Intent-Based Networking (IBN)

What is intent-based networking (IBN)?

As users, devices, and distributed applications have grown in number, the networking environment has become exponentially more complex. IBN transforms a hardware-centric, manual network into a controller-led network that captures business intent and translates it into policies that can be automated and applied consistently across the network. The goal is for the network to continuously monitor and adjust network performance to help assure desired business outcomes.

How does it work?

IBN builds on software-defined networking (SDN), by using a network controller that acts as a central control point for network activity. Such controllers are crucial for network abstraction that lets IT treat the network as an integrated whole. Controller-led networks in all domains (including access, WAN, data center, and cloud) collaborate and extend their benefits throughout the enterprise and help make digital transformation a reality.

The closed-loop system of IBN operates with the following functional building blocks to deliver intent, or support for, the business or IT outcomes that your organization needs.

  • Translation: The capture and translation of intent into policies the network can act on.
  • Activation: Installation of these policies across the physical and virtual network infrastructure, using networkwide automation.
  • Assurance: Use of analytics and machine learning to continuously monitor the network to verify that the desired intent has been applied and the business outcomes are being achieved.