Star Trek: Enterprise / Characters – TV Tropes

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Enterprise Crew

Some general notes on the crew’s national origins:

  • Captain Jonathan Archer was born in Upstate New York, but as a child, he moved to San Francisco and spent the rest of his life there. Logically, because Starfleet Headquarters is in San Francisco, his father was nearby working on the Warp 5 engine project, and afterwards Archer himself was around Starfleet Headquarters continuing to work on the Warp 5 test flights.
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  • Chief Engineer Trip Tucker is from Florida.
  • T’Pol and Phlox are aliens, from Vulcan and Denobula respectively.
  • Lieutenant Malcolm Reed is from England.
  • Ensign Hoshi Sato is from Japan.
  • Ensign Travis Mayweather was born on a trading ship during a deep-space run, making him the only human main cast member not from Earth.

    Captain Jonathan Archer 

    Subcommander (later Commander) T’Pol 

    Commander Charles ‘Trip’ Tucker III 


    Lieutenant Malcolm Reed 

    Doctor Phlox 

    Ensign Travis Mayweather 

    Ensign Hoshi Sato 



Enterprise NX-01

    Enterprise NX- 01

  • The Ace: Specifically designed to be the best starship of the United Earth Starfleet, and is the first to reach warp 5.
  • Flawed Prototype: That said, she was rushed out into service early thanks to time travelling interference, meaning she lacked a few of the features she was supposed to have. Especially weapons, which her crew had to upgrade on the fly.
  • The Speechless: Unlike future starships, Enterprise doesn’t give vocal responses to commands.
  • The Only One: Since she’s the first Warp 5 capable Earth vessel around. Less so come season 4, when her sister ship Columbia launches and even fights alongside her. It’s also stated that additional NX-class ships are on the way.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Several times. First is when Trip and Malcolm upgrade her weaponry with phase cannons (the precursors to phaser banks). Then, after the Xindi attack, she gets photonic torpedoes, improved hull plating, and a contingent of Space Marines, turning her into a full-fledged warship. (Word of God suggests that if the show had gotten a fifth season, she could’ve received far more extensive upgrades. Those upgrades would later be indirectly canonized in Star Trek: Picard.) She also goes from barely achieving warp 5 in season 1 to safely maintaining 5.1 for short periods in season 4.

Earth’s first NX-class starship and the first to achieve warp 5.

Other Starfleet/Human characters

    Vice Admiral Maxwell Forrest 

    Major J. Hayes 

Major J. Hayes

Played By: Steven Culp

The commanding officer of a group of MACOs detatched to Enterprise on their mission to the Delphic Expanse after the Xindi attack. His very straightforward and military demeanor highlights the change in their mission as well as causing some friction with the existing crew.

  • The Big Guy: He and his platoon are explicitly military and trained for combat. Their skills are very useful on various infiltration misions.
  • Consummate Professional: Hayes is even more military than Reed is, with his training regimens and never forgetting to append his statements with “sir” or “ma’am.”
  • A Father to His Men: Downplayed, but noticeable. He’s upset when his people die on missions he’s not leading because he feels personally responsible for everyone on his team.
  • Interservice Rivalry: He and Reed clash over security and military operations at first, which culminates in a fistfight. They eventually understand each other better.
  • Just Following Orders: In “Hatchery,” he admits after it’s all done that the others had to mutiny because he would have kept following Archer’s enzyme-induced orders even if they had explained their concerns to him.
  • Mauve Shirt: He’s the leader of a squad of Red Shirts, although the MACOs actually have a pretty good survival rate for that trope.

    He dies right at the end of rescuing Hoshi, shot during beam-out.

  • No Name Given: His first name is left as “J.” His actor and Expanded Universe materials name him “Joss,” “Jeremiah,” or “Jay.”
  • Space Marine: He and his squad are tough, serious, combat-ready fighters who don’t fraternize much with the rest of the crew; they’re there to fulfill a mission.

    Captain Erika Hernandez 

Captain Erika Hernandez

Played By: Ada Maris

“I’m married to Starfleet…just like you.”

Archer’s old flame and the captain of Enterprise’s sister ship Columbia (NX-02), Erika Hernandez was a fiery Action Girl who appeared in only three episodes of the show’s fourth and final season. Somebody liked her, though, because she played a major part in the previous novel verse.

  • Action Girl: Gets as down and dirty in combat as any of the boys.
  • Hero of Another Story: Her time on the Columbia, which could easily have been the basis for its own spinoff.
  • New Old Flame: To Archer. They were forced to break up when he was promoted and she wasn’t, but it’s made quite clear that they’ve never really gotten over each other. Once she gets her promotion, they rekindle their romance.
  • Replacement Flat Character: Hardened by the Xindi mission, Archer draws this kind of comparison to her.

    Archer: I look at you, and I see the person I was three years ago—the explorer that my father wanted me to be.

  • Retcon: Her presence as a starship captain undoes the 30-year-old embarrassment of “Turnabout Intruder,” which claimed that women were forbidden from that position, apparently confirming the long-held Fanon belief that this was another one of Janice Lester’s delusions and Kirk couldn’t be bothered to argue with her.

    Crewman Daniels 




Played By: John Fleck

Archer and Daniels’ main adversary in the Temporal Cold War. He’s the head of the Suliban Cabal, a group of genetically-enhanced Suliban who want to change history to their advantage, which is apparently to humanity’s disadvantage.

  • Arc Villain: He’s the main bad guy of Season 1, doesn’t show up as much in the second season, and is largely replaced by the Xindi in the third. He comes back for the Season 4 opener.
  • Enemy Mine: He teams up with Archer to fight Vosk in “Storm Front” because Vosk wants to destroy the Suliban too.
  • First-Name Basis: He’s fond of calling Archer “Jonathan.”
  • Karma Houdini: In “Shockwave, Part 2,” he escapes after helping cause massive destruction in the preceding episode.
  • Killed Off for Real:

    In the fourth season opener.

  • LEGO Genetics: He can shapeshift and compress his body to squeeze through narrow spaces thanks to genetic modifications.
  • Smug Snake: Often. In “Storm Front, Part 2,” it gets him assaulted by Archer.
  • Worthy Opponent: He calls Archer one in “Storm Front.”

    “Future Guy” 


Duras, Son of Toral

Played By: Daniel Riordan

A Klingon with a serious grudge against Archer after an incident involving refugees fleeing the Klingon Empire.

  • Generation Xerox: He’s just as big a petaQ’ as his descendant from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Even by Klingon standards, as he tries to pursue Enterprise into the Delphic Expanse, which Klingons fear so much that his own wingmen won’t follow him in.



Played By: Randy Ogelsby

A Xindi-Primate leader and the man who fired the prototype weapon on Earth. Killing seven million people has a profound effect on him, eventually making him open to talking with Archer.

  • Anti-Villain: He truly believes it’s a choice between his people or humans. When Archer proves that he’s been lied to, Degra allies with him.
  • Family-Values Villain: Has a wife and two children. He wants to protect them, but being a father also gives him a lot of guilt thinking about how many children he killed on Earth.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After Archer reveals to Degra that the Xindi are being manipulated, Degra becomes an ally of the Enterprise crew.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: This is what he continually tells himself about attacking humanity.
  • Mind Rape: Archer subjected him to amnesia and a prison break simulation to try and get information on the Xindi superweapon from him.
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: In his defense, he’s under a lot of stress throughout the third season.



Played By: Tucker Smallwood

The second Xindi-Primate representative and Chairman of the Xindi Council.

  • All There in the Manual: He isn’t named in the show. His name comes from the novelization of “The Expanse”/”The Xindi.”
  • Anti-Villain: He’s doing what he believes is in the best interest of the Xindi people, because his gods have lied to him.
  • Everyone Has Standards: He’s utterly disgusted by the Reptilians’ aggressive callousness.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: While he doesn’t initially believe Archer’s testimony, he does his utmost to ensure that he gets to say what he came to say.



Played By: Rick Worthy

The Xindi-Arboreal leader, and a friend and confidant of Degra.

  • Agent Scully: When he and Degra visit Enterprise to see Archer’s evidence, Jannar is not as easily convinced.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: His people don’t like water, making him uncomfortable on an Aquatic ship.

    Kiaphet Amman’sor 

Kiaphet Amman’sor

Played By:

The Xindi-Aquatic leader.

  • Reasonable Authority Figure: She’s usually the one keeping the other Xindi from going at each other’s throats. She’s also willing to listen to Archer, even though swaying her is no simple task.



    Dr. Arik Soong 


  • Arc Villain: For the Augment arc.
  • Beware the Superman: Exhibit B for why genetic engineering is banned on Earth, after Khan. Malik’s stronger, faster and smarter than any human… and a raging egotistical maniac who listens to no-one. He lacks Khan’s veneer of affability or culture.
  • Kick the Dog: Murdering Smyke, one of his fellow Augments, for not being Augment enough.
  • Smug Super: Why yes, he is aware he’s more dangerous than the average human. Very aware. He even tells Archer he’s going to attack him, seconds before he does just that.
  • The Starscream: Starts off by murdering the head Augment to be the chief himself.

One of the Augment children Aurik Soong raised, who has his own plans for what to do.

    Admiral Valdore 

    John Frederick Paxton 

Other recurring characters


    Commander Thy’lek Shran 



Played By: Kara Zediker

  • Fantastic Racism: She’s mistrustful of humans and thinks the only reason Syrran mind-melded with Archer was because there was no other choice. She’s rather taken aback when Surak’s katra chooses to stay in Archer’s head and re-evaluates her views.
  • Foregone Conclusion: That she was framed. It’s not that likely that the distinguished figure Kirk wants to impress was really a terrorist who once attacked Earth’s embassy.
  • The Fundamentalist: She and the other Syrranites are accused of this, and they have to live in a particularly brutal part of Vulcan to avoid persecution. In truth, they’re much better followers of logic than 22nd-century Vulcan society.
  • Good is Not Nice: She openly says she would try and force Surak’s katra out of Archer even if he wasn’t volunteering, justifying B’Elanna’s statement that she could be “ruthless” in her logic. She is, however, rather nice to T’Pol

    after T’Pol’s mother dies


  • Older and Wiser: Inverted. T’Pau is very logical and driven in her younger days, but she’s also mistrustful and doesn’t yet have the benefit of Surak’s original teachings to guide her.
  • The Spock: To Archer’s chagrin, she shoves him down an escape tunnel with the Kir’Shara rather than letting him retrieve T’Pol, who was knocked out in the fight with Vulcan cops. Getting the artifact to the capital is more important.


    T’Pol, of course , doesn’t skip a beat when she comes around and immediately tries to misdirect said cops when she wakes up.

A leader of the Syrannite sect, which is considered to be dangerous extremists by mainstream Vulcans. Archer and T’Pol search for her when her DNA is found on the bomb that destroyed the Earth embassy. She’s the same T’Pau who turns down a Federation council seat and officiates Spock’s wedding in TOS