10 Small Business Thank You Messages For Customers

When was the last time you thanked a valued customer? We don’t mean offhandedly tossing out a “thanks!” toward their back as they walk out the door. We mean an intentional, thoughtful thank you message sent for the express purpose of showing your loyal customers how much they mean to you.  

 If it’s been a while, you may want to pick up the slack. Consider that recent data from the U.S. Small Business Administration reveals that 68% of customers polled responded that they left a business because they didn’t feel appreciated. That’s compared to only 14% that quote product or service dissatisfaction as the deal-breaking factor. Appreciative customer service can be the difference between unmanageable churn and a solid, growing customer base.  Customer retention is extremely important, so you need to build customer loyalty. New and returning customers are equally important for healthy growth.

  How can you write better business messages and say thank you meaningfully? Read on.


Handwritten Business Letters: How They Can Help Your Business