How to create a simple Blog website using HTML and CSS only

How to create a simple Blog website using HTML and CSS only

<link rel="icon" href="" type="image/gif" sizes="16x16">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css" >

<link rel="stylesheet" href=" awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">



<div class="intro">

<p id="name" name="intro">Hello Friends Welcome to my Food Blog Site</p>



<h1>My Blog Posts</h1>
<div class="blogs">
<div class="column">
<div class="card">
<a href="post1.html">
<img src=" content/uploads/2019/02/chicken-biryani-recipe-500x500.jpg" alt="image" height="300" width="400"/></a>
<p>Some text</p>

<div class="column">

<div class="card">

<img src="" alt="image" height="300" width="400"/>


<p>Some text</p>



<div class="column">

<div class="card">

<img src="" alt="image" height="300" width="400"/>


<p>Some text</p>




<div class="blogs">

<div class="column">

<div class="card">

<img src="" height="300" width="400"/>


<p>Some text</p>



<div class="column">

<div class="card">

<img src="" height="300" width="400"/>


<p>Some text</p>



<div class="column">

<div class="card">

<img src="" height="300" width="400"/>


<p>Some text</p>






<h1>About Me</h1>


<img src="" alt="MY pic" height="400" width="400" id="mypic">




<p id="about">I am a Foodie...</p>






<p>Copyright &copy; 2020 All Rights Reserved by Your Name </p>

<p>Contact me by</p>

<a href="#" class="fa fa-facebook"></a>

<a href="#" class="fa fa-instagram"></a>


