10 Cheap Forex VPS Providers for 2023 [Reviewed]

If the term “VPS” doesn’t ring a bell, here’s the lowdown:

A VPS stands for virtual private server. With this type of hosting service, you can rent a server component partitioned at the OS level through virtualization.

If a physical server were a pizza pie, a VPS would represent a slice assigned to one person.

In other words, VPS hosting entitles you to allotted resources. It’s a step above shared hosting but one below bare metal hosting.

Considering the sweet spot it occupies, it promises real value to those who want the best of both worlds.

If you use a VPS when trading forex, you’d have a remote computer designed for automating and executing trades. It has powerful specs and ensures uninterrupted trading on multiple platforms.

Other than reliable performance and connectivity, it’s synonymous with increased flexibility, dependable security, and excellent support.

Not all VPS hosting services are suitable for trading.

That’s why those specifically designed for FX traders are the great equalizer. They help you compete against institutional players on practically the same footing even if you lack their resources.

Apart from helping level the playing field, an FX VPS hosting subscription doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. If you look hard enough, you can find a service that can address your pain points without breaking the bank.

How To Choose the Right Forex VPS Hosting Provider

Rule number one: you can’t put all FX VPS hosting vendors in a single category.

Many are forex brokers that moonlight as VPS hosts, while others are generic hosting providers that accept everyone, including traders. And then there are the companies that live and breathe FX trading–optimized hosting.

If you’re pinching pennies, the urge to go with the cheapest VPS service, regardless of background, may be strong. You ought to fight it, though.

Affordability is a powerful motivator. But money isn’t the only thing that matters, nor should it be your main consideration.

So, how would you know which vendor is right for you?

Consider the following factors to identify the affordable forex VPS hosts that balance noticeable savings and great value.

Data Center Location

Learn about where a VPS hosting provider houses its hardware.

Being virtually located in your ideal jurisdiction enables you to tap market opportunities wherever you are.

The shorter your distance to exchanges, the faster you can execute trades. A speedy connection can result in decreased slippage.

As you know, timing is everything. So, you have to minimize latency every chance you get in order to move fast in a fast-moving market.

To do this, you need to rent a forex VPS that’s near your broker’s server.

Resource Allotment Maximums

Find out how much processing power, memory, bandwidth, and storage you can buy.

VPS hosting providers guarantee resources for each tenant, but everything has a limit. And the plan you choose single-handedly dictates the most you can use.

Fortunately, many vendors sell VPS hosting for forex trading with scalability in mind. Those that recognize the constraints of their standard packages offer ways to gain more functionality.

Then again, even upgrades and add-ons have limitations.

So, pay attention to resource maximums to know how much wiggle room you have in case you need to scale.

Supported Software

Know whether a host’s system is compatible with the forex trading software you’d like to use.

MetaTrader4 (MT4) is hands down the most popular platform of its kind. But it’s not the only game in town. cTrader and Protrader are gaining traction too.

Most VPS hosts that consider FX their niche market support the leading trading platforms. Still, dig deep to confirm if a host’s tech could set up the apps you need to ply your trade.

Software Installation and Configuration

Determine who’s in charge of setting up your software.

Managed hosting providers take care of all the dirty work. But their self-managed hosting counterparts draw the line at physical hardware maintenance, so the rest is up to VPS tenants.

With or without technical expertise, forex VPS hosting with managed support is advantageous. It lets you focus more on trading and less on setup, which is a desirable position to be in. 

If a host’s VPS hosting service is self-managed by default, it may offer a managed option. This luxury may cost top dollar, which can be a strain on your budget.

Data Security

Lean on a vendor that puts a premium on cyber defenses.

VPSes are hackable. Attacks could come in the form of brute force, malware, or DDoS. Cybercriminals are an innovative bunch, so hosts are burdened with the task of anticipating their moves at every turn.

Other than hackers, acts of nature, vandals, and faulty hardware components could compromise your data just as much.

Also, don’t overestimate your ability to keep your VPS server for forex trading secure. This is especially true when you have great control over it. Dealing with the everyday hassles of trading can distract you from giving data security the attention it deserves.

Needless to say, you ought to go with a VPS host that doesn’t take data protection lightly.

Using a managed hosting service takes care of half of the job. Generally, VPS hosts that willingly handle server management would take regular software updates and patches off your plate. They have protections in place to neutralize viruses and other types of malware.

If you choose to take the self-managed hosting route, you’ll have to do most of the heavy lifting yourself. To watch your six, you need to:

  • Configure your firewall properly.

  • Use strong passwords.

  • Audit your programs.

  • Keep your server OS updated.

  • Be on the lookout for vulnerabilities and fix them.

Either way, you need to save backups in order to prevent data loss in the event of a system failure.

Network Availability

Verify whether a budget forex VPS host guarantees network availability and how it defines downtime.

Every VPS hosting company worth its salt can deliver at least 99.90% uptime. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that its network would be unavailable for just 0.10% of the month.

More often than not, scheduled maintenance doesn’t count as downtime. Plus, the advertised percentage is merely an average rather than an absolute figure.

Furthermore, many vendors throw around the term “uptime guarantee.” But when the fine print doesn’t explain how they plan to back it up, then they probably don’t mean it.

A real guarantee pledges a form of compensation when the VPS is offline for longer than anticipated. Without explicit insurance against undue downtime, an uptime guarantee is no more than an empty promise.

Customer Support

Take note of the ways a vendor can come to your rescue.

Setting up a VPS for trading forex is fairly simple. But servers sometimes have a mind of their own. So, chances are that you’d need technical assistance at some point.

Live chat, email, and phone are typical channels for customer support. Round-the-clock help desk availability is the norm. And company-maintained forums inspire optimism.

Surprisingly, there are still vendors that are unreachable through some common communication methods. Others may monetize customer support by prioritizing subscribers of more expensive plans.

Premium support is yet another item that will inflate your bill. You’d probably bite the bullet only if you like a vendor very much.

So if you’re not crazy about a VPS host, this pill may easily be too bitter to swallow. After all, many companies view customer support as a standard offering – not an add-on.

Don’t forget about self-help material. Readable, audible, and video resources on tap can bail you out of confusing tech problems.

Wise FX VPS hosts see a ton of value in content creation and invest heavily in them. And those without helpful knowledge bases better have stellar, responsive support.


Go beyond standard plans and base prices.

Affordable forex VPS hosting providers use tiered pricing to attract traders with varying budgets and performance requirements.

But some capabilities may be available as extras only. If you need functionalities outside of your plan’s feature set, your costs can add up quickly.

Despite this, you can drive down your overall expenses if you pay more upfront. Without a doubt, lengthy billing cycles would be more cost-effective in the long run. 

With or without a contract, committing to a web host long-term would make sense only if you found it reliable.

Paid trials and money-back guarantees outweigh discounts any day. So, explore how you can meaningfully test a VPS for a reasonable time before parting with your cash for good.

In some cases, you may be able to host FX trading platforms on a VPS at no cost. You may avoid paying a hosting subscription fee in exchange for using a particular broker.

Wrap Up

Comparing the merits of cheap forex VPS providers can be a taxing proposition.

Hopefully, this guide was able to enlighten you on the makings of a budget-friendly vendor that doesn’t compromise value.

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