Khí chất bao nhiêu, Hạnh phúc bấy nhiêu

It’s the people whom we love the most that we hurt the most. We think it’s because since they love us, they can tolerate whatever we do to them. We are dissatisfy with our jobs, with our friends and with our lives but we don’t dare say a word to our boss or our friends because we know we would lose our jobs and our friends would abandon us. Yet, we complain all of those to our partners, thinking they are responsible to hear us out, believing that they would never leave us no matter how badly we

It’s the people whom we love the most that we hurt the most. We think it’s because since they love us, they can tolerate whatever we do to them. We are dissatisfy with our jobs, with our friends and with our lives but we don’t dare say a word to our boss or our friends because we know we would lose our jobs and our friends would abandon us. Yet, we complain all of those to our partners, thinking they are responsible to hear us out, believing that they would never leave us no matter how badly we behave. We think since it’s “true love”, they would accept everything.

But dear, love was never meant to be tolerance and complaints. Love is about growth and encourage each other to be the best version of ourselves. Why would you show the best version of yourself to the world and the worst to your partner? The person you love doesn’t deserve to be treated like that. Love is unconditional but human’s tolerance to negativity has its limits. Don’t take the person you love for granted. Love is a two way street. No one could forever love someone who treated them so poorly. If you don’t express love to your partner, don’t ever expect to receive love back. If all you do is complain to them, don’t expect them to be considerate and listen on and on forever.
