts are often overloaded with unwanted advertising emails which make it hard to keep track of relevant enquiries. Helping them to delete SPAM and creating folders to sort emails from specific sources helps a company to operate much more smoothly. As the name suggests, you can manage email inboxes remotely, meaning you can manage several businesses’ email inboxes at a time. Promote your services by contacting companies directly.

This type of business requires trust – you may have to build up a relationship with prospective clients before they allow you to access their email correspondence.