NCCARE360 is the first statewide coordinated care network to electronically connect those with identified needs to community resources and allow for a feedback loop on the outcome of that connection.

There is growing recognition that better coordination and investment in the non-medical drivers of health, like access to healthy food, safe and affordable housing and well-paying jobs, can improve health and decrease health care costs.

However, people face a fragmented system of health and human services that can be hard to navigate. Providers often operate in siloes, are disconnected and have no meaningful way of coordinating services for local residents. NCCARE360 is collaborative solution to this problem by providing a coordinated, community-oriented, person-centered approach to delivering care in North Carolina.

Through NCCARE360, community partners will have access to:

  • A robust statewide resource directory that will include a call center with dedicated navigators, a data team verifying resources and text and chat capabilities.
  • A data repository to integrate resource directories across the state to share resource data.
  • A shared technology platform that enables health care and human service providers to send and receive secure electronic referrals, seamlessly communicate in real-time, securely share client information and track outcomes.
  • A community engagement team working with community-based organizations, social service agencies, health systems, independent providers and more to create a statewide coordinated care network.

This solution ensures accountability around services delivered, provides a “no wrong door” approach and closes the loop on every referral made.

As of June 2020, NCCARE360 is available in every county in North Carolina. Requests for organizations and agencies to join the NCCARE360 network can be submitted here.

NCCARE360 is a result of a public-private partnership between the NC Department of Health and Human Services and the Foundation for Health Leadership and Innovation (FHLI). The NCCARE360 implementation partners are United Way of NC/211, Expound Decision Systems and Unite Us.


NCCARE360 Referral Guidelines for Local Health Departments – The NCCARE360 referral guidelines for local health departments, “Maximizing the NCCARE360 Network to Advance the Public’s Health: A Guide for NC Local Health Departments” acts as a foundation for local health department use in the planning, implementation and department evaluation of NCCARE360 integration. The tool streamlines and standardizes referrals, creates an instant, virtual connection between service providers and closes the loop on client service provision. By maximizing platform utilization, departments have the opportunity to enhance the linking to service and provision of care while mobilizing community partnerships that influence the advancement of the public’s health.

Learn More

NCCARE360 Quarterly Report: August – October 2019
NCCARE360 Quarterly Report: April – July 2019
NCCARE360 Quarterly Report: January – March 2019