87 Advanced Business Writing Tips [That Actually Work]


I’m excited to share these top 87 business writing tips with you.

They were honed while I studied English Literature and Rhetoric, taught writing at the university level, and worked with thousands of individuals and hundreds of companies to help people write better at work. Many of these tips come directly from our award-winning online business writing courses. 

My hope is these tips help you enjoy writing, improve your business communications, get ahead in your career, and grow your business!

1. Know your audience

Business writing is all about your reader. Your reader is your focus point, not what you know.

2. Prime questions

Before you write anything, ask yourself these two questions:

1. Who is my reader?
2. What do I want this reader to know or do?

If you can’t answer these two questions, stop. Don’t write the document because it has no purpose.


Planning & process tips


3. Think first

Business writing is just as much about thinking as it is about writing.

4. Most time is planning

You should spend approximately 50% of your time planning a business document or email.

5. Drafting is easy

Drafting a document is the easiest part and should require approximately 20% of your time.

6. Editing time

Allocate 30% of your time to editing.

7. Plan first, then draft

Accept that you want to draft more than you want to plan a document or email. Everyone does. Drafting gives us a (sometimes false) sense of accomplishment. And, drafting is easier than planning.

8. Woody Allen is right about writing

Woody Allen calls the planning portion of writing the “pace the floor” part. If you are an analytical thinker, which many business writers are, this is natural for you, but accept that sometimes it makes your brain hurt as your mind has to figure out all the interconnections.

9. Concept maps are essential for business writers

Mapping the structure of a complex document will make both planning and drafting much easier.

10. Develop headings

When you plan your documents, write a heading for each main section of your document. Don’t worry about the wording of the heading as you are planning to document, but verify that you can encapsulate the content of that section into a heading. If you can’t, your content is murky so fix it now before you waste time trying to edit the language when the real problem is disorganization.

11. Start where It’s easiest

You don’t have to begin writing a document or email at the first sentence. The first sentence is often the hardest sentence to write. Instead, look at your document headings and write the section that is easiest or most interesting for you. Once you begin writing, the interconnectivity of thoughts will ignite, and the rest of the document will be easier to write.

12. How to jump in and out 

In real life, business writers don’t have the luxury of a half-day of uninterrupted writing time. To maximize your efficiency, refer to the map or outline you created, decide which section you can tackle in the time you have, and start drafting. Having a map and headings will prevent you from having to re-engage your thinking all over again each time you exit and enter the document.

13. Back up when you get stuck

The best recommendation given to me during my years of rhetorical studies was: “The secret of writing is knowing when to back up. Don’t try to edit and polish before something is fully drafted. Don’t try to draft before your thoughts are clear. When you get stuck, back up!” As a business writer, this has saved me lots of frustration.

14. Hire a coach

Hire a business writing coach and receive personalized feedback. One-on-one sessions will help you gain confidence in your writing and communication skills.

Format tips


15. Paragraphs seven lines or less online

In email or other documents that will be read online, be certain your paragraphs aren’t longer than seven lines. (Lines, not sentences.) Any longer than that and readability studies show that your readers just see a big block of text and jump over it.

16. Dangling expressions are funny but avoid them

Dangling expressions commonly creep in documents in bullets and when copying and pasting. 


David Corcoran wrote the project plan while traveling to Atlanta on the back of an envelope. 

(Who knew one could travel on an envelope?)


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17. Use regular words to avoid non-sexist writing

Avoid awkward non-sexist constructions like his/her and s/he. Instead, write out the actual words – his or her.

18. Headings will allow your readers to scan easily

Using headings in email to highlight the organization will allow readers to scan the email more efficiently.

19. Make it easy for your reader to scan

Add white space to your documents by using numbered and bulleted lists.

20. Use format to indicate hierarchy

Indent paragraphs to visually indicate it is a subset of the information above.

Related: How to Format Your Business Document

Language best practices


21. Write to express, not to impress

In business writing, your goal is to easily transmit ideas and information, not to flaunt a big vocabulary. 

22. Concise writing is skilled writing

Concise writing is harder to craft than writing that has no length limit. Blaise Pasqual stated, “I apologize for the length of my letter. I did not have time to make it shorter.”

23. Use short words

I’ve long admired Richard Lederer’s writing on language. In his 1991 book, The Miracle of Language, Lederer sings the praises of the short word:

When you speak and write, there is no law that says you have to use big words. Short words are as good as long ones, and short, old words— like sun and grass and home—are best of all. A lot of small words, more than you might think, can meet your needs with a strength, grace, and charm that large words do not have.

Two tips on clarity I always highlight in our business writing courses: 

  • Never use a big word when a small word will do.
  • Any time a word is not truly needed, cut it.
24. Use staccato short words to grab attention

To grab your reader’s attention at pivotal moments in a document, such as the recommendation or conclusion, deliberately shift one or two sentences to all single-syllable words. A break in varied syllable length has the same effect on reading a document that staccato notes have when listening to music. The short, staccato words subconsciously alert your reader that something has shifted, causing them to pay more attention.  

25. Winston Churchill wisdom

Winston Churchill wisely stated, “Big men use little words, and little men use big words.”

26. Verbs = Energy

Verbs are the pivot point of a sentence. Strong verbs have real punch. Compare:

  1. The famous strong verb example by Julius Caesar: “Veni, vidi, vici.” I came, I saw, I conquered.

  2. Business-speak: I was in attendance, and I conducted a review of the situation and culture, and I made recommendations for acquisition.

27. Use precise verbs

To bring clarity to your writing, use precise and evocative verbs. Business writers tend to muddle verbs because imprecise verb use is so common in business writing that it sounds normal to our ears.

28. Don’t smother verbs

A common clarity problem in business writing is “smothered verbs,” which are verbs that were changed to nouns (called “nominalization”). For example, the verb decide is nominalized into the noun decision. These nominalized verbs require helping words around them that smother their impact, muddle the clarity of a sentence, and increase sentence length.

29. Verbs used right bring clarity

Enhance clarity by using a specific verb, instead of a smothered nominalized word.

The core verb in this sentence is “decide:”

We need to make a decision about hiring either Kevin or Kira. – smothered verb

We need to decide about hiring either Kevin or Kira. – unsmothered verb

30. How to cut 20%–25% of bloat

Cutting smothered verbs reduces document length by 20–25% in most business documents. None of the smothering words have any value. Unsmothering verbs is a very powerful clarity technique.

31. “Take” near a verb is smothered

Watch out for the word take near the verb in a sentence or sentence clause. If take is next to a verb or nominalized verb phrase, it is smothered. 

We need to take the data findings into consideration if we expand the product line.We need to consider the data findings if we expand the product line.

32. “Give” near a verb is smothered

Watch out for the word give near the verb in a sentence or sentence clause. If give is next to a verb or nominalized verb phrase, it is smothered.

Let me give consideration to your muddled writing.
Let me consider your muddled writing.

33. “Have” near a verb is smothered

Watch out for the word have near the verb in a sentence or sentence clause. If have is next to a verb or nominalized verb phrase, it is smothered.

I have a suspicion some of your verbs are smothered.
I suspect some of your verbs are smothered.

34. “Make” near a verb is smothered

Watch out for the word make near the verb in a sentence or sentence clause. If make is next to a verb or nominalized verb phrase, it is smothered.

We promise to make an adjustment to your account by tomorrow.
We promise to adjust your account by tomorrow.

35. “Conduct” near a verb is smothered

Watch out for the word conduct near the verb in a sentence or sentence clause. If conduct is next to a verb or nominalized verb phrase, it is smothered.

We’ll need to conduct a review of the data before the decision can be made.
We’ll need to review the data before deciding. (Two smothered verbs corrected)

36. “Come” near a verb is smothered

Watch out for the word come near the verb in a sentence or sentence clause. If come is next to a verb or nominalized verb phrase, it is smothered.

We came to the conclusion that prices had to increase.
We concluded that prices had to increase.

37. “-ion or -ment” near a verb is usually smothered

Look for words ending in -ion and -ment near the verb in a sentence or sentence clause. If -ion or -ment is next to a verb or nominalized verb phrase, it is likely smothered.

Are we in agreement that clarity matters?
Do we agree that clarity matters?

Extend an invitation to Karen and Sunita.
Invite Karen and Sunita.

38. Avoid wimpy verbs

Avoid wimpy verbs that need a helping word to enable the verb to do its job in the sentence. 




into the room

slowly and quietly

with her head averted, hoping no one would notice she was late.



into the room, hoping no one would notice she was late.


planned and worked on

the technical aspect of the project plan.



the project plan.

39. Avoid redundancy

Avoid redundant verb modifiers.

Damian shouted loudly at Clarrisa after she missed the deadline.
Damian shouted at Clarrisa after she missed the deadline. (Shouting, by definition, is loud, so no modifier is needed.)

40. Don’t start sentences with “There is” or “There are.”

Weak sentences frequently start with “There is” or “There are.” Instead, cut to the chase. Find the real subject and start there.

There was a strong disagreement between the divisions about the reorganization structure.
The two sides strongly disagreed about the reorganization structure.

41. Active voice is better than passive voice

Active voice is more dynamic and lively than passive voice, typically.

42. Use reader-focused wording

To increase reader engagement, shift appropriately from writer-focused wording to reader-focused writing. Be judicious. An entire document written with reader-focus wording can feel smarmy or too much like a marketing pitch. Used judiciously, it’s very effective.

We have decided to upgrade the features of our training course.
You will automatically receive updated features in your training course.

43. Avoid jargon

Jason Fried, the CEO of 37 Signals, stated: “Jargon is insecurity.” I agree.

So often, I hear people within an organization parrot each other with phrases that have been used so much they have become meaningless.


  • Lots of moving parts
  • Give 110%
  • Synergy
  • Think outside the box
  • Tiger team
  • View more jargon examples to avoid

Bonus Tip: You can also use our free Jargon Grader to check your writing for over 700 jargon words and phrases.

44. Be polite. It echoes.

Everything we write at work has a larger echo. This echo is both a worry and an opportunity to advance your career. For example, you may have to deny a funding request to present research at a conference, but the larger echo requirement is maintaining the drive to innovate and research at your company. Don’t win a battle and lose the war.

45. Own your work

Avoid “I think …” or “I suggest …” or “I wonder if we should …”

Instead, confidently write “I recommend …” or omit the “I” lead statement and simply write “Merge the divisions.”

46. Use standard grammar, even when challenging

Subjects and verbs need to agree in number. In an attempt be non-sexist, some business writers recommend writing, “Each person did their work quietly.”

Each is singular. Their is plural. It’s grammatically incorrect.

47. How to dodge awkward his or her dilemma

To dodge the awkward his or her dilemma, shift the subject to plural when possible:

A manager is trained to support his or her employees.
Managers are trained to support their employees.

48. The right amount of information helps the reader and writer

A little extra information provided can resolve repeated questions:
As noted on page four of the instruction booklet, photocopying on both sides requires two steps.

49. Equal respect matters

Use consistency naming people. Mr. Jones and Arlene Kelly should be referred to consistently as David Jones and Arlene Kelly or as Mr. Jones and Ms. Kelly.

50. Avoid exclusionary words

Use neutral job titles that do not imply gender – chairperson, not chairman or chairwoman.

51. Confident tone tip

To instill a confident tone to your writing, shorten your sentences and avoid the common overuse of“, and” in sentences. Which statement sounds more confident to you?

Training with us is easy, and you can hand us the job and just walk away.  You won’t worry about a thing, and you can get back to what you do best.  Relax knowing your project is moving seamlessly to completion, and you can simply calculate the savings.


Training with us is easy.  Hand us the job and just walk away.  You won’t worry about a thing. Get back to what you do best.  Relax knowing your project is moving seamlessly to completion. Simply calculate the savings.

Do you hear the difference in confident tone? The second statement sounds much less out-of-breath or desperate to please and more confident and competent. It is calmer and assuring.

52. Take a course

Continue to hone your skills by taking an effective business writing course. A structured course can help you develop effective business writing techniques [Learn More].

Business writing editing tips & tricks 


53. An exclamation point is already superlative

Never use more than one exclamation point at the end of a sentence.

When I studied rhetoric in graduate school, my favorite professor shared this funny statement about using too many exclamation points in general. 

“Too many exclamation points make a document feel as if it has been written by an unfocused over-caffeinated cheerleader.”

54. Use clear words rather than emphasis punctuation 

Exclamation points are often used in business writing to generate enthusiasm when the real problem is imprecise information. More accurate, clear information will generate reader engagement far better than trying to spice a murky document with exclamation points.

55. Editing first step

The first step in editing is verifying that content matches reader needs – not too much, and not too little.

56. Editing second step

The second step in editing is making sure the document is as easy to scan as possible. Add headings, bullet lists, appropriate bold text, and lots of white space.

57. Editing third step

The third step in editing is correcting grammar, sentence structure, and eliminating bloat.

58. Break paragraphs frequently

Every new thought needs a new paragraph. When in doubt, break the paragraph.

59. Paragraph length is varied

A one-sentence paragraph is both correct and emphatic. Don’t be afraid to write a one-sentence paragraph.

60. Designate an editor for group documents

When a group writes a document, designate one writer as the final editor to ensure a coherent voice.

61. Planning eases editing

If you are spending too much time editing, you probably rushed the planning of your document.

62. Editing can’t compensate for poor planning

Editing should need a dusting, not an editorial massacre.

63. How to proofread a colleague’s document

If a colleague asks you to edit their document, you must ask them about both the purpose of the document and about the audience. Without this information, you can only clean grammar.

64. Punctuation matters

A woman without her man is nothing.
A woman: without her, man is nothing.

Grammar tips for business writing


65. #1 Most Common Business Grammar Error

The most common grammar error we see in client writing during business writing training is fused or run-on sentences.

66. #2 Most Common Business Grammar Error

The second most common grammar error we see in client writing is sentence fragments.

67. #3 Most Common Business Grammar Error

The third most common grammar error we see in client writing is hyphen errors.

68. #4 Most Common Business Grammar Error

The fourth most common grammar error we see in client writing is me, myself, and I errors.

69. #5 Most Common Business Grammar Error

The fifth most common grammar error we see in client writing is introductory clause comma errors.

70. Grammar errors are individual

Everyone makes different grammar errors. Therefore, to improve grammar, the first step has to be an accurate diagnosis of an individual’s entrenched grammar errors.

71. Wide-ranging grammar training won’t help

A review of many grammar rules is ineffective in actually improving business writing sentence structure. More effective is focusing on what is incorrect.

72. Best grammar resource

By far, the best grammar resource on the Internet is Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab. It includes explanations and exercises. 

73. Best grammar analysis

Grammar Girl is an excellent resource for current grammar use and rationale.

74. Best business grammar resource

Instructional Solutions’ Business Grammar category in their Business Writing Info blog is an excellent resource for business-specific grammar use.

75. Oxford Comma yes or no

Grammarians will never agree about whether or not to use the Oxford Comma (also called a Serial Comma). I recommend that business writers use it because of consistency and clarification advantages.

76. Grammar rules are inflexible

Grammarians who believe a grammar rule should never be broken are called prescriptivists.

77. Grammar rules are flexible

Grammarians who believe language is more flexible, and grammar rules may be broken, are called descriptivists. 

78. My recommendation on the prescriptivist vs. descriptivist divide

In business writing, it’s best to stick with established grammar rules because a client or potential customer could see what they perceive as an error and believe your work is simply sloppy.

Business writing tools


For all the best business writing tools check out our full article here. 

79. Best grammar and editing tool

Grammarly is our top business writing tool recommendation. Use it as the last check before you send anything. It will also detect plagiarism. Don’t forget plagiarism applies to text as well as images.

80. Cut the bloat

Hemingway is a free app that detects bloat in your writing.

81. Best tool you already have

Microsoft Readability Measurement Tool, already embedded in Word and Outlook, provides helpful business writing clarity measurements. Grammarly is better.

82. Tone Analyzer

Tone Analyzer assesses the tone of your business writing.

83. Jargon Detector

Unsuck It is a rude, but useful, tool that assesses business writing jargon.

84. Free concept mapping tool

Freemind is free mind mapping software that is very easy to use.

85. How to easily learn concept mapping

This tutorial will teach you to use Freemind in ten minutes.

86. Hire the better writer

In his insightful book, Rework, Jason Fried stated:

All things being equal, hire the better writer. Good writers know what to include and what to omit. They understand people and motivation. They can express complex information in a way it can be shared. Whether the position is sales, engineering, software development, or HR, always hire the better writer.

I agree with Jason Fried. However, business writing is a skill that can be honed. Since 1998, my company, Instructional Solutions, and I have helped thousands of individuals and hundreds of companies write better at work.

87. Subscribe to our blog

We wanted to add one last tip! If you liked this article you can subscribe to our blog here. We often write articles focused on helping you become a better professional writer. 

For a deeper dive into business writing and for even more tips, read our full Guide to Business Writing.

Bonus: 19 Actionable Writing Tips Infographic



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