Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) – OPEXUS | Low-Code Platform & Case Management Solutions
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
In today’s world of complex and disparate applications, it’s common to have data stored in one application (such as your financial application) that is also needed in multiple other applications (such as your contracts or human resources applications). This is often addressed by batch data transfers between applications. Unfortunately, this usually involves manual processes that are prone to error, which can often lead to out-of-date or “stale” information in the core systems that you rely upon for your operations.
An Enterprise Service Bus, or ESB, is an ideal technology solution that can help you overcome the challenges of integrating data and services across your enterprise.
An ESB is often used as the application integration layer in an organization’s enterprise architecture using smart connectors to provide a layer of abstraction between the bus and application. Common ESB usages include integration services and transforming data to a common data structure for consumption by alternate end systems. The ESB is often characterized as the backbone upon which to build a SOA. An ESB is a distributed services architecture based on standard interfaces, which delivers messaging middleware, intelligent routing, and message transformation in conjunction with a flexible security framework and a management infrastructure for configuring, deploying, and monitoring the services.