How do I start interacting with the app’s features?

When you launch the app through any of the access points mentioned in the Accessing The Weather Network App on Optik section of this article, there will be a hint tab on the left side of your screen that flashes for a couple of seconds.

Press the left arrow on your remote to open up the app menu with full app features.

Can I dismiss the banner at the bottom of the Live TV screen?

Yes, you can press the down arrow on your remote.

How do I change the city that appears on the banner at the bottom of the Live TV screen?

By default, the banner which appears at the bottom of the live channel shows your local city weather.

If you want to change this city, you can navigate to Search on the app menu and add a different city to your saved locations list. Once you add the right city, ensure you move that city so that it appears first in the list under saved locations

How do I search for new cities, add, reorder, change my default location or delete cities?

  1. Press the left arrow button on your remote to navigate to Search

  2. Start typing in at least 3 characters of the city you would like to add and once it appears, use the arrow keys to highlight the city, then press OK to add it to your list of saved locations

  3. You can repeat this step to add up to 10 locations

  4. Once you add the cities you want, use your arrow keys to navigate to the end of the Search page where your city list appears. Highlight the city you would like to view and select OK to be taken to the weather page for that city

Note: If you would like to change your default city, first ensure that the city is added to your list of saved locations. Once it is listed under saved locations, use your arrow keys to move the city to the first place in the list. The very first city in your saved locations list becomes your default location

Note: To delete any city, highlight the city under saved locations and press the up arrow on your remote. This should highlight the X in red. Select OK to delete

How do I send feedback to The Weather Network?

  1. Press the left arrow button on your remote to navigate to Settings

  2. Use the arrows on the remote to select About

  3. You will then see the various methods to send feedback to Pelmorex Corp. regarding the app