How to Start a Blog on Instagram That ACTUALLY Makes Money in 2022

If you’re wondering how to start a blog on Instagram because traditional website blogging scares the heck out of you, then you’ve come to the right place.

Instagram is the perfect blogging platform for people who don’t want to fuss with the lengthy process of web designing and deciding on a hosting service.

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You can start a successful and profitable blog on Instagram in under an hour.


This article will show you exactly how to start a blog on Instagram and give you five ways to monetize your content.

How is Instagram blogging different from traditional blogging?

As you may have guessed, blogging on Instagram is slightly different from traditional blogging (writing on a website) for a few reasons. 

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First of all, building a blog on Instagram is incredibly easy, and you don’t need any prior experience in blogging to get started. As long as you have general knowledge of social media, you can be successful.



How to start a blog on Instagram in 10 easy steps

Secondly, Instagram blogging is different from traditional web-hosted blogging because of Instagram’s limited word count. 

Instagram blogging is considered “micro-blogging because of the limited character count on Instagram captions (AKA mini-blogs). 

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Instagram blog posts/captions have a limit of 2,200 characters. So, you need to get creative with your words in a short piece of text! 


On the flip side, traditional blogging does not have a limit on the number of characters required for a blog. 

Why is Instagram a Popular Blogging Platform?

Although there is a limited word count for Instagram blog posts, the social media platform is a popular option for bloggers.

Instagram offers near-immediate engagement from your target audience while giving you the chance to be creative in other avenues, such as showcasing your photography and Reels skills!

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Keep reading to discover how to start a blog on Instagram today and how to instantly make money from your content!


How to Start a Blog on Instagram in 10 Easy Steps

Follow along with these ten steps to set up your Instagram blog in under an hour! Then, I’ll show you five different ways you can make money from your Instagram content.

Let’s jump into it.

Open an Instagram “Creator” Account

The first step to starting your Instagram blog is to set up your account and turn your account into a “creator” account.

When you sign up for Instagram, you have a choice of three types of Instagram accounts: 

  • Creator 

  • Business 

  • Personal 

The different types of accounts give users a chance to pick the best one for them or their business. 

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As bloggers, we want to select the “creator” account because the features and insights are custom-made for influencers and bloggers.


Here’s exactly how to turn your Instagram account into a Creator account.

When you create an Instagram account, the default settings automatically set you up with a personal account. So, first things first, you want to switch to a “creator” account by clicking the button in the top right corner of your Instagram profile. 

How to create an Instagram creator account

Then click “settings” –> “account” –> scroll to the bottom and select “switch to professional account.” 

You can select the “creator” account after answering questions about your blog.

Select "creator" for your Instagram profile

Then, you’re all set!

What you can expect from your Instagram Creator account 

There are countless benefits to setting up an Instagram creator account, including analytics, options to monetize content with Instagram ads, and engagement. 

Access to Creator specific analytics 

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With your creator account, you’ll have on-demand access to insights and analytics that help you understand what content is performing well and how many people your content is reaching.


This feature is perfect for bloggers because you can use those analytics to pivot your content and ultimately grow your following. 

Instagram Ads

With a creator account, you can “promote” content. Promoting your blogs gets your content in front of even more people and will help more of your target audience discover your blog. 

Ability to Schedule Content with Instagram’s Creator Studio

With Instagram’s Creator Studio, you can take advantage of their scheduling features and photo templates.

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Write blogs, prep your photos, and then set them to automatically post, even when you’re away! 


Creator Studio makes posting and creating content a walk in the park. 

Select Your Niche

Before you jump into posting anything, it’s critical to discover your blogging niche. 

Clearly defining a niche is something many bloggers look over at first, but it is essential to growing your Instagram following. A clear niche will also be critical for working with brands and making money from your content. 

Your blogging niche can be something as broad as “lifestyle” or as specific as “tarot card reading.” 

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The key is to follow what you’re passionate about creating.


To discover what your niche should be, try asking yourself the following questions: 

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  • What 


     can I add to my readers’ lives?

  • What do I 



  • What


    would I love to partner with in the future?


Once you answer these questions, defining your niche should be easy! Usually, people already know their niche but are afraid it’s too broad or too specific. 

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I’m here to tell you that you cannot go wrong as long as you love what you create and genuinely enjoy blogging daily.


To give you some inspiration, here are some examples of Instagram blog niches: 

  • Beauty 

  • Digital Marketing 

  • Fashion 

  • Lifestyle 

  • Health and Fitness 

  • Writing 

  • Photography 

  • Travel

Optimize Your Profile for SEO

Yes, even with Instagram blogging, you need to worry about SEO.

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SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization, which is the process used to optimize your content for searchability using keywords and key phrases so readers can easily find your blogs.


Luckily, optimizing your Instagram profile is super easy.

When writing your Instagram bio, be sure to include keywords related to your niche. 

For example, if you are a freelance writer, you want to include that keyword in your Instagram bio so when readers search Instagram for “freelance writers,” you will appear!

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A nice bonus is to also include the keyword in your Instagram name.


Simply click “Edit Profile” on your Instagram profile, and place the keyword next to your name, separated by a |

Include your niche keyword in your Instagram profile name for SEO!

Another way to increase your Instagram blog SEO is to utilize hashtags and geotagging on your posts, which we’ll get to in one of the steps below. 

Write an Engaging Bio & Include Your Profile Photo

An effective and engaging Instagram bio will instantly explain what your blog is about in short sentences or bullet points. 

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The goal with your Instagram bio is to be as direct and specific as you can, so potential followers will understand what your account is about within the first five seconds of viewing your profile.


You want to write a captivating bio, so Instagrammers feel compelled to hit that “follow” button! Think of your Instagram bio as a “sneak peek” into what kind of content your followers can expect.

A perfect example of a captivating bio and profile photo on Instagram

Okay, we can’t all be the youngest person to travel to every country. But, @lexielimitless’ bio is the perfect example of a captivating glimpse into her content. 

So, have fun with your bio, and I promise your target audience will want to follow along with your writing. 

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In addition, your profile photo should be a zoomed-in and centered self-portrait.


Having a self-portrait as your profile photo helps create brand recognition and builds trust with your community. People want to know who they’re following to make a connection with you!

Source or Capture Eye-Catching Photos

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On Instagram, it’s not enough just to write beautiful blog content.


You have to pair an eye-catching photo or video with your blogs because Instagram is a visual platform first. 

If photography isn’t your thing, you can source free photos for blogs from stock image websites. 

Many of the photos you’ll find on these websites do not need referencing, but it’s a good practice to check what the restrictions are (they can be different for every photo).

A few of my favorite websites for free stock images are:

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On the other hand, if you enjoy capturing your own photos or recording your own videos, go for it!

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Keep in mind that if you are taking your photos, it’s best to maintain brand consistency by using a similar color palette or aesthetic. When your image shows up on your followers’ feed, they instantly know it’s your content.


This isn’t super necessary, but you should take advantage of every way to solidify your brand awareness, especially in the blogging business. 

For example, travel photographer and storyteller Karl Shakur’s Instagram feed is full of beautiful blue and orange tones. Not only does this look aesthetically pleasing, but it also increases his brand awareness. 

How to start a blog on Instagram: create a consistent photo branding strategy, like Karl Shakur!

Using Adobe Lightroom or VSCO filters will help you achieve a consistent color scheme and aesthetic. 

Plan & Schedule Your Content

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The key to running a successful and profitable blog on Instagram is organization.


But, this is arguably the most fun part of setting up your Instagram blog!

In this step, you brainstorm ideas, plan content, and find ways to schedule automatic posting.

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A good practice is to start using a free social media scheduler to help you plan, organize, and schedule your blogs for posting.


Most social media schedulers include a calendar view, so you can easily plug ideas and images into an easy-to-use dashboard. That way, you can see all of your inspiration in one place! 

How to start a blog on Instagram that's successful: use a social media scheduler like Later!

A few great social media schedulers include: 

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  • SocialPilot
  • Creator Studio

  • Later (Specifically created for Instagram bloggers)

  • Tailwind


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We also have a Canva social media scheduler review you can check out. It’s another super helpful tool for content creators.

[button url=””]Try Canva Free[/button]


Write Thoughtful Captions (Blogs)

Now that your account is all set up, you can start writing!

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The bread and butter of your Instagram blog are what you thoughtfully craft in your Instagram captions (blogs). These are what make you stand out from the sea of captivating Instagram accounts.


Remember that your Instagram blogs cannot be longer than 2,200 characters. Start practicing getting your point across in a short piece of text. 

This skill is learned, so don’t stress too much if this is hard at first! 

The two most important parts of your Instagram blog

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  • The opening sentence 

  • Your Call to Action


Think of the first sentence of your Instagram caption as the hook for your blog. It needs to be interesting to encourage the reader to keep reading. 

Your first sentence should be a punchy one-liner that grabs attention. 

A few ideas for how to start your Instagram blog content: 

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  • Make an intriguing statement 

  • Include a shocking statistic 

  • Be relatable by prompting an emotional response 

  • Ask a question that encourages a response 


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By intriguing your reader, you can guarantee that they will read more of what you have to say. And because they took the time to read, they are more likely to engage with your post by commenting, liking, or sharing your post with a friend! 


After writing the bulk of your content in easy-to-read, small paragraphs, you then want your reader to respond or take action.

This is where your “call to action” or CTA comes in. 

The last line of your Instagram blog should include your CTA.

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Your CTA can be as simple as encouraging your reader to comment their thoughts below or clicking the link in your bio to visit your website. 


You want your readers to engage with your content to grow your account and create a community.

Ultimately, what you said before the CTA will persuade your reader to take action. 

So, make your captions count! Speak from the heart.

Here is an excellent example of an Instagram blog post with a solid introductory sentence and relevant CTA by @inspiredtowrite. 

The first sentence and CTA are the most important parts of your Instagram blog.


What @inspiredtowrite did right: 

  • The first sentence is thought-provoking and encourages an emotional response.
  • Readers are highly likely to keep reading.
  • The thread of photos offers amazing advice and serves as the “blog post.”
  • Relevant CTA encouraging audience to sign up for her mailing list.

Make Your Posts Discoverable with Hashtags & Geotagging

Hashtags and geotags are a great way to optimize your blogs for Instagram’s search engine so that more people can find your content! 

You create an Instagram hashtag by including the # sign and following up with a word or phrase you want to target.

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Instagram collects hashtags in categories, and when clicked or searched for, the user can see all posts under that hashtag. 


For example, many food bloggers will hashtag their post with #foodinspo, so others can see their delicious creations!

Use hashtags to make your Instagram blogs easy to find!

Creating a hashtag strategy is a surefire way to help new potential followers find your Instagram blog! 

Not sure what hashtags are best for you?

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Later is a great free Instagram content planner that helps you find the most relevant hashtags for every post!


Geotagging works in the same way for helping others discover your blog.

Geotagging is when you add your location to your post, whether from the photo’s location or your current location.

Geotag your Instagram posts to make them more discoverable!

Like hashtags, users can search Instagram by location. So, if a user is searching a particular area, they may find your blog and follow your Instagram page! 

Engage With Your Audience 

When learning how to start a blog on Instagram, everyone worries about their ability to create a community with their account. 

The stress is usually for nothing because it’s easy to find others to engage with on the platform.  

After all, engagement is natural on Instagram; that’s why it’s called social media! 

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It’s essential to engage with your followers and create a community within your niche to grow your account and eventually monetize your content.


Some tips for engaging with your readers: 

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  • Like and comment on their posts after you’ve seen them comment on your content. But 

    be sure to make genuine comments!

     Don’t just comment with an emoji or one word. Show them that you care about their content, too!

  • Follow others whose content interests you. 

  • Share other blogs that resonate with you. 

  • Post regularly on Instagram stories to speak with them and provide updates. 

  • Host Instagram Lives if you’d like to discuss a particular topic and reply to comments.

  • Hold a Q&A on Instagram stories. 


There are countless ways to engage with your audience and build a community. You just need to find the best options for you. 

Connect With Other Instagram Bloggers

Connect with other Instagram bloggers in your niche to learn, take notes, and grow your community even further. 

It’s a good practice to check out other bloggers in your niche who are more advanced than you to learn from what they are doing. 

Take notes such as: 

  • Who their followers are

  • How often they post/what they post 

  • Their content forms (Reels, stories, posts)

  • Who they engage with! 

You never know; you might make a friend in a similar niche while you’re learning their secrets to help grow your Instagram blog! 

Social media is fantastic because it allows you to contact anyone you want, from anywhere in the world. 

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So, reach out to that blogger who you’ve always admired! They might just give you some excellent advice for your blog.


Engage with other Instagram bloggers in your niche!

5 Ways to Monetize Your Instagram Blog

There are five main ways to make money with your Instagram blog, and some you can start almost immediately! 

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According to a Business Insider interview with micro Instagram bloggers (under 3,000 followers), you can quickly start making money with just 1,000 followers!


Excited yet? 

Here’s how you can monetize your Instagram blog right now. 

Get Involved with Affiliate Marketing Programs

Affiliate marketing programs help creators monetize their content by earning a commission for successfully referring products to their readers. 

Typically, these affiliate marketing programs include thousands of brands and products that you can market to your followers, so there’s always something for your niche! 

The top affiliate marketing programs for Instagram bloggers are:

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When you share products that you genuinely love, you can earn a commission (anywhere between 2-10% of the total) through sales simply by encouraging your followers to click on your unique affiliate link. 

Partner with Brands for Sponsored Posts 

When Instagram bloggers partner with brands, they create content for the brand in exchange for money or a free product.

How many followers you have and your engagement rate impact how much money you can make from sponsored posts, but it’s still possible.

An example of a sponsored paid partnership with a brand on Instagram

The Instagram blogger above (@valerialipovetsky) has millions of followers, to give you an idea of the kind of brands you can eventually work with!

Even though you’re just starting with your Instagram creator account, you can still partner with brands to monetize your blog.

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For example, Instagram bloggers with 2,000 engaged readers can earn around $80-100 per sponsored post.


As your Instagram blog grows, your opportunity to work with more popular brands and rates increase.

Ways to find brands to partner with: 

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  • Message brands and include your niche, follower count, and engagement rates. 
  • Tag brands in existing posts with products you already love. They may reach out for a partnership if they like your content!
  • Create a hashtag strategy so brands are able to find you. 


Create Viral Content

If your Instagram videos go viral, you can get paid with Instagram in-stream video ads! 

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Instagram Video is a powerful tool for connecting with your followers, starting new projects, and sharing more of your talents aside from blogging.


When you choose to monetize your content on Instagram, you allow brands to promote themselves in the videos you create. Create viral content and get paid with Instagram Video!

How much you earn depends on the number of views your video generates, so you’re paid to create viral content. 

What does Instagram Video pay for viral content?

They’ll pay you 55% of the ad revenue generated per view every month.

Sell Your Own Products or Services 

Are you a food blogger with a fantastic recipe book? Or a digital marketer with a high-value online course? 

Use your Instagram blog as an opportunity to advertise and sell your products or services! 

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In a recent study by Impact Plus, they found that 72% of people on Instagram make purchasing decisions based on what they see on the app.


So, you’d be crazy not to find more ways to monetize your Instagram blog aside from partnerships that are entirely reliant on the brand wanting to work with you. 

Work for yourself and create your own products!

Join an Agency

Joining an agency or a top influencer network will put you in contact with someone who can help you grow your following and monetize your blog.

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An influencer network or agency is where Instagram bloggers and brands can connect online for potential partnerships.


Usually, a manager will assist you in managing these partnerships and connect you with brands that fit your blogging niche.  

Sometimes, brands will even post open opportunities for influencers to apply for a partnership. 

There are endless opportunities with influencer networks. 

Here are some influencer networks you should take a look at: 

Are you ready to start your blog on Instagram?

That’s all, folks.

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You’re all set up with your Instagram blog and should feel ready to take on the world and start making money with your content today!


Best of luck starting your Instagram blog!