How to grow your LinkedIn network to 10,000 contacts in 30 days

How to grow your LinkedIn network to 10,000 contacts in 30 days

LinkedIn growth hacks for the impatient

Follow my instructions and this will be you on Linkedin (metaphorically, not literally).

1) Import your email contacts

You know when you get an invite in your inbox and it says, “Jeremy would like to connect with you on LinkedIn” and you have no idea who Jeremy is or why he’s emailed you a connection message? Well, Jeremy has just decided to “Import” all of his email contacts onto LinkedIn so they each receive a connection message.

2) Connect with LIONS

L.I.O.Ns stands for “LinkedIn Open Networkers” — these are professionals on LinkedIn that are open to random people who they do not know adding them to connect. In short: these are people that will definitely accept your invitation to connect.

3) Add people who look at your profile

The great thing about LinkedIn is that it has a ‘Who’s Viewed Your Profile’ section that you can check. This gives you a list of LinkedIn users that have recently visited and read your profile.

4) Complete your profile, keyword optimise it

LinkedIn right now is like Google in the early days: the more you write a particular keyword in your profile, the greater weighting the LinkedIn algorithm gives to your page when people are searching for that. Learning: fill your profile page with a popular (make it relevant to you, not random!) search term that people on LinkedIn are likely to be searching for.

5) Post your LinkedIn profile URL in the right Facebook groups

With this being an article about LinkedIn, you’d probably expect me to talk about the pros of LinkedIn groups…wrong! Facebook is where all the best professional networking goes down nowadays.

6) Automate tactics 1, 2 and 3 with software

So, despite me explaining above exactly how to get to your first 10,000 contacts in one month on LinkedIn — it’s still a lot of manual effort. And, in 2018, who really has time to do anything manually anymore? That’s for schmucks!

What next? Make money!

So, once you’ve grown your LinkedIn network to 10,000 contacts — what do you do next?

Turn your LinkedIn network into sales-ready leads

My name is Jonny Rose and I’m the founder of Win At LinkedIn, a LinkedIn coaching service that trains B2B professionals to find leads, nurture prospects and close deals.

Let’s turn you into a Sales MACHINE, go here.