Webinar green technologies opportunities in vietnam 2
The rising demand for power and energy in the upcoming years is a serious problem of Vietnam and most countries in the world. Green technologies is mentioned as a effective solution to fix it. Vietnam Government has recently recognised the important role of green technologies in supplying sustainable energy and enact policies to expand this technology industry.
There are many renewable energy resources throughout the country. Energy experts consider this to be a strength of Vietnam which helps this country produces new energy sources within the environmental protection. However, RE electricity production in Vietnam is still negligible.
The foreign investment recently discovered this opportunity. Then a webinar will be held on the 30th June at 3.30pm Vietnam time with the topic “Green Technologies Opportunities In Vietnam”. This webinar is organised by the EU-Vietnam Business Network (EVBN), supported by UBM. It is part of the Green Technologies Trade Mission to Vietnam in November 2015. The target of this webinar is to promote sustainability of energy industry in Vietnam. It also a prelude to the first edition of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Vietnam Expo (it takes place from 25 – 27 November 2015).
The main topic of the webinar will be related to energy efficiency, renewable energy, water management and waste management. It include the analysis the potential of Vietnam’s green energy industry for foreign investors. Vietnam is one in 14 countries have the best conditions for conversion of hydropower into electricity with the rich source of rivers and streams.
Presenter Mr Nguyen Dang Anh Thi who worded as a consultant from International Finance Corporation and Mrs Jana Ackermann, Deputy Director of EVBN will be speakers during the webinar.
This is a free-of-charge Webinar, you can register online at the EVBN website evbn.org.